9 Reviews
Good girlfriends movie
dcaprio3 September 2021
I watched this on Amazon Prime under the title of "All About Sex." I think that both titles are an unfortunate choice to better promote and reflect this friendship dramedy. The three lead characters are generally very likable people who you want to care about and understand. Each does a good job with the role. There are enough good scenes to hold your interest and make you watch. The script however, was not as commendable as the acting. I was quite disappointed in the how the script kept the characters from finding and nurturing a truly rewarding and genuine romance, mostly due to the lack of opportunities depicted in an urban setting. Not that it isn't believable that young women can often find it challenging to find a satisfying and loving romance, but the script doesn't offer many worthwhile suitors to begin with. Girls that attractive usually encounter attention from more potential love interests than we see in the film. This movie gives you the impression that while it takes place in a city, there just aren't that many people around to talk with. That said, the really hard to believe story line was between Morgan and Lowick. The character of Lowick comes across as just too nice, sensitive, caring and open-minded to have the reaction he displays when Morgan reveals her secret. Either he suffers from dual personality disorder or you have a very irreconcilable contradiction on your hands trying to believe that he is really that hurt over the her revelation. I'm sorry, but it's just not the reaction most guys would have, let alone a guy initially made out to be that nice. To Emma Decker's credit, she does an excellent job in the earlier part of the film making her character's dilemma believable and relatable. Unfortunately, a few too many moments in the script seem to purposefully keep our trio from getting too far in developing their life potential, and film wise, from allowing the movie to better develop its potential. No, not all scripts need to end happily ever after, but I think this script could have allowed us a more endearing growth in the life of its characters. A good start would have been to stop trying to act out so many cliches in the supporting scenes, especially at the coffee shop. Overall, there are enough good things about the film to mildly recommend it. Unavoidably though, its just one of those movies that leaves you with too many things to critique rather than enjoy. Ultimately, you end up getting attached enough to characters to really want the movie (script) to have been better.
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boring for some...
ops-5253514 April 2021
Appetizer for others, thoughtprovoking for a religious fanatic, and maybe tantalizing stuff without calling it heavy eroticized, no bare upper or nether parts exposed, its the 3 young ladies confessions around the bon fire, about how to beat the bush and how to eat or wack the sneaking snake in the garden of hedon.

Acting is fairly natural not outragously good but quite harmless sexy, occationally the story is boring and might feel gross for some, and the plot speed is extremely slow, but some fantasy tips youll get, and the talking by the fence can be vigourous and might strike a match of volcanic heat among some viewers.

Productionwise it has an outrageously bad sound quality, its not a minor flaw, just a big livin in a box auditorial mess all the way through the film, and its very bouncing plotwise. Score is quite irrelevant due to very small amounts of it.

So its not a pornographic, rather a thoughtprovoking erotional cabaret that will taste well at your next womens getogether or''klubb/forening'' in norwegian, but thats entirely the thoughts of a grumpy old man.
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Sex & the city 20s version
ks-6050019 May 2021
Title stated what I feel. Little long and just weak version of the famous TV series. But it's not too bad just similarity with S&C makes me compare.
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srjcochrane14 April 2021
Sorry but it just went on and on. Like a lot of movies where you want someone to die just to make it interesting.
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Unbelievable waste of time, unless...
coltsw-1080315 May 2022
Unless you find fascination in endless discussions by dull, mediocre-looking young women about such thought provoking topics as ingesting a certain body fluid, there's just no reason to watch this slow moving, indulgent nonsense. Not even after they changed the misleading title (from Natural Disasters) before it hit streaming platforms to the equally misleading but even less clever clickbait label: All About Sex. Though it's rated for ages 18+ there's no actual nudity and the simulated, fake sex is less interesting than the new title of this ludicrous mess. It's just more junk about young women whose lives revolve around the men in them. I would have thought by this point in modern cinema we would be past the notion that a woman is nothing without a man in her life. These dippy whiners didn't get the memo.

The unknown actors are minimally talented, and the characters all less than interesting. The only thing worse than the two titles, the stupid and graphic conversations, the idiotic plot, and the dry humping with most of their clothes still on, is the writing. There seems to be a dearth of good writers because there is a lot of terrible junk like this that gets made these days. They have definitely scraped the bottom of the barrel for untalented writers who can regurgitate unoriginal, boring tripe like this. Why was this even made?
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Let's talk about ...
kosmasp6 July 2022
One should think that since Sex and the City there should not be any male existing being surprised that women talk about sex. And that they enjoy (sometimes) and like to gossip a bit about their own lifes and the lives of others.

That being said, would I say that the characters in the movie always act in their best interest? No. But do the circumstances allow for them to go ... all out? Act a fool as some might also say. I would argue there is enough sentiment for them to be angry and irrational (as some would put it).

No one does always the right thing or the best thing or whatever you would call it. The performances are good - which is really something that is needed with a talky movie like the one at hand here. You may not like the subject matter - you may not be able to identify with our main characters either ... but they feel three dimensional. They feel like they are well written - and they feel like the actors got into their skin - no pun intended.
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Funny, sexy and heartfelt
alex_the_man18 April 2021
Its not just ALL ABOUT SEX but actually all about the friendship of three young women.

Really funny back and forth dialogue!

Really fun and memorable characters all throughout the film.

I especially loved the coffee shop manager, absolutely hilarious!

There are some sexy and provocative moments that are actually really funny in the comedy of the film.

Well worth a watch!
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A beautiful rejection of Hollywood tropes: A young millennial revival of the Dogme 95 film movement
jebsmith-0989917 April 2021
I was lucky enough to attend the premier of this film in Los Angeles to which it received a standing ovation.

This is a film for filmmakers and a wonderful debut for director Dakota Gorman as well as lead actress Emma Deckers.

The traditional storyline takes a backseat in this film as we experience a slice of life of three young women in their twenties and the very real relationships and problems facing a generation.

Typically, stories in this age range do not tend to play out in cinema as mainstream films center their stories around highschoolers or action heroes ageing from thirty and up, neglecting a very real and raw demographic in modern society. As a member of the twenty-something club, I was delighted to see this representation on the screen.

The moment to moment dialogue in this film is its strongest feature. As the witticism and quick verbal duels hold your attention and pay off in big laughs. The relationship between the three lead women is real, raw, truly touching and heartfelt at times in between the comedic moments

At its core, this is a film shedding the light on more than one of the many taboos in which we dance around in modern society. A film told through the lens of young people whose opinions matter, as they will be the ones to pass judgement on these issues as we move into the future.

All in all, a thought provoking and tantalising dark comedy well worth a watch!
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zeusandmax5 August 2021
I think for this day in age, it's a very good movie. And has relatable moments that happen in real life. Acting was alright but I would point more towards the story and relatability.
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