
33 Reviews
History Corrected
11 April 2022
Didn't notice the negative newspaper headlines at the time as service personnel we were focussed on events unfolding. Watch this yourself to form you own opinions on who is talking, the details given or left out. Mike Norman & his troops come across very well & are credible - less so are John Nott, Sandy Woodward and a historian. Curious choice having Ben Fogle fronting the programme.
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The 4400 (2004–2007)
9 April 2022
Watched the first 6 episodes for the first time this week having missed it until now. Love the plot and was hopeful it would be OK. Sadly the script and some of the acting was lacking. I will stick with for now but I feel I will be giving up on it shortly.
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Ike: Countdown to D-Day (2004 TV Movie)
The best of Tom
9 February 2022
The story behind the action of the D Day Landings this is a focus of the various leaders & their interactions with Tom Selleck front and centre. I have seen Tom Selleck in many roles mostly comic but this is by far the best he has done. Deliberately underplayed and with a tremendous cast this film holds your attention throughout which is impressive for a non action movie.
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Not for adults
18 December 2021
Love a superhero movie but this is not aimed at young and old. Gags predictable, comedy childish, and script is nothing special. Good actors doing their best with the material but they cannot rescue this episode of the franchise.
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5 November 2021
Been a fan mostly since the first episode with William Hartnell but sometimes it gets too weird. 45mins later after watching this episode I have little idea what's going on - if it makes sense at the end of the series that's too late. Too wordy, disjointed scenes thrown into the plot, little humour - not enjoyable. Thank goodness Russell Davies is coming back.
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Hannah's Law (2012 TV Movie)
A pleasant surprise
1 November 2021
The only names I recognised before watching this was Danny Glover and Billy Zane - worth I look I thought. Perfectly fine storyline, the acting is very good as is the script, cinemaphotography & casting. Sara Canning does a good job as the central character, the same for the support cast and the film held my attention throughout. Love a western but I won't waste my time if its not good enough - this gets 7 of of 10. I am now going to see what else Sara has done.
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Cercando Sophia (2004 TV Movie)
Wanted more
27 October 2021
Never seen a documentary of Sophia I was fascinated in how she started her career. This documentary gives you that but very much from an Italian viewpoint. Poorly written script by Roberto Olla the telling of her life behind the camera jumps around chronologically. No footage of her Hollywood films and only passing comment of her male leads. Hefty contribution from Omar Sharif strangely. I'm sure there is a documentary out there which gives a more rounded picture that this effort.
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Morituri (1965)
A disappointment
20 October 2021
Never seen this before nor heard of it. Watching it 55 years after it was made I wondered why I had missed it considering the star leads. After 30 minutes I started to see why. Tremendous acting from all with the screen presence of Brando & Brynner mesmerising but the storyline wasn't encouraging as what could happen to make it exciting. Character led film for the most part but the plot was predictable and I became bored. The female interest felt like an afterthought and came away feeling unimpressed and a waste of talent.
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NCIS: Internal Affairs (2008)
Season 5, Episode 14
Just a recap
20 October 2021
This is a review of previous episodes all about the frog and how they all arrived at the point of his death. This episode is a look back at that with very little to add. 2/10 for the acting with nothing for the action which is a repeat and nothing for the plot as there was none. No story whatsover it is the worst episode I've seen - kept waiting for a big reveal - there wasn't one. Love the show, cast and series, this should not have been released. No spoilers nothing to spoil.
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The Larkins (2021–2022)
11 October 2021
I so wanted to enjoy it as I am a big fan of Bradley Walsh but no effort was made to freshen the storyline or even the plot. The script was weak and acting felt like they were going through the motions. The mains leads were look-a-likes and didn't need to be. There is a difference between paying homage and being mimics. It had a Disney family movie feel about it. Will trying again next week to see if it grows on me but I am sceptical.
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A Small Dance (1991)
You can only be impressed
29 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Kate Hardie (daughter of Bill Oddie) is superb as the shy simple virgin who gets seduced by man driving by her roadside flower stall. Then pregnant she tells no-one wearing baggy clothes having the baby on her parent's farm grounds and leaving it where it would be found. Then she hears on the local news that the baby is not well and she owns up to being the mum. How her parents, social services then dictate what should happen next makes Kate stronger. Powerful performances by Kate and John Hazeldine as her father. Sadly he is not longer with us. I saw this 16 hears ago and it was powerful then. I doubt it has dated. Shame it is not on DVD
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Oh what a shame
30 December 2009
Looking at the cast list it should have been great and I am one who does not build up his expectations but I was expecting so much more. Pretty true to the book but it had no surprises. It could have been more exciting but the pace was slow for the most part and the triffids were not scary in the least. These actors are better than the script they were given and I am sure that some regret taking part. Eddie Izzard is an excellent baddie and the cinematography is very good but for me that is all I can say in it's favour. I prefer the 1981 TV series and even the film version has more going for it. Much as I like sci-fi and the book this is not one for my collection.
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The Unloved (2009 TV Movie)
Makes you angry
18 May 2009
Watched this last night knowing it would stir up all the emotions you can imagine when dealing with the abuse of children and to be honest I was hoping it would be rubbish so I would have the excuse of stopping watching. Well it was powerful stuff, understated drama without being overly dramatic. You wanted to reach out and hug the girl, buy her clean clothes, give her so called carers an earful not for not caring but for not paying attention. If the system is in any part like this, and I'm sure it is, then those in the business should get a wake up call from watching this in learning what not to do. Samantha Morton can be proud of this work as a directorial debut and I am sure it was cathartic based on her childhood as she was in care until 16. Molly Windsor is excellent in the role as the child. Robert Carlyle's is quality as usual
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Doctor Who: Midnight (2008)
Season 4, Episode 10
18 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A massive fan of Doctor Who from the very start with William Hartnell. Russell T Davies is superb in what he is doing with the series now and David Tennant is the best actor in that role. I had to turn the volume down on my TV for this episode. Shouting, arguing went on too long and there was no chance to gain any empathy or sympathy for the characters. I just didn't care for anyone apart from the Doc. A "Lord of the Flies" episode should not be on before nine and it was not entertaining in the least. A waste of talent with David Troughton (his dad would not have been impressed) and Leslie Sharpe. I hope the series does not continue in that direction.
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Screen One: Ex (1991)
Season 3, Episode 5
Excellent gentle comedy
16 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Griff is divorced from Geraldine James and they have two kids of around 9 & 10. She has a new fella who Griff tries to get on with but finds it difficult. He finds everything difficult, relationships, etc but tries to fathom it out through his work. He is the scriptwriter for a TV soap and puts all his feelings through the male lead in the show. Geraldine gets this as they are still close. They pretend to be together when they go to see his parents because he hasn't the heart to tell them. Kate Maberly plays the daughter aged 9 who doesn't really get what is going on. Such an excellent actress. But Griff is great in this and it is in my opinion the best he has done. I wish this was on general release. Now where is that tape, I want to see it again.
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October 1970 (2006– )
a piece of history
26 March 2007
Well I was curious about Karine Vanasse who was excellent in Set Me Free in 1999 and wanted to see what else she had done. In 1970 I was 18 and only interested in football, girls & drinking. World affairs who cares. I became fascinated by this true story and knew nothing of it at the time. Patrick Labbe is quality as the strong but quiet police lieutenant in charge. The dialogue and plot is good throughout and the pace only slows here and there. Some acting is wooden but the majority are very believable. I watched this yesterday and have today been on the internet to see how close it was to the facts. It was true to the historical events and so overall I give it 8 out of 10 and recommend it highly
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Housewife, 49 (2005 TV Movie)
The best I've seen for a long time
22 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Now I am not one to go overboard when reviewing anything but this you have to see. In an interview earlier this year Victoria Wood said she has a few things "in the fire" but she wouldn't elaborate. Comedienne, comedy actress & writer, singer of comedy songs she again writes herself, but this is something special. I have seen her act in non comedy roles before but this has such a range with her initially frightened of the world outside her home,naive, not daring to contradict her husband over anything to later taking charge in all aspects of her life and improving the lives of those around her. Set in the 2nd World War it is not a "feel good" drama and I was close to tears more than once. But you go through the journey she does and you come out the other side uplifted. Well I did, maybe you will too.
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more of a whimper than a bang
24 October 2006
Well it was to be expected that over the fours hours less adverts she would not go out in a blaze of glory and rather more time was spent on Jane Tennyson herself than the investigation. Not on a par with earlier in the series Helen Mirren was nevertheless superb and a new star in the making is Laura Greenwood. The storyline is only adequate and her squad was the smallest yet. Excellent performance also from Mr Tompkinson who continues to impress. But for me there was too much shouting and focus on the parents anguish. Yes it should be portrayed but I thought it excessive. So much so that towards the end the scenes seemed rushed. So I expected and hoped for more but it was good to watch all the same.
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Silent Witness: Supernova: Part 2 (2006)
Season 10, Episode 8
Life after Burton
8 August 2006
I wondered if the series would continue to be as good without Amanda Burton who was very much the star of the show until she left. Well I needn't have worried. The acting is superb as is the script every week. But this two part episode was the best so far. I taped it and watched it twice to see if I could fault it or I was being particularly stupid and the answers were there all the time. No neither. Yes you could see some of the twists and turns but not the whole of it and as for the finish - well that blew me away. The excellent leads were complimented by young actors Tamsin Egerton, Natalia Cappuccini, Paul Richards and the outstanding Rebecca Oldfield.

Did you miss this one? Shame. Look out for the repeats. I'm keeping the tape.
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St. Ursula's in Danger (1983 TV Movie)
light and funny
19 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A girls school set in the country where the buildings are old and the thought of it having a ghost is certainly feasible but when things go missing, hang on that's not right. No worries, the senior girls are on the case with help from a local resident American (Fredreick Jaeger).

Good young actresses some of which do no more than this, shame. (Tragic loss of Charlotte Long to a road accident in 1984) And it's not on DVD or tape which is a greater shame. Children would love this little film. Come on the BBC you have it somewhere in your archives, dig it out and release it.

Great support from Robert Dorning and a young Rupert Graves. Maybe some day we will get to see it again.
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Proud to have seen it
28 May 2005
Of it's type and time it was perfect. Aged 14 in 1966 I watched the football on a black & white TV as did most in the UK at that time. Because of that this film was on general release at the cinema later that year. I went to see it and it was in glorious colour! Done in the style of British Pathe News but with more glamour and the match action mixed with player profiles & back room business. It also showed the fans and personalities even that old chap who always attended the England games dressed in a Union Flag suite. A magical moment of cinema for a teenager. This is a must for any 40 something footballers. I would love to see it again and keep it for posterity.
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Once and Again (1999–2002)
Outstanding series
22 May 2005
Bought Series One on spec and I am so glad I did. I expected an updated version of Different Strokes or something. No way. I watched all the episodes over the last two days stopping only to sleep. Wow! I went through all the emotions, crying a lot which doesn't come easily to a middle aged man. Superb acting from big and small, the script was outstanding with hardly a dull moment. The camera-work switching between homes mid dialogue and once coming through fridge doors! Series Two coming out soon and I can't wait. Yes everyone is a bit too good looking but I can cope with that as the story lines are all too true. Relationships, bereavement, etc are all there and are not sensationalised. Very nicely surprised and very much recommended.
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very likable
30 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Zhao Guang (Huang Hong) is a simple chicken egg farmer. An orphan himself, he was raised by the local villagers. One day, because he donates 10,000 yuan to a welfare agency, he appears on local television. Zhao unfortunately has a big mouth and during his TV interview, boastfully says "I'd love to be your dad if you accept me." Zhao returns to his village as a hero and prepares for his wedding to Gui Qing (Li Lin).On the day of his engagement party, chaos ensues when 25 orphans show up based on his offer to be their father. Zhao tries to return the orphans to their homes, but they don't want to go and he becomes their reluctant parent. With a bit of telling off when the kids mess up it is mostly comedy.
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Tai-Pan (1986)
why the accents
21 February 2005
Poor acting from most and the director seemed so insistent of being true to the book there was very little excitement and a lot of needless dialogue. Who wrote the screenplay and did they ever work again. It is the worst I've ever seen Bryan Brown do. I couldn't get past his Scottish accent which was too thick when he remembered it and not at all when he didn't. Janine Turner cannot do a Southern States American accent either. It was painful to sit through. When you work from a best seller than a mini series on TV would give it more depth. To pack it in to 90 minutes of movie then you have to sacrifice a lot of the book to do the film justice - as with the Godfather for example. I might watch it again and pretend it's a comedy.......... no not enough laughs 1/10
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B movie but above average
17 November 2004
Well I like Kelsey Grammar so I decide to watch this last night. Now I know he is not box office and my expectations were not built up so I was pleasantly surprised that I not only enjoyed it overall but laughed out loud in parts – mostly from the daughter. She had the best lines! Amanda Donohoe, normally glam personified played not quite plain but lacking self esteem very well. Kelsey Grammar plays the usual and that is not knocking him, he does that cynical but soft underneath to perfection. Yes a lot of the plot is predicable but you are hardly going to see something new. The main cast play well of each other and the one-liners are thrown away in a timely fashion.

I can only think the earlier review had jet lag or bad service on his air flight. This is an excellent B movie.
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