WoS Reviewer Recognition Service

Track, verify and showcase your peer review, publication and editorial contributions.

Springer Nature works with the Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service to give our expert peer reviewers official and seamless recognition for their invaluable contribution in ensuring that research is reliable and relevant before it is communicated to the world.

What is the Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service?

Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service is an award winning free service for academics to track, verify and showcase their peer review, publication and editorial contributions.

  • Get recognition for your reviews in full compliance with our journal policies
  • Link your Web of Science Researcher Profile with your ORCID iD to send your review contributions to your ORCID account
  • Easily add current and past reviews to your record
  • Download your review record for job applications, promotions, grant and tenure applications

Springer Nature is committed to ensuring integrity in the peer review process. The Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service tracks, verifies and showcases peer review activity without compromising reviewer anonymity or infringing upon journal policies. The content of reviews for Springer Nature journals will not be publicly displayed, and only the year of the review and the journal title will be shown on reviewer profiles. If the journal has open review policies, then content and dates are displayed as expected. This means your confidentiality as a reviewer is always preserved in line with journal policy.

How do I add my peer reviews for Springer Nature to my Web of Science Researcher Profile?

When you review for Springer Nature journals, we ensure you can get recognition for your contribution by using the Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service:

  1. Thank you letters: Peer reviewers may share their thank you letters with the Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service to receive verified recognition for their review. Forward your thank you letters to reviews@webofscience.com to add your review record to your Web of Science Researcher Profile.
  2. Verification certificates: Springer Nature provides verification certificates to all peer reviewers, which can be submitted to the Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service who will honor these and record the contribution as a verified recognition. Forward your verification certificates to reviews@webofscience.com to add your review record to your Web of Science Researcher Profile.
  3. Direct recognition: For participating journals, Springer Nature will directly transmit recognition for your review of a manuscript to the Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service. This opt-in is offered during the review submission process, and if selected, recognition for the review is sent to the Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service after the final decision on the manuscript has been made.  

You may opt-out of this service at any time by emailing the Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service directly.