W3CPublic Policy Page

1. Introduction

The Web's success is drawing attention from outside its immediate technical and user community. Consequently the Web is now at the center of a number of policy debates. While the W3C is not a lobbying organization, we are still presented with a number of issues and challenges with respect to policy and the law -- particularly within an international context.

2. Current Activities

The main activities in the Policy area are pursued in the Security Activity and the Privacy Activity

2.1. Security Activity

2.2. Privacy Activity

3. Historical links and things

Please see the W3C Statement on Public Policy.

Related Interest Groups (Member Only)

Policy Interest Group
Security Interest Group

Policy Related Presentations

Social Protocols: Enabling Sophisticated Commerce on the Web. (DCSB, March 98; older version IMA, June 97)

Promoting User Confidence on the Web (Digital, Oct. 97)

Designing a Social Protocol: Lessons Learned from P3P (TPRC, Sept. 97)

P3P (Open Group, Sept. 97)

PICS Interview (ILP, August 97)

Platform for Privacy Preferences and Prototype (FTC, July 97)

The Intersection of Two Worlds: Technology&Society
Good Engineering under Policy Constraints.

Technical Constraints of Regulating Commercial Activity on the Internet. (Unisys, Feb 97)

Related Projects

XML Signature Initiative
Electronic Commerce
Intellectual Property Rights
Platform for Privacy Preferences

Policy Related Briefings

Relevant Policy Issues
(Content Selection, Privacy, IPR, Trust Management, Encryption, etc.)

Bonn Declaration Response

Whitehouse Response

Policy Analyst: Joseph M. Reagle Jr.

Webmaster 25 Aug 97

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