Monument to Harun Aliu - Commander Kushtrimi from NLA - erected in Nikushtak

Photo: Facebook / Huran Aliu

While the public is still waving over the unveiling of the 20-meter NLA monument in the village Slupcane, this weekend in the village of Nikushtak, Lipkovo region, a former member of the NLA received a monument Harun Aliu known as Commander Kushtrimi. Aliu, who was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of a member of the special units of the Ministry of Interior "Tigers", as part of a criminal gang, was killed in a shootout with police near the Skopje village of Radusa in 2010.

The monument in Nikushtak, in addition to Aliu, has been erected for four other former NLA members Jetula Miftari, Cemal Shaqiri, Abaz Beqiri and Muzafer Agushi.

According to Albanian language portals, the monument was financed by the residents of Nikushtak.

Although "Free Press" asked, it did not receive an answer from the mayor of Lipkovo, Erkan Arifi, whether there is a construction permit for the monument.

The organizers at the event at the unveiling of the memorial plaque stated that "this village respected the deceased heroes and their families."

- The ideal of fallen heroes does not е just to build memorial plaques or to we remind on them only on the day of deathAle, the ideal of a heroе, fallen fighters is always to have them in our thoughts and to take care of theirs families - said Fuat Beqiri, son of one of the members of the UCK, for coј is erectedand memorial plaque, writes the portal "Lime".

- I know дhere is what he wantedyou heard and what you expected in 2001 is not achieved. Everything what I will say is something I do not corresponds to reality, but I tell you, the greatness of 2001 with all fallen fighters and sacrifice of the people, was a great victory, because when in war the people stand at the head of the army, that army is not defeated never - said the messenger Hysni Shaqiri who left Parliament in 2001 and joined the NLA.

A 200.000-euro NLA monument will be erected in Slupcane

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