Veronica (2017) Poster

(I) (2017)

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Intense with very good acting.
paulclaassen27 November 2018
Since seeing the excellent and disturbing 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose' I compare all possession films to 'Emily Rose'. There have been some very good possession films since and there's been some really terrible films. 'Veronica' is one of the better films, thanks to Sandra Escacena's good and natural acting as 'Veronica'.

When three girls play with a Ouija board during an eclipse - believed to be the time when darkness triumphs over light - Veronica cuts her finger on a glass when it shatters, and her blood is therefore considered an offering, or sacrifice. Things start going wrong from there, trivial at first but more intense as the film progresses. The film features some good scares, and very good visuals.
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Refreshing Horror Movie, but not as Scary as People Make it Out to Be
jacobsenstad8 March 2018
I saw this movie was trending on social media and it's conveniently on Netflix. I thought, what the heck, I can spend a couple hours watching a horror movie. I along with many other horror fans know the pain of unoriginal horrors with jump scares and flashy CGI, that's basically half of Netflix's horror movie lineup.

Not only was I taken aback by the Sandra's performance as Veronica, but I enjoyed the whole cast. This was treading the line between low budget cult horror and big blockbuster movie. Some of the scenes were chilling and had a lasting effect during the movie and afterwards while I'm writing this review.

Without spoiling anything, they were very creative with the story, and some elements that supposedly happened back in 1991 are terrifying. The photographic evidence from the actual police report makes you realize this might be a realistic recreation.

If you're a horror fan, this is a great movie to watch. It's a fresh breath from the "cookie cutter" paranormal movies, while at the same time has some elements that can spook you. I don't get scared by too many movies, and while this one didn't scare me, it kept me entertained.
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Ok but not worth the hype
barneskn3 March 2018
I really wanted to be scared by this movie. But I wasn't. It's simply a stock standard possession movie that's been done a million times before. I wouldn't say its a bad film, but it's certainly NOT the great horror film it's been hyped up to be.

I couldn't help but see this film, not as a scary supernatural film ... but as a sad and tragic story of a teenage girl who reaches puberty and begins a slide into a psychosis that has devastating consequences for her and her family.
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A Genuinely Effective Horror Ruined By Its Unwarranted "Scariest Ever" Label
CinemaClown12 March 2018
Deriving the screams from its sinister atmosphere instead of relying on jump scares, Verónica is genuinely effective when it gets all the genre elements right and benefits greatly from its no-nonsense direction & sincere performances but it's unworthy of the "scariest ever" tag that was given to it by some easily frightened people.
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Not scariest movie ever
laurie-866676 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was so excited to watch this because of the dumb --obviously fake---- news article about how it was the scariest movie ever and Netflix users had to turn it off in the middle. Ugh. Don't fall for the hype. This is a very AVERAGE scary movie. I give it 7 stars because 1) it has a story that kinda makes sense 2) Catholic schools with blind nuns and basements are creepy 3) the little boy in the movie is fricking adorable 4) I love foreign movies 5) Ouja boards are scary. DO NOT mess with them 6) full Monty ghost was creepy 7) special effects were pretty convincing.

Somehow, I fell asleep at the very end of the movie. So, I have no idea how it ended. It wasn't that scary.
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Decent but not special
kosmasp16 February 2018
So REC was really something special, but it was a collaboration between two directors. And I do have mad respect for the other one who had "Nameless" and "Darkness" already under his belt. So Paco here goes full horror with this and the end result is quite decent. It's not really anything new you get or that interesting (possession, demons and so forth).

But it does work overall. So while it may not change your world view or shake your film world, it is something to watch, if you are into horror movies. There are quite some neat jump scares and the story has the right mood overall. The acting is also decent enough, it builds as expected and there is nothing much that is wrong with it. Except for its predictability I guess. So by the numbers, but better than off the rails
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The intensity never stops
michael-diniz121 March 2018
I was skeptical of another possession movie, especially one that claims to be the scariest ever.. this didn't disappoint. I wouldn't call it scary as much as intense. From the beginning to the end, there was never a dull moment. 7/10 because possession horror isn't my favorite genre but I still appreciated this
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A little bit oldschool but enjoyable!
piterpan24 March 2018
Watch it with friends! It's not bad and not so original but it achieves the purpose of watching a horror movie with friends! The leading girl is stunning and delivers her role!
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Scariest film ever? No way!
almanac-391783 March 2018
I only watched this because I saw a news article saying this was "the scariest film ever". It's not. It's just the same old tired bag of tricks. A Ouija board. An unconvincing shadowy ghost. Dream sequences that are so obviously dreams it's laughable. A girl's body being contorted into strange positions. Over-the-top music. Loud sound effects signposting jump scares. It's all been done a thousand times before.

When it comes to scary movies, the 1970s still reign supreme. The Exorcist. The Omen. Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Alien. At least the directors of these movies knew how to create oppressive, foreboding atmospheres that chill the spine. Verónica? It barely generates a frisson of fear.
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Nothing innovative, still an excellent film!
nitzanhavoc26 July 2018
Let me start off by saying I have certain difficulties with foreign films, having been raised on Hollywood standards and conventional cinematics. I consider this to be a personal flaw and the result of early age conditioning, which honestly should have been broken by now following masterpieces such as Ju On (Japanese) and Martyrs (French). Unfortunately, this flaw often makes me delay watching foreign Horror even when it's conveniently and immediately available on Netflix. Thank heavens I eventually get to it, or I would have missed on Veronica, which is in my opinion simply an excellent and fun film.

It is noteworthy to mention that virtually nothing about Veronica is innovative or original, save for certain aspects of the evil spirit's behavior and methods. From the painfully overdone story (teenagers using Ouija board, evil follows, haunting commences) to the portrayal of the haunting itself (poltergeist effects apparent in the house, mouth agape beyond what is physically possible for humans etc.) Veronica resembles any of the dozen plus ghost stories proceeding it in the past decade. And yet, something about the different atmosphere, the unique and almost idiosyncratic features of the spirit and the added value from witnessing the heartwarming relationship between the protagonist and her younger siblings simply makes Veronica a rewarding and fun viewing experience from start to finish. Acting is right on the spot even by young Iván Chavero making a very impressive debut, soundtrack and cinematography accompany the story and characters just as they should, and everything simply fits together perfectly.

The ending is slightly disappointing (as is the case with many Horror films), with a failed and completely unnecessary attempt at a plot twist (the film would have fine without it). This combined with the aforementioned lack of innovation makes me somewhat surprised and confused as to how much I honestly enjoyed this film. Like I said, everything simply comes together perfectly regardless to most of the features which are usually required to make a good Horror film great. All I can say is that I wholeheartedly recommend Veronica to any Horror fan, even if some of you might find it to be mediocre and average at best. I certainly haven't.
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too shallow to be interesting
dhaupt-7915611 November 2018
A good horror movie has to have two things 1. it must convince me that i do not know what is going to happen next. 2. it must convince me that there are rules to everything that is happening. the world that it takes place in must make sense.

this one fails at both. basically, it's just a few scary things happening one after another, but there is no depth to it. they just happen. imagine an action movie where villains appear out of nowhere at random, die without us knowing who they were and then they get replaced by the next one. this is how i experienced the movie.
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I Think Some Reviews Are A Little Harsh
spotatoes3 March 2018
I really don't know why some people have said that this movie is boring. It's not. Sure, it's not the most original horror I've ever seen - it owes a lot to many, many others horrors and thrillers - but, thanks to strong performances and good, if not altogether original, little directorial and editing techniques, and an effective score, I didn't feel bored with it at all. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but, I have to say, I don't see a lot for the film's detractors to focus on. I think 'Verònica' is a fairly good movie.
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Scary? No. Good? Yes.
PsychoBeard66612 October 2019
There is a lot of hype about how scary this film is but unfortunately it isn't scary. The horror is really well done but it barely moves the needle on the scare-o-meter. It's a very good film with excellent performances and a good story. The cinematography is excellent but that's no surprise to anyone who has seen REC🔴
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Seen it all before
Leofwine_draca3 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
VERONICA is a somewhat overrated Spanish horror movie detailing a typical haunting/possession. It's set in 1991 and involves a teenage girl who meddles with a Ouija board and subsequently finds her apartment haunted by the spirit of her dead father. I saw this advertised as the scariest Spanish horror film since REC but it's a far cry from that zombie masterpiece. I found this inferior to most Japanese ghost stories, relying far too much on noisiness for effect: people running around screaming while the camera shakes, along with the usual jump scares and loud foreboding music. I much prefer a subtle, creeping dread to get across a real shivering kind of horror. This film is light on plot and rather predictable when it comes to the story, with only a stand-out couple of disturbing moments. The characters are rather unlikeable too.
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Spain did it again
trashgang21 March 2018
I guess every horror buff will have heard or read an article about this so-called scariest film ever. I did and by reading that people ran out of theaters kept away from this flick. So many flicks are called best this or scariest that and mostly they are utterly trash. But hey, Netflix was brave enough to put this controversial flick on their list so I did watch it.

Coming out of Spain I did had some expectations because good stuff in the genre did came out of that country for decades and being directed by Paco Plaza from REC (2009) expectations were high. And I must say that I would file it as a rather good horror flick.

For me the ghost did work and some parts are indeed creepy but overall for a horror it's low on red stuff or even jump moments. What does work is the score used a throwback to those scary movies from the seventies and eighties. And the main lead being a fan of Héroes del Silencio did add towards the nostalgia.

Of course when you have children as main lead it do gets you by the throat once they become possessed and doing so with the younger ones it do works. It isn't a slow builder and from the first minutes the horror do enters.

Overall not bad but not one that you will remember years from now like REC did. Still, worth picking up if you are an old school horror geek or interested in the story itself, Veronica is based on a true story about the unsolved case of a young girl in Madrid in 1992 named Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro, who mysteriously died after using an Ouija board. Police were never able to crack their investigation.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
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The ratings tell the story
foxtrotonefw4 August 2021
Look at the average ratings and you'll generally get a good idea that for an overwhelming number of people, this was in the 'okay' to 'pretty good' range. As always we have the haters who decide to give movies a 1 without considering any of the specific content, and people who give out 10s like candy at a parade. The truth as with 99.99% of films lies in between.

Like others I found this entertaining, and like others there were some slow parts. For those who cry about cliches (there are some), I'd like to look at your ratings of older movies and see if you really appreciated them for 'creating' the cliche, and then challenge you to go create something better instead of blasting every film with one.

Cliches exist because, well, they work for most people most of the time. Should I follow the rolling glass? Why not play with a ouija? We see these things and yet we still keep watching movies when we know every film or show has them. You could stop watching and read instead but guess what? There are cliches in literature.

People do stupid stuff all the time and yes, sometimes the unthinkable happens. If they didn't the average lifespan would be 100. So get over it. You could choose to find these humorous and think of the film as horror-comedy-science fiction, would that work?

Now off my hyper-critical soap box.

I didn't love Verónica but I've seen much much worse. The acting wasn't horrible in general. It wasn't riveting but it was entertaining enough, if you want to be entertained. The special effects, imperfect, but not every film is high budget. (look at it as comedy then). The story is based on an allegedly true story, so how do you criticize that? The artistic licenses with the facts of the story were okay or logical in areas, worse in others. And if you don't want to consider the actual story original enough, then surely it's better than a 1 in the originality category compared to the 'let's move into this abandoned house' or 'there's a psychopath chasing us with a ___' (choose gruesome weapon).

If you like to slam every other movie and often rate things as a 1, the don't watch it! What's it say about you if you saw a 6.2 rating and 'wasted your time'? You followed that rolling glass, didn't you.
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Eerie and ghastly horror movie based on facts about an adolescent who suffers a diabolic possession
ma-cortes20 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film is based on the events that involved Estefanía Gutiérrez Lázaro and her family happened on 1991 . In fact , it is set Madrid 1991, where a 15-year-old teen called Veronica : Sandra Escacena , takes care her siblings when her mummy : Ana Torrent , is slaving away long time out of home , at a local bar . Veronica is a responsible teenager that has to become herself the substitute mother caring her three brothers , replacing her at housework . Then Veronica along with her schoolmates , during a weird sun eclipse , play a seance of the Ouija board, including a moving crystal glass and inhalating a rare smoke emerging , when she finds herself a supernatural evil . Veronica is beginning to feel weird presences and strange creature threatening her brothers and herself . Step by step something violent and wild will start to infect everyone around Veronica . And she starts to experience strong paranormal activity in her home . In the background showing up a painting of a pack of wolves chasing a deer and the usual music by Spanish Rock band Heroes Del Silencio . Someone answered your call! . A mystery until today still remains unexplained! ..I don't want to know about evil, only want to know about love!..

Decent terror movie with thrills , chills , tension , and creepy happenings . Scary and terrifying images when an obscure supernatural being plunges from the other side , making sinister and mysterious appearances . At the climax happens shocking and horrific images of possession and violent attacks . A scary horror picture shot in fits and starts with disconcerting plot , regarding a ghastly possession , as a teenager suffering from the effects of being possessed by a devil . Horrifying and terrifying images about a possessed girl by a malevolent and heinous spirit causing creepy , scary , awful and terrible moments . Genuinely horrible moments overcome some obvious plot devices . This is a juicy terrifying material fashioning an iconic diabolic possession , providing screams , thrills , shocks and chilling scenes . It has an extremely known premise about possession that spawns the film in ups and downs . The movie is based on actual events happened in 1991 about a girl from Vallecas slum called Estefania who along with his classmates convocated the spirit of a deceased boyfriend of one of them by means of the Ouija board . Then this 18-year-old girl called Estafania was really possesed , suffering convulsion and shortly after being interned at Gregorio Marañon hospital , and she suddenly died , as she would die on August 14, 1991, six months after first playing the Ouija board ; diagnosis : lung suffocation . And the paranormal activity increased after her death . However, many years before, in the early 70s happened some astonishing events about Poltergeister phenomenon that caused the Police Security Direction hired an expert priest called Jose Maria Pilón to investigate the frightened deeds which he details meticulously the supernatural events observed in the incredible house . Has been said this was first strange case documented by Police about frenzied paranormal phenomenon .

It contains an adequate and sinister cinematography by Pablo Rosso , Paco Plaza's regular cameraman . And frightening , suspenseful musical score by Eugenio Mira , adding modern songs by Heroes Del Silencio . The motion picture was well directed by Paco Plaza . He is a good director with much success particularly in terror genre . He has written or directed with Jaume Balaguero the successful Rec saga formed by : ¨Rec 1, Rec 2 , Rec Genesis and Rec Apocalypse¨ . As well as other terror movies as ¨The second name¨ , ¨Romasanta¨, ¨Christmas tale¨ and he wrote the American film : ¨Quarantine¨ . He has also made some shorts and documentary : OT . And his only and recent thriller, ¨Quien a hierro mata¨, with Luis Tosar . Rating 7/10 . Decent and interesting horror movie . Well worth watching for terror lovers.
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Watch the complete Paco Plaza Quadrilogy to compare it to this ... Start with Rec :D
Aktham_Tashtush14 January 2018
I'v been living in Valencia for the past two years and the first thing i knew about this city before coming in here is that Paco Plaza is from this city ... man this guy is just genius,, Starting from Rec. trilogy and ending up with this unusual creepy "original on its way" Ouija board Horror.

The plot as common and boring as it would sound ,, a Ouija board turns into evil supernatural force fight, yet Paco made it look more original especially adding these "true story" stuff at the beginning and the end which usually freaks me out, and then splashing it with mysterious jumpy moments,, i mean for a guy who don't scare easily, i flinched more than a couple of times in here.

The cast was good in general, not interacted with most, but that actress Sandra Escacena "Veronica", man!! for a first time big screen actress she can really act and convince .

The cinematography was fine for a regular horror movie,, yet to be precise and honest in some scenes "when the hand of that evil spirit comes out or shocks someone" it was creepy but not using the best out there,, to makes-up or whatever makes these things,, but it did not effect the superiority of the creepiness of the movie or the authenticity of these jumpy moments.

Final thought,, been watching Spanish movies for a while now,, so when i say this movie is one of the Top 20 best movies in my list, and one of the few top best horror movies so you gotta take it seriously ;)
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Yet another disappointing Netflix horror film
pmcanavan29 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
People who have said this film is the scariest horror film ever need to seriously get their heads checked. The actors did a good enough job and some of the scenes - the opening one in particular - were shot very well in my opinion however the film falls victim to a very predictable plot including the classic 'it was me all along' ending (I know it was based on a true story but I mean did we really need the montage explaining this surprise 'twist'?) and very weak horror which didn't manage to unnerve or scare me once. Would not recommend.
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Brilliant performance
jogukah9 July 2018
As a relentless pursuer of historical depictions in movies, I must say this one of the scary ones. It's marked by A1 performances of the depicted characters and proves to be a good horror movie. Although lacking depth, it's worth your time and money if you're into this type of movies.
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musicfreak_949 March 2018
I had seen some things claiming that this movie was so scary people couldn't finish it, but I thought it wasn't scary at all. The plot twist at the end was kinda mediocre and overall just seemed to be a run-of-the-mill possession story. Didn't really bring anything new to the table, I'm sad to say.
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A nice horror movie
alejandro-salinas17 February 2018
As a big consumer of horror movies it is now difficult for me to find a new one that really scares me. This one does.

Good perfomance for all the actresses.

The tension gets higher every minute of the film
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Good but whats up with "100% Rotten Tomatoes?""
rebeccax52 March 2018
This morning I see a supposed news story saying this Spanish film on Netflix is the "scariest" and best horror film in years, with raving reviews and "100% on Rotten Tomatoes" review site.

It really HURTS enjoyment of the film to go into it with that kind of fake, paid for promotion.

Is the director Paco Plaza some favorite of the Spirit Cooking crowd or something equally as weird?

Yes, it's a pretty good, supernatural, ghost film and the main actress and direction is good. The idea that it is based on a true story is intriguing, but "100% on Rotten Tomatoes???" Give me a break.

Is Netflix and Rotten Tomatoes resorting to fake advertising? It really distracted from the film itself, because it was watchable and creepy but I give it a generous 7 star just for the actress and creepy nun.

Obviously film reviewing it back to PAYOLA and somehow related to politics.
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Typical boring movie that tries to be scary and fails.
skyhawk7473 March 2018
I do not understand what the hype is over this film? I found it very boring and it's nowhere near as scary as made out. The presence has no fear factor about it and quite a few horror cliches are in the movie.

Sorry but nothing special here.
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Good movie but overhyped.
homerchrist28 May 2018
First of all this is a Spanish language movie, so unless you're bi-lingual you might miss some of the dialogue. I read an article where there were a lot of people saying they had to stop half way through because it was too scary, so naturally, I had to watch it. Boy, were they wrong. It's also a netflix movie and since I cut ties with them and joined the Hulu bandwagon, I had to find it on my own. Easy to do. It starts out pretty quickly and builds from there. There wasn't much in the way of jump scares or slasher type horror, it is more cerebral. It's what isn't shown that get's the story flowing. I don't like leaving spoilers so I won't here. I will say that the children actors, the sisters and brother were all really good. The friend Rosa was not near as good an actor as the family members. They did a great job making the story that much more believable. You can actually see the fear they have and you get drawn into believing that they are terrified. It's supposed to be based on actual events, taken from the responding detectives notes on the case. There is a lot of conjecture to be sure, but all in all it was an enjoyable movie. It had a few moments that give you the chills but no real jump out your chairs issues. If you are looking for a kill 'em all type of movie, keep looking. If you want something to sit back and watch that will give you the creeps, this is probably going to do it for you. I can't stress how much the kids acting made this movie work. They have some bright futures in acting.
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