11th Jan2019

365Flicks Podcast: Episode 124: It’s 1986, We Are Rocket Scientists

by Phil Wheat

Here’s the latest episode of the 365Flicks podcast, part of the ever-growing podcast roster here on Nerdly. If you haven’t heard the show yet, you can check out previous episodes on Libsyn, whilst we’ll be featuring each and every new episode as it premieres. 365Flicks Podcast: Episode 124 – It’s 1986, We Are Rocket Scientists, […]

13th Oct2018

‘Blue Iguana’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Sam Rockwell, Ben Schwartz, Phoebe Fox, Peter Ferdinando, Peter Polycarpou, Simon Callow, Frances Barber, Amanda Donohoe, Al Weaver, Glenn Wrage, Robin Hellier, Pedro Lloyd Gardiner, Andre Flynn, Perry Jaques, Anton Saunders, Vic Waghorn, Paul Chan, Martin Muncaster, Jack Silver, Tom Tunney | Written and Directed by Hadi Hajaig Opening a crime film, an indie […]
