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Steps taken to make children aware of social issues

Published : Wednesday, 21 February, 2024 at 12:00 AM  Count : 215
RANGPUR, Feb 20: Shukla Sarkar is a student of Class IX in a remote village. On the way to school, if anyone attempts to eve-tease her, she takes out her phone and says, if disturbed again, she will call 999.

A fire-extinguisher is placed next to the kitchen. Even she does mulching farming and teaches the family. Her actions pleased her family and villagers.

Not only Shukla, hundreds of students in Ageshwari Upazila of Kurigram are happy with such family and social activities. The project was launched in three schools and one madrasa in the upazila under Gender Responsive School and Community Safety Initiatives (GRSCSI) Project; it was organized by Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO) in cooperation with Plan International.

Under this project, schools and madrasas are provided with modern common rooms, wash blocks, walls, shades, and some books suitable for children to learn. Also, gender and sex concepts, family disaster planning, pre-and post-flood activities, fire-fighting, matching method farming are imparted through training.

Shukla Sarkar said, "Earlier we couldn talk about ourselves properly. Even at home we didn have the courage to open up. Now we can open up and share everything."

Her mother Ratna Sarkar said, "My child has learned many things in school. Under the project, she has learned what to do during a disaster, cleanliness, how to extinguish a fire in a cylinder. Even she knows where to call if someone teases on the street. She forewarned us through charts that flood risk reduction can be avoided."

Hafsa Jannat,  student of Class VIII in Motherganj Bahumukhi High School, said, "We have learned many things which are useful for our family and society. I teach everyone cultivation by mulching method at home. I have seen everyone in my village also doing mulching farming. During floods, we can easily combine them. We can take this from one place to another. We don have to worry much about food even during floods."

Kachakata Union Chairman Shahadat Hossain Mondal said, "Last year a road in my area collapsed. The children repaired the road together. They are doing their own works. Their cooperative activities also encourage adults. If they continue to do what they have learned, from school to home, home to home and from a social country, everyone will benefit."

Nageshwari Upazila Vice-Chairman Ananya Begum said, "School children are learning good things. They are gaining courage and self-confidence. Various social ills including early marriage are being eliminated. During floods, children are able to make their own decisions and give courage to families. Even if Plan Internationals activities are over, childrens work cannot be done away with. They have to get used to these jobs and change. Then they can play a role in creating a society free from gambling, corruption, and bribery."

Abdul Shafi, head teacher of Motherganj High School said, "There have been many changes in my school. Earlier, dirt accumulated on top of the safety tank. Now the place has been fit for female students sitting. There was a haat besides the school. School had to be closed on the haat day. Now a boundary has been built around the school, and on the haat day, the school remains open. Sometimes foreigners come to visit the school. Children talk to them in English. I am also inspired by them. I have also opened a pen and copy shop in the school. If the children do not have a pen, come there and purchase it.  We want to continue this change."

ESDO Project Manager Matia Begum Moti said, "We had to do all these things as part of our jobs. But when we come to work in remote areas, we see that children here can do a lot of good things if they get a chance. They are potential. We have tried to do good things. Peace comes from the mind too."

Himangshu Dev Dutta Roy, disaster risk management specialist, PLAN International, said, "Through our project, children are taught Wash Block, Hygiene Corner, Family Digester, and Household Preparedness. As a result, the children will gain knowledge and apply it in their future life, and others will learn from them."

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Editor : Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury
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