156 Reviews
A disappointing remake.
Sleepin_Dragon13 November 2022
Elias and Lucas arrive at their mother's house, to find her wearing a mask, and feeling very much like a stranger.

Once again, we get another remake, another remake that pales in comparison compared to its source material. The Austrian film is Chilling and unnerving, this was quite a pale remake.

No issues at all with the acting, competently performed, with a strong performance from the excellent Naomi Watts, and very good acting from the boys also.

They could have upped the horror vibe a few degrees, it just doesn't grip the viewer, for a so called horror, it's all too flat, and by the time something happens, the film is almost over.

Some good special effects, the nightmare sequences looked really good, but such horror moments were too few and far between.

Just watch the original, it's far superior.

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Goodnight Mommy Lite...
Xstal17 September 2022
What would you do, if your mother felt like new, didn't act the way she should, behaved like mother never would, like a stranger in the house, makes you feel like a small mouse, quite aggressive and quite cold, not like the one you knew of old.

Elias and Lucas struggle to come to terms with their mother when she re-joins them after a period of hospitalisation. Taking matters into their own hands they explore a variety of ways to unmask their doppelganger and expose the truth.

A remake of a far more powerful Austrian film that avoids super glue, cockroaches and cats, to settle for a more palatable finale that ultimately quenches the dynamic and leaves it somewhat neutered, albeit well performed and passable.
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Good remake, Original still better.
Horror_Flick_Fanatic16 September 2022
Goodnight Mommy is an American remake of Austrian horror film from 2014 that goes by the same name (Goodnight Mommy (2014) original title "Ich seh, Ich seh"

I usually don't like American remakes and much prefer the original source in most movies. But this one isn't bad. I think it was well casted. Naomi Watts plays the mom and the Crovetti brothers play Elias and Lucas.

The acting performances were very good. Naomi Watts is a phenomenal actress in everything she does. The Crovetti brothers did extremely well.

But I still feel the original film is the best of the two. In this American version, several scenes are missing from the original film. I think they might have done that to keep the runtime shorter. But unfortunately, this remake doesn't have the same bite and unnerving tension of the original. The original film really made you feel uneasy. This one seems to lack uneasiness, uncomfortable dread of what would happen.

Unfortunately, if you watched this one first, then you will know the plot twist and you might not experience the same enjoyment I did when I first watched the original years ago. But if you haven't seen neither of them, then watch the original first. The original is a proper horror tale.
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Goodnight, Mommie Dearest
untilnow9917 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers

She professes to love her kid(s), but then slaps them around and semi-waterboards the one kid. She terrorizes them by using a giant prybar to tear open their bedroom door. She is such a monster, she refuses to sing them to sleep on their first night there.

She never used to smoke before, but now she smokes. She crumples up a hand-drawn picture they made for her and leaves it in the trash for the kid(s) to find. She's writhing around, dancing in front of the mirror and other conduct that makes you question her sanity. All this in-between huge gulps of wine. Some Mom.

It's all "what the hell am I watching?" until about 1/3 of the way through the movie (or less time, I'm guessing, for the more observant) ------ you realize there's only THE ONE DISTURBED KID.

After that, the audience is left to wonder how much longer it will take for the only kid to do in his Dear Mommy. Is he going to leave her to rot, duct-taped to the bedposts? Dad never bothers to check in, even though he knows his kid is cray-cray?

In the end, Mommy 1/2 drags this basket case kid to the original "scene of the crime," wherein he "accidentally" plugged his twin brother in the head with a BB gun. Nice, job, Mom. What? No therapy? Just show him how he murdered his twin and expect him to have some revelation and magically regain his sanity?

The whole thing is preposterous.
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I liked it better once I understood the ending.
rcr-3751024 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No, I haven't seen the original. I don't really care to track it down. I liked this one just fine.

Even better after I went reading about the ending. I must be an idiot because I missed every clue along the way. I was expecting something demonic or paranormal so my mindset blinded me to what's shown.

Everything is clear now but still one thing remains: If none of this was real and all in the kid's head, then what was the whole point of that scene where mommy was ripping her skin off? The child wasn't there to see it and she was alone so why did it happen? Did I miss something else? Was it meant to be a metaphor? I thought she was a ghost or something that needed to "renew" her flesh to keep up appearances when it started chipping. That was my line of thinking.

Anyway, technically, it was otherwise well done. Good acting. Nice atmosphere. Beautiful scenery. A lot was accomplished with a total of about 6 cast members.

I'd recommend it. I'm going to give it another go, now armed with more insight, and take it in again. That speaks a lot for the movie. I like it enough to revisit it.
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From an American
ruthdean-4704929 September 2022
Why.. WHY must Hollywood absolutely obliterate foreign films? Do we have to take over everything? There was nothing wrong with the original from 2014. Creepy right off the bat, the Mother in the original barely had any lines and that alone put you on edge wondering why she was so mysterious. In this remake- Mother is watching movies, actively on the phone, feeling herself/dancing in front of mirrors- just STOP. Naomi Watts must have been hard up for some cash because what the hell.

0 creepiness. Just some bi**h mother being conceited. Was the original a total work of art? No, but compared to this dumpster fire it is.

It's also painfully obvious what the twist is gonna be from the beginning. At least, YES I WILL KEEP COMPARING IT, in the original you had no idea what was gonna happen or where the film was going. It just sucks- it wasn't even NEEDED. Damnit Hollywood, just leave well enough alone! I only gave it 2 stars in hopes people would see this and see it was a remake, thus gaining more attention for the original.
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Pleasantly Surprised.
destiny_west21 September 2022
I was very hesitant about this film, being a fan of the original and having a general dislike for when American's remake international films.

I had put off watching it, but thought okay let's give it a go, and I was pleasantly surprised.

Naomi Watts as the Mother is absolutely amazing in this film.

The Crovetti brother's are great young actors and definitely held their own against Watts.

If you have not seen the original and are not aware of the plot/outcome. Then I would definitely give this version a watch.

It had great atmosphere, acting and it was very well shot. It was definitely worth the watch and I did not feel like I had wasted 90 minutes of my life, which seems to be happening more with horror films lately.
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Watered down remake
emceegusto18 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Think of Tale of 2 Sisters vs The Uninvited, Inside vs Inside (American), Martyrs vs Martyrs(American), Kairo vs Pulse, Cabin Fever(Eli Roth) vs Cabin Fever(2015). Hopefully, you get the picture. Just another watered down, VERY predictable American remake.

I will say, Goodnight Mommy (2022) was beautifully shot, and the acting was top notch. Watts was beautiful and glowing as she's ever been.

It's worth the watch if you haven't seen the original. If you have seen it, don't bother. It's a movie that hinges on its twist (like the 6th Sense). So if you already know what's coming, it doesn't have much else to offer.
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Wow. That Was A Creepfest.
UltraMaximal16 September 2022
Wowzer¡ I just watched this tonight. It's not a horror film but definitely a big ole thriller. I didn't know what to expect from one scene to the next as it was pretty intense 10 minutes into it.

All the acting is great. Even the children actors were good, which isn't usually the case. I found the adults acting to be on spot and stable through out. I especially liked how the police weren't portrayed as total jackomoes too. It was a pleasant surprise.

Then there is the ending. What the hell¡ The last 10 minutes totally caught me off guard as things were revealed and played out. A very nice job for this type of movie. I'd say watch it!
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Dumbed down American version
offshade16 September 2022
A shockingly dumbed down version for American audiences of an outstanding Austrian thriller, that lacks the impact, the brutality, the shock factor and the intelligence of its original. Instead you get the cinematic clichés, the sentimental overtones, the cheap musical dress-up and the spoon fed explanatory breakdown of a Hollywood style second class thriller. Watts is getting dangerously close to being typecast as the go-to actress for remakes, which can't be good for her legacy. The performances are fine overall nevertheless, are not sufficient however to even soften the crush that is the comparison between the two films. If you haven't seen any of them, do yourself a favour and watch the original without getting spoiled by this mediocre attempt of a crowd-pleaser.
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A very pleasant surprise! *no spoilers*
imissbeingakid16 September 2022
Toggling through the list of movies on Amazon Prime I discovered this film tonight. At the time of this review, the film was released to very little fanfare. The fact that Naomi Watts is listed in the list of credits peaked my curiosity as I had not seen her in any recent movies. Considering that the film only has 6 actors/actrices, I was not expecting too much. But the story was fantastic, containing plenty of twists and turns that will leave you guessing right up to the end. The director gives you plenty of hints of the path ahead and he leave it to the viewer to figure out what is exactly happening on screen. I was very pleasantly surprised to see the young actors, Nicholas and Cameron Crovetti, give such a believable performance! Seeing these young actors perform so well on screen makes me wonder what roles they will be offered in the future. It was great to see Naomi Watts be able to switch personalities, oscillating between the role of an evil, distanced mother to one who tenderly caresses her offspring. Her performance was quite good. I like how the director deliberately added a bit of pseudo horror elements to make the viewer guess what kind of genre of film he/she was really watching. I really hope other viewers will enjoy this film as well. I definitely did!
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American Remake Pulls Back on the Tension
Zeus-pro16 September 2022
It's not a shot-by-shot remake. Some visuals from the original (Austrian Version) remain, but they don't pack the same punch. While the twist in the remake did differ slightly from the original, it wasn't enough for Goodnight Mommy (2022) to stand more solidly on its own. The terror that's revealed in the Austrian version of the film is extremely exaggerated, but it gives the audience an idea of how obsessive familial ties can be and how dangerous ideas can take hold to shocking conclusions. Goodnight Mommy (2022)'s finale does not deliver that same shock.

Yes, the horror may be reduced. You can even nitpick at the twist that may be far from the original. Yet, Goodnight Mommy's surprisingly suspenseful journey and understated twist on the genre outweigh its faults. It's not especially memorable, but it's not bad either.
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Another toothless American Remake
sleepingkoala4527 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The original movie has one of the most horrific endings I've ever seen. This remake is saved only by the young boys playing the twins. They even had to overly sexualize the mother and go out of their way to make her unlikable so that she almost deserves her fate. Typical American tropes. This belongs to the same hole with the American remakes of Martyrs and The Vanishing. Just go watch the original. Subtitles won't kill anyone!

Since I'm now being told my review is too short, and I dig why - so people who review bomb something- and I agree.

So here be spoilers for both movies- in the remake the mom died from a fall in the barn and is dead when it burns. Not so in the original... the kid somehow manages to super glue Mommy to the floor and sets her on fire deliberately. Well I did say horrific!
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'She's our mother, she has to love us, it's her job.'
TxMike19 September 2022
This is a very strange "Amazon Original" movie. I was anxious to see it because of Naomi Watts, I like her and she usually picks excellent projects. But my wife watched the trailer and decided she would skip.

Two boys, twins, are played by real-life identical twins, I figure they were about 10 or 11. Cute kids but pretty mediocre actors. Their father is bringing them back to mommy after a visit but she does not greet them on arrival. The boys go inside, the home is rural with a barn and fields, and eventually they find her with a full-face bandage-mask that closes in the back with Velcro. They are puzzled, they had no advance knowledge of this. And very soon, only about 17 minutes in, they see and hear things that make them suspect the woman isn't really their mother. And that is essentially what the movie is about, the boys trying to solve this riddle.

The last 20 minutes or so, and the ending, reveal a number of things, but not everything makes sense, when you think what was shown in the first half of the movie. When it ended I believe I figured out what was going on, a twist that seems to negate most of what was presented, but it is done in a way that isn't very clear.

So I can't rate this movie very high, the script and acting are just so-so, I watched the whole thing because I was curious to see where it was heading but when it was over I found it to be mostly unsatisfying. My wife made a good decision to skip.

At home, on Amazon Streaming movies.
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I never saw the original everyone's talking about.
Top_Dawg_Critic6 March 2023
But this one was pretty darn good. I'm a huge fan of films with good twists, but I have to admit this one really fooled me good. So good in fact, that I had to re-watch it right after, because I began to questions my intelligence when I figured out how easily I was fooled into believing what the filmmakers wanted me to believe. Although the twist wasn't perfect due to the fact that the red herring the filmmakers gave the viewers was overdone to sway the story's tone, the narrative also had some plot holes to it. I also would've liked better pacing, because even at only 92 mins runtime, the film felt like it was dragging at certain times. Nevertheless, the casting and performances were on point, especially Watts, and the cinematography and score were spot on.
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It's still me under here.
nogodnomasters27 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I read the description, I thought I had seen this before. I had seen the original with subtitles. The good news is my memory is so bad, I forgot the ending, so it was like watching the feature for the first time. Sometimes I feel I can find my own Easter eggs. Elias and Lukas are twin boys going to stay with mom, a model/actress. Dad drops them off and doesn't come in. Mom is wearing a head bandage after having some work done. They live in a large country estate. Mom (Naomi Watts) gives the kids new rules about being quiet in the house and staying out of the barn and her room which as boys they immediately disobey. There are clues this is not their mother. Her eyes are blue and not green. She doesn't know their bed time song. She tosses out a drawing Elias made for her. Who is she?

It wasn't until we got to the end did I remember the twist. Sorry to mention there was one and it is not new. I feel stupid for having missed it. That means the film was done well and going back you see the clues.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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I See Overplayed Narratives
atucker90716 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of the original; love the evil lurking in the "twins" the twist was executed perfectly!

Now with this watered down remake, ugh. From the start if you even half pay attention you've already figured out the "twist". The sound quality in the film is awful (lots of turning up to hear dialogue, turning down to not go deaf from the sounds), and like the majority of horror movies being released looks like it was shot in a basement with iPhone flashlights as their lighting.

Naomi and Cameron are both much better than the material they were given to work with and it was quite sad to see them being dragged through a DOA film.
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American remakes taking back the tension, as usual.
LuluDeCarton26 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not bad, it can be entertaining for those who didn't watch the original Austrian film, but if you did watch it, then you'd realize there's no suspense anymore, just a family drama without the tension it's almost predictable, that eerie feeling of uncertainty doesn't strike you as good. In the original, they give off clues of one of the twins' death and don't mention anything about it throughout most of the film, at least the mother plays the role and tries her best to bond with her son. The mother here is all whacko so as a result the viewer distrusts her almost immediately; more like an evil nanny than a regular mother. Can be good, just not as good.
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Pointless remake of the 2014 Austrian original
paul-allaer24 September 2022
As "Goodnight Mommy" (2022 release; 92 min) opens, Elias and Lukas are dropped of at their mom's place, as dad hurries away after the drop-off. Much to their surprise, mom's face is in bandages, resulting from "a little procedure", per mom. Soon things feel very off. IS this really their mom? At this point we are 10 min into the movie.

Couple of comments: this is the second feature length from director Matt Sobel ("Take Me To the River"). Here he remakes the 2014 Austrian movie "Goodnight Mommy", and what we get is literally a remake, transposed to the US, nothing more, nothing less. If you've seen the Austrian original, as I did, you will almost certainly and inevitably ask yourself, like I did: "why???". There is simply no point to any of this. Some may say that it is a "faithful" remake. I call it a "pointless" and utterly unnecessary remake. The only reason that I watched it was that Naomi Watts stars as the "Mommy", not that you would know for much of the film (as of course her face is in bandages). If you have not seen the Austrian original, and are debating which version to see, by all means I strongly encourage you to check out the Austrian original, which is creepy in the best possible way. Whereas the Hollywood remake is not creepy, not scary, not fun. Not good, not bad. It just is.

"Goodnight Mommy" premiered about a week ago on Amazon Prime. Curiosity got the better of me and I finally gave in and watched it. I really shouldn't have. Of course don't take my word for it, and so whether you've seen the Austrian original or not, I'd readily suggest you check this out, and draw your own conclusion.
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The Other
day2527 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure if anyone remembers a older movie called The Other. This reminded me of it very much. Didn't see the original Goodnight Mommy but this American version was pretty good. The twin boys are actually really good. Not sure where I've seen them before but I'm sure we'll see more of them in more movies. Niomi Watts is good also. Haven't seen her in awhile. This movie is worth watching. I kinda figured it out though early on. Which means it's been done before. Watch "The Other" though. It's a really creepy movie. John Ritter early role. That movie scared me when I was little. Just really eerie.
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Unnecessary remake
Royal_Horror20 September 2022
If they had the budget to cast Naomi Watts , why not making a new completely different film ?? Why remaking something that wasn't needed 😭

Ps: leave foreign films alone.

This film personally didn't have a substance since it was a shot for shot remake , it didn't stand out by itself . They could have some so much more especially with the torture scenes . Naomi watts tried her best to give a great performance ( which she did ) but her character was so plain , same with the kids. It was so obvious what was going on . And most importantly, this film wasn't as creepy as the original , which proves that sometimes foreign films are better left out alone.
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Wow! They got me!
niseynisey16 September 2022
Wow. This one was a surprise! I really enjoyed this one. It was in my suggested new releases so I gave it a shot! So glad I did. I just knew I knew everything that was going on, but found out I had it all wrong lol. The clues were all there, my brain just never figured them out. No silly jump scares. Just a good ole psychological thriller. I'll definitely have to rewatch this one to catch everything they laid out plain for me that I totally missed lol. Sounds like the original is even better than the remake so I'll check that one out too if it's on streaming. This is a good rainy Sunday movie.
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thatgirlwithyellowboots8 October 2022
Summary: Lukas and Elias, twin boys, arrive to their mother's country house at the start of the film. They are shocked to find their mother wrapped in a surgical mask when they first arrive. She says that she had surgery and would likely be out of it in some time.

Boys begin to notice their mother's changes. She has turned controlling, aggressive, and less loving. Boys start looking into the woman behind the medical mask to find out who she really is.

Overall my views: Goodnight Mommy is a psychological thriller and I loved the fact, this movie mentally makes you crave and watch the agony and violence. I loved the characters and everything. I enjoyed thoroughly. Since the Ring series, Naomi Watts has been my favourite actor. Despite the fact that she is still bright and attractive. Her acting is sincere and conjures up reality. The concept behind this film was really great. However, it has the drawback of being badly written and directed. There are certain portions that leave me uncertain and confused. It all makes sense in the end, as the conclusion shows, but throughout the film, I felt like there was a thrill missing. Since the boy's characters are revolting against the lady acting as their mother, I had anticipated more confrontations between them.

RECOMMENDATION: I would recommend this movie more than 1 time.
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xxmisssvxx8 October 2022
I watched this the other day because I didn't realize they had remade it, and honestly, it's was unnecessary. It was bland and fell flat, pointless to make. The foreign version is far more creepier and keeps the suspense throughout the entire film. This American version lacks regardless of the work of the actors, and it wasn't needed altogether.

I rate this a solid 4/10 for the attempt, for what the film is but it's not worth a higher rating than this. There was potential to really deliver on this remake but again, it really wasn't necessary considering the foreign version dominates this one. I usually gives any remakes/reboots the benefit of doubt once until I see it and make my opinion from there.

This was meh. Not good. Not terrible. Just meh. It could be better, much better, but it ....wasn't. Do yourself a favor and just watch the foreign version over this one. You'll be glad you did.
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The Other
chefsk200217 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How has no one realized that this is simply a modern version of The Other? I haven't seen the "original " Australian version, so I don't know how different it is. However! Twins suspicious of older family members , when it's the twins we should be suspicious of. Right from the beginning no one talked to Lucas except for Elias. Mom was super weird, I'll give you that. Why was dad so absent? And just dropping off the kids without making sure everything is fine. I don't know why the filmmaker decided that mom should be as angry and abusive as she was, other than to heighten the "mommy" suspicion. Seriously? Frankly, the "spoiler " was obvious right from the beginning.
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