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  f fex ft fext
fSTR         Straight
fdSTR         Straight half width
fSTRf         Straight forward
fSTRg         Straight back
fKSTRa         Straight start
fKSTRe         Straight end
fSTR~L         Straight shifted left
fSTR~R         Straight shifted right
fLSTR         Straight continuation
fSTRq         Straight across
fSTRfq         Straight across, forward
fSTRgq         Straight across, back
fKSTRaq         Straight start, across
fKSTReq         Straight end, across
fdSTRq         Straight across, half width
fLSTRq         Straight across, continuation
fSTR2+4         Diagonal right to left
fSTR3+1         Diagonal left to right
fSTRr         Turn to right
fSTRl         Turn to left
fSTR+r         Turn from right
fSTR+l         Turn from left
fLSTRr         Turn to right, interruption
fLSTRl         Turn to left, interruption
fLSTR+r         Turn from right, interruption
fLSTR+l         Turn from left, interruption
fSTRr+l         Turn to right & from left
fSTRl+r         Turn to left & from right
fSTR3         Curve to corner 3
fdSTR3         Curve to corner 3, half width
fSTR2         Curve to corner 2
fdSTR2         Curve to corner 2, half width
fSTR+4         Curve from corner 4
fdSTR+4         Curve from corner 4, half width
fSTR+1         Curve from corner 1
fdSTR+1         Curve from corner 1, half width
fSTRr+1         Curve from corner 1 to right
fSTRl+4         Curve from corner 4 to left
fSTR2+r         Curve to corner 2 from right
fSTR3+l         Curve to corner 3 from left
fSTR3+4         Corner to corner from corner 4 to corner 3
fSTR2+1         Corner to corner from corner 1 to corner 2
fSTR1+4         Corner to corner between corners 1 and 4
fSTR2+3         Corner to corner between corners 2 and 3
fSTR1         Tight curves forward to corner 1
fSTRl+1         Tight curves to left from corner 1
fSTR2+l         Tight curves to left from corner 2
fSTR+2         Tight curves forward from corner 2
fSTR+3         Tight curves forward from corner 3
fSTR3+r         Tight curves to right from corner 3
fSTRr+4         Tight curves to right from corner 4
fSTR4         Tight curves forward to corner 4
f3STR2         3 Curves forward, left
f-3STRq         3 Curves forward, center
f3STR3         3 Curves forward, right
f3STR+1         3 Curves backward, left
f3STRq-         3 Curves backward, center
f3STR+4         3 Curves backward, right
f3STR3+l         3 Curves backward, left
fv3STR-         3 Curves backward, middle
f3STRl+4         3 Curves backward, right
f3STR2+r         3 Curves forward, left
fv-3STR         3 Curves forward, middle
f3STRr+1         3 Curves forward, right
fkSTR3         k Curves forward to corner 3
fkSTR2         k Curves forward to corner 2
fkSTR+4         k Curves forward from corner 4
fkSTR+1         k Curves forward from corner 1
fkSTRr+1         k Curves from corner 1 to right
fkSTRl+4         k Curves from corner 4 to left
fkSTR2+r         k Curves to corner 2 from right
fkSTR3+l         k Curves to corner 3 from left
fSTRc1         Upper-right corner
fdSTRc1         Upper-right corner half width
fSTRc2         Lower-right corner
fdSTRc2         Lower-right corner half width
fSTRc3         Lower-left corner
fdSTRc3         Lower-left corner half width
fSTRc4         Upper-left corner
fdSTRc4         Upper-left corner half width
fSTRc12         Upper- & lower-right corners
fSTRc23         Lower-left & -right corners
fSTRc34         Upper- & lower-left corners
fSTRc14         Upper-left & -right corners
fSTRc13         Upper-right & lower-left corners
fSTRc24         Upper-left & lower-right corners
fSTRc123         Upper right & both bottom corners
fSTRc124         Bottom right & both upper corners
fSTRc134         Bottom left & both upper corners
fSTRc234         Upper left & both bottom corners
fSTRc1234         All corners
fkSTRc1         k corner Upper-right corner
fkSTRc2         k corner Lower-right corner
fkSTRc3         k corner Lower-left corner
fkSTRc4         k corner Upper-left corner
fkSTRc12         k corner Upper- & lower-right corners
fkSTRc23         k corner Lower-left & -right corners
fkSTRc34         k corner Upper- & lower-left corners
fkSTRc14         k corner Upper-left & -right corners
fkSTRc13         k corner Upper-right & lower-left corners
fkSTRc24         k corner Upper-left & lower-right corners
fkSTRc123         k corner Upper right & both bottom corners
fkSTRc124         k corner Bottom right & both upper corners
fkSTRc134         k corner Bottom left & both upper corners
fkSTRc234         k corner Upper left & both bottom corners
fkSTRc1234         k corner All corners
  f fex ft fext


  f fex ft fext
fENDEa         start
fENDEe         end
fENDEaq         to left
fENDEeq         to right
fENDE         with continuation
fENDExa         start, with unused continuation
fENDExe         end, with unused continuation
  f fex ft fext


  f fex ft fext
fCONTg         back
fLCONTg         back, interruption
fCONTf         forward
fLCONTf         forward, interruption
fCONTgq         to left
fCONTfq         to right
fCONT1         from corner 1
fCONT2         from corner 2
fCONT3         from corner 3
fCONT4         from corner 4
fCONTf+r         forward from right
fCONTf+l         forward from left
fCONTr+f         right from forward
fCONTl+f         left from forward
fCONTg+r         back from right
fCONTg+l         back from left
fCONTr+g         right from back
fCONTl+g         left from back
fCONT2+r         to corner 2 from right
fCONT3+l         to corner 3 from left
fCONT1+f         to corner 1 from forward
fCONT4+f         to corner 4 from forward
fCONT1+r         to corner 1 from right
fCONT4+l         to corner 4 from left
fCONT3+g         to corner 3 from back
fCONT2+g         to corner 2 from back
  f fex ft fext


  f fex ft fext
One quarter (¼)
fSHI1l         to left
fSHI1r         to right
fSHI1+l         from left
fSHI1+r         from right
fdSHI1+l         from left, half width
fSHI1c1         corner 1
fSHI1c2         corner 2
fSHI1c3         corner 3
fSHI1c4         corner 4
Two quarters (½)
fSHI2l         to left
fSHI2r         to right
fSHI2+l         from left
fSHI2+r         from right
fSHI2c1         corner 1
fSHI2c2         corner 2
fSHI2c3         corner 3
fSHI2c4         corner 4
fdSHI2c1         corner 1, half width
fdSHI2c2         corner 2, half width
fdSHI2c3         corner 3, half width
fdSHI2c4         corner 4, half width
fv-SHI2r         from left to right
fvSHI2l-         from right to left
Three quarters (¾)
fSHI3l         to left
fSHI3r         to right
fSHI3+l         from left
fSHI3+r         from right
fdSHI3l         to left, half width
fdSHI3r         to right, half width
fvSHI3l-         to left from right line
fv-SHI3l         to left from left line
fv-SHI3r         to right from left line
fvSHI3r-         to right from right line
fvSHI3+l-         from left to right line
fv-SHI3+l         from left to left line
fv-SHI3+r         from right to left line
fvSHI3+r-         from right to right line
fdSHI3c1         corner 1, half width
fdSHI3c2         corner 2, half width
fdSHI3c3         corner 3, half width
fdSHI3c4         corner 4, half width
Four quarters (1)
fKRWl         to left
fLKRWl         to left, interruption
fKRWr         to right
fLKRWr         to left, interruption
fKRW+l         from left
fLKRW+l         from left, interruption
fKRW+r         from right
fLKRW+r         from right, interruption
fSTR3h+1h         from left to right
fSTR2h+4h         from right to left
fSHI4c1         corner 1
fSHI4c2         corner 2
fSHI4c3         corner 3
fSHI4c4         corner 4
double width
fbSHI4r.LL         to right
fbSHI4l.RR         to left
  f fex ft fext




  f fe fx fex ft fet fxt fext fh feh fxh fexh
fABZgl                         Forward and to left
fKRWgl+l                         Branch to and from left
fKRWglo+l                         Branch to left over from left
fTEEa                         At start
  f fe fx fex ft fet fxt fext fh feh fxh fexh
  f fe fx fex ft fet fxt fext fh feh fxh fexh
fhABZgl                         Branch down direction: to left
fmABZgl                         Down & to left
  f fe fx fex ft fet fxt fext fh feh fxh fexh


e x ex
f…ABZg+lr         Through and from left & right
f…ABZqr+r         Across and to & from right
e x ex


e x ex
f…ABZ23         Forward to corners 2 & 3
f…ABZ+14         Forward from corners 1 & 4
f…ABZr+12         To right from corners 1 & 2
f…ABZl+34         To left from corners 3 & 4
e x ex



The terms level, over, under and across in the description column refer to the trail or foot path (green line) perspective.

f…KRZ         Crossing level
fm…KRZ         Rail crossing level, unsignaled
f…KRZ-A         Major road crossing level




e x ex
f…hSTRae         Bridge
f…hKRZWae         Bridge over water
f…KRZo         Crossing over (along), under (across)
f…KRZu         Crossing under (along), over (across)
fSKRZ-G4uhl         Road crossing under, left end
f…SKRZ-Ao         Major road crossing over
f…SKRZ-Au         Major road crossing under
f…SKRZ-Bo         Motorway crossing over
f…SKRZ-Bu         Motorway crossing under
f…hSTRaeq         Bridge across
f…hKRZWaeq         Bridge across, over water
f…hSTRa@g         Long bridge alternative start
f…hSTRa         Long bridge start
f…hSTR         Long bridge middle
f…hSTRe         Long bridge end
f…hSTRe@f         Long bridge alternative end
f…hKRZWa         Long bridge start, over water
f…hKRZW         Long bridge middle, over water
f…hKRZWe         Long bridge end, over water
f…WBRÜCKE1         Short bridge over water
f…WBRÜCKE1q         Short bridge across, over water
f…WBRÜCKE2         Culvert over water
e x ex

Tunnel & underpass

fTUNNEL1     Tunnel
fTUNNEL1r     Tunnel Right
fTUNNEL2     Short tunnel for several in a row
ftSTRa     Long tunnel start
ftSTR     Long tunnel
ftSTRe     Long tunnel end
fSBRÜCKE     Underpass across
fSBRÜCKEa     Underpass across, start
fSBRÜCKEe     Underpass across, end

Other features



  f fex
KRZW     Ford
KRZWq     Ford across
KRZWu     Underpass
STR+vWSTR-     – Water on right
STR+v-WSTR     – Water on left
STR+r+WSHI1l     Trail from right – water from center to left parallel
STRr+WSHI1+l     Trail to right – water from left parallel to center
STR+l+WSHI1r     Trail from left – water from center to right parallel
STRl+WSHI1+r     Trail to left – water from right parallel to center
  f fex

Uphill gradient

  f fex
fGDTf     Slope ascent ↓
fGDTff     Steep slope ascent ↓
fGDTfg     Hill
fGDTgg     Steep slope ascent ↑
fGDTg     Slope ascent ↑
fGDTgf     Valley
fGIP     Summit
  f fex


  f fex
fSTR+GRZq     Border
fZOLL     Customs
fxZOLL     Customs trail closed
fKMW     Milepost
fOBJl     Miscellaneous on left
fOBJr     Miscellaneous on right
fOBJrl     Miscellaneous on both sides
  f fex


e x ex
f…KBHFa-L         left end, trail start
f…dKBHFa-L         left end, trail start, half width
f…KBHFxa-L         left end, trail start, trail out-of-use beyond
f…BHF-L         left end
f…dBHF-L         left end, half width
f…KBHFxe-L         left end, trail end, trail out-of-use beyond
f…KBHFe-L         left end, end
f…KBHFa-M         middle section, trail start
f…dKBHFa-M         middle section, trail start, half width
f…KBHFxa-M         middle section, trail start, trail out-of-use beyond
f…BHF-M         middle section
f…KBHFxe-M         middle section, trail end, trail out-of-use beyond
f…KBHFe-M         middle section, trail end
f…KBHFa-R         right end, trail start
f…dKBHFa-R         right end, trail start, half width
f…KBHFxa-R         right end, trail start, trail out-of-use beyond
f…BHF-R         right end
f…dBHF-R         right end, half width
f…KBHFxe-R         right end, trail end, trail out-of-use beyond
f…KBHFe-R         right end, trail end
f…dKBHFe-R         right end, trail end, half width
f…lBHF         no trail
f…lBHF~F         no trail, moved forward
f…lBHF~G         no trail, moved back
f…lBHF~L         no trail, moved left
f…lBHF~R         no trail, moved right
f…BHFq         across
f…dBHF         half width
f…KBHFxa         trail start, trail out-of-use beyond
f…KBHFxe         trail end, trail out-of-use beyond
f…mTBHF         on railway
f…mTBHFq         on railway across
f…BHF-A         on major road
f…KBHFxaq         trail to left, trail out-of-use beyond
f…KBHFxeq         trail to right, trail out-of-use beyond
f…BHF3+1         trail to corner 3 from corner 1
f…BHF2+4         trail to corner 2 from corner 4
f…BHF+1         trail from corner 1
f…BHF2         trail to corner 2
f…BHF3         trail to corner 3
f…BHF+4         trail from corner 4
f…KBHFa         trail start
f…dKBHFa         trail start, half width
f…KBHFe         trail end
f…dKBHFe         trail end, half width
f…KBHFaq         trail to left
f…KBHFeq         trail to right
f…KBHF1         trail to corner 1
f…KBHF2         trail to corner 2
f…KBHF3         trail to corner 3
f…KBHF4         trail to corner 4
f…HST-R         right end
f…HST-L         left end
f…KHSTa         trail start
f…KHSTa-R         right end, trail start
f…KHSTa-L         left end, trail start
f…KHSTe         trail end
f…KHSTe-R         right end, trail start
f…KHSTe-L         left end, trail start
f…mTHST         on railway
f…mTHSTq         on railway across
f…HST-A         on major road
f…HSTq         trail across
f…HST3+1         trail to corner 3 from corner 1
f…HST2+4         trail to corner 2 from corner 4
f…HST+1         trail from corner 1
f…HST2         trail to corner 2
f…HST3         trail to corner 3
f…HST+4         trail from corner 4
e x ex

Note: Additional symbols are available at BSicon/Catalogue/others and Category:BSicon/railway/set f.