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Community & Business Groups

W3C Games Community Group Town Hall at GDC

The first Games Community Group event of 2012 will be held right before GDC ( on March 4th at the Mascone Center in San Francisco.

The Summit is free and open to the public. Sign up here:

The details:
Games Community Group Town Hall
Sunday, March 4 from 4-6pm

Mascone Center
Room 2002, West Hall 2nd Floor
747 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94103

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So what will we do at this Town Hall?

Like our last summit, the goal of this town hall is to track the implementation of specifications this group has already recommended and extract and document new recommendations.

If you are planning to come to the Town Hall, please take the next month to continue to review the missing features/APIs we documented at our last meeting, file bugs with the browser vendors against them, and collect new features to propose to the group.

If you cannot make it on March 4th, feel free to discuss issues you care about on the mailing list, and send your proposals to me to be presented to the group. Take a look at our last report for examples of how to propose a new feature.

You can read a summary of our last report here:

You can read the full report from our last summit here:

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