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Date of death reference from Boijmans with not matching precision

Marsupium (talkcontribs)

With this edit you have added a reference to for the date of death "6 June 1677". But the day and month do not seem to be supported by the source. I will remove the reference for now. But does this issue appear for other items as well? Could you have a look? Thanks in advance!

Hannolans (talkcontribs)
Marsupium (talkcontribs)

So this might be a bug in the matching by OpenRefine?

Hannolans (talkcontribs)
Marsupium (talkcontribs)

I guess this is less about double dates and more about the precision. Does Boijmans provide any dates more precise than a year? If not removing all Boijmans references from more precise dates could fix the problem.

Hannolans (talkcontribs)

They provide both. I don't think this is a huge problem as I don't see other mistakes, I do see several mistakes from some Belgium museums. As I don't see those wrong years in the source I delete them.

Marsupium (talkcontribs)

I've just stumbled upon another case. Could you have another look to remove those wrong references? Thank you!

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