Topic on User talk:Sjoerddebruin

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Infrastruktur (talkcontribs)

Hi. Thanks for adding the changes to the gadget.

The ResourceLoader dependencies should probably be changed from "mediawiki.util" to "mediawiki.api".

Sjoerddebruin (talkcontribs)

✓ Uitgevoerd, and no problem! There wasn't much input so I went for a hard launch.

Infrastruktur (talkcontribs)

Was unsure whether Gadgets would wait for a DOM ready event, so I added an unpatrolled edit to one of the large Covid-19 items and loaded it at GPRS speeds observing the API call finished before the DOM loaded, which made it non-functional.

I bet most frontend devs just loads everything at DOM ready, but it would be more responsive to immediately fire the API call then wait for DOM ready inside the if(unpatrolled > 0) statement before changing the DOM to display the message. Could I bother you to add this?

Sjoerddebruin (talkcontribs)

You should be able to edit yourself as well, it's not only limited to interface moderators. And I agree!

Infrastruktur (talkcontribs)

I just checked. Was not able to edit Gadget JS or CSS, only the JSON files. Anyways it's pretty much a one-liner.

Sjoerddebruin (talkcontribs)

Ah, things must have changed then. Please provide the adjustments.

Infrastruktur (talkcontribs)

Sure. While I was at it I decided to make it a little nicer too. It now reports how many unpatrolled edits there are. Here are the new version: . You can remove the commented out translations object from the javascript and replace the contents of the JSON file with it. The old translations need to go. Thanks for your time.

Sjoerddebruin (talkcontribs)

Done, thank you.

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