Western Neighborhoods Project is dedicated to the history of San Francisco's Richmond, Sunset, OMI and West of Twin Peaks districts.   read more ...

Presidio Terrace Advertisement

Presidio Terrace - Baldwin & Howell

Baldwin & Howell, developers of Presidio Terrace, in a 1915 promotional map and flyer:

"This property, developed by us within the past ten years, affords the basis for a great deal of pride on our part, on the results achieved.

"Presidio Terrace is recognized in San Francisco as the highest development of a restricted residence district. All but one of the lots are sold and all but one of them are covered with artistic and elegant homes. Here have come to live people of refinement, who had individual tastes in design, which their architects have developed into homes of which San Francisco is duly proud.

"Presidio Terrace, ten years ago, was only a dream of ours. Today, Presidio Terrace is San Francisco's finest show place to visitors."

Images: 1) Presidio Terrace, 1915. Baldwin & Howell "San Francisco Map - 1915 Exposition City". Courtesy of Richard Brandi collection.

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Page launched 20 February 2003

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