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Evariste Vital Luminais - Horses

Evariste Vital Luminais (1822-1896), French
Horses, undated
OIL ON CANVAS, 21 ½ x 18 inches
Gift of Mrs. Theodora Willard Best

History and national identity were closely entwined in nine­teenth-century art. The French painter Evariste Vital Lumi­nais made a career of painting imagined scenes of the ancient Gaul and Breton peoples, forebears of the modern French, In this composition, the horseman's rough tunic, helmet, and long hair identify him as an historic figure, one of the intrepid warriors whose lineage the French claimed. The dynamic diagonals of Luminais' scene are typical of his work and impart a sense of energy and vitality to his depiction of a wild horse being tamed.