371 Reviews
I bind you Blumhouse, from making movies.
dustinleslie29 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
For a Blumhouse film, it's awful. No element of horror. The characters are rushed with no back story. I can understand the main character, Lily, having such strong powers if Nancy conceived her while having all the power of Manon. Like at the party with Chris before she pushed him out the window. But that doesn't explain why all of the girls have such powerful magic without any explanation. Don't even get me started on the random male witch guy. Also, what happened to his son's after they kill him?
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Gen Z Cheesy and just not worth it
brah_vo28 March 2021
I've never made a review until now... I'm a HUGE fan of the first since it came out when I was a younger kid. Still remains one of the best movies from my childhood.

So while I had small expectations from the trailer but I still had an open mind going into it.

The cons definitely outweigh the pros.

Cons: There was ALOT of unanswered questions, lots of things were thrown at your randomly, the scenes were rushed, the effects were boring/very cheesy af, and the majority of the actors mostly the girls and parents were very cringy. And the way the humor and comedic relief was thrown in just wasn't it. And It just felt so underwhelming. And it is def built around a Gen Z audience instead of the older audience who loved the original and made it a cult classic Pros: it had some potential, the main actress who played Lily was ok. The actor who played Tommy was better and the best of the cast. Probably because of the actual and only character development and was very well played. Not to sound harsh but that's about it.

In the end this whole plotline seems like something a high school teenager would've wrote for a English creative writing story.

Very disappointed but not surprised.
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what did i just watch
bilgealp28 October 2020
Honestly this was such a disappointment to see. This movie contains more like a cliche teen high school movie elements instead of thriller/horror. I personally can't see any horror items in it. I hate how they never mentioned main characters' backstories or their daily lives. And there were SO many plotholes that i can't catch up while watching. Literally I'm so disappointed rn just go and watch the original one and don't waste ur time watching this. In the end I'd like these characters so much if writers wrote them better. But with that many unanswered questions in the plot and zero backstory on main characters... a no from me
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A Bundle Of Loose Ends
Neon_Gold12 December 2020
I do really like the original but I never grew up with it so I don't have that connection with it like some other people. That being said this film was still not great.

I did actually enjoy some parts especially when the group were kind of just hanging out together and being fun.

There are so many dead end plots that just go absolutely no where like just nothing happens. For example there is this random scene where someone sleep walks into the main girls room, it is played as a jump scare. And then we never hear of it again. It was pointless and an absolute waste of time. This is just one thing, there are many other things like this. This is a stab in the dark but when watching I realised a few scenes from the trailer were absent from the movie and I feel like this is maybe why so many sub plots are just dead in the water because they are all on the cutting room floor.

I found that the ending seemed tacked on too and was just super unnecessary and then even more so the scenes that take place after the climax of the movie. They once again just felt like "oh here is an idea...actually never mind".

I think this movie would have been so much better if they just focused on the group and didn't bog it down with everything else. I also didn't like that they were just like had powers from the start there was no build up like in the original and no scenes where they had to practice them.

I really liked that it was a pretty inclusive movie and had a inclusive feeling running though the middle of it.

One small nit pick as well is that I really didn't like the soundtrack and score. It was such a hodge podge and didn't do the movie any favours. The original movie is such a time capsule of a time and culture in the 90s and this was just like all over the place.
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marlanafaye30 October 2020
What was that? Just leave Gen X movies and TV shows alone. This was an abomination.
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An utter and complete waste
BandSAboutMovies30 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The original version of The Craft is a movie that has never gone away. Written and directed by Andrew Fleming, who also made one of my favorite (and most derivative) slashers, Bad Dreams, and screenwritten by Peter Filardi (Flatliners) with direction from producer Douglas Wick, who wanted to mix the high school experience with witchcraft, the stories that it tells have continued to engage audiences since it came out in 1996.

This Blumhouse reimagining/sequel had the opportunity to be interesting. Would it take a whole new pass at the story? Would it refer to anything from the past? Or would it be a muddled mess that tries to have a little of both?

This new version has the same problem with so many reimagining: instead of either giving you a new look at an old story or moving past the origin to tell the real story that people want to see (doing so here will necessitate a big spoiler, so I'll explain more at the end of this after plenty of spoiler space), this just tells a new origin and sets up characters without creating a single memorable moment or character that you come back to and want to know more about.

The original four girls - Sarah, Bonnie, Nancy and Rochelle - each had their own reasons for turning to witchcraft. They all had their own issues, personalities and even styles. And almost 25 years later, I can still tell you about them and how their individual stories all come together.

I just watched this movie last night and I can not tell you a single identifiable thing about the three supporting characters that make up the witches other than two (Frankie and Lourdes) are interchangeable brunettes and Tabby is a black girl who jokes that she doesn't like Beyonce. We learn nothing of their home lives, their challenges and who they want to be in this world, only that they feel ostracized and they feel the need to turn to the left hand path.

Lily Schechner is the girl who will be their fourth, completing their coven. She's new in town, as her mom has moved to a new town to live with Adam Harrison (David Duchovny) and his three sons. Maybe I've grown too old, but every boy in this movie felt so interchangeable that I had difficulty figuring out which one was their friend Timmy and which were the three brothers.

In fact, why did there even have to be three brothers? None of them are truly essential to the story at all, with the oldest being a cipher at best and a living jump scare at worst. They are interchangeable stock characters that you could remove from this movie and still end up in the same place. Even the villain - spoiler, it's Duchovny) never really seems to gain any steam or even appear to be much of a threat.

Zoe Lister-Jones, who wrote and directed this, never really sets up any tension. Again, I must refer to the first movie, where it seemed like without magic, the girls' lives would be meaningless. Nancy, for example, has a life so depressing that you wonder why it took her so long to go completely off the deep end. Her reveal as a sociopath and the girls must working together to stop her tragic unraveling speaks volumes. The moment where the girls realize that getting everything they wanted still leaves them wanting more is as well. Not a single moment happens in this movie that comes within a newt's eye of that.

That said, Lister-Jones based much of the film and its characters in her own adolescent experiences as a misgendered youth. She also moved with her mother into a home of all men, so she had to adapt. This is the only part of this film that seems true to me.

Now, after adequate spoiler space, I'll tell you the problem.

Have you ever seen the Jem and the Holograms movie? It spent so much time telling you the origin story - which took 22 minutes in the original cartoon - that the moment you want to see, Pizzazz and the Misfits vs. Jem and the Holograms, is relegated to a post-credit scene of a perfectly cast Kesha threatening to ruin the happy ending.

Here, Lily learns with about ten minutes left in the film that she's adopted. As we get to the end credits, we follow her to a hospital where she gets to meet her birth mother...Nancy Downs (Fairuza Balk). The story of what happened, why Nancy is still in an asylum and how she could have had a daughter, as well as what happens next, is way more interesting than what we just watched.

The frustrating thing of Blumhouse - the studio who made a Black Christmas that seemed more like The Skulls and a Halloween that spent inordinate time discussing sandwiches and peanut butter on private parts than having The Shape murder people - is that they will eventually remake every horror movie worth anything. Sure, we'll always have what came before, but for some young folks, their first exposure to something great will be a watered-down modern reimagining that's missing the word imagination.
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Oh so slow and predictable
tvcarsd2 March 2021
The first craft was by far so much better than this one but it did have some good acting moments. The music couldn't have been worse though. I don't know how it could be called horror though. Too draw out.
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What the.. ?
deni_sway31 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't know what I just watched! I saw The first movie when it came out and was really excited for this sequel.. but what the hell just happened here? Zero character development, the story.. there is no story besides the fact she somehow is connected to one of the first movie characters and probably that was the only thing that made me watch this disaster till the end.. to see Nancy again.. for about 2 seconds.. in the whole movie.. yeah..

So many holes.. how was Helen connected to Nancy? Who or what was that Adam guy? He has a family crest with a snake and a knife.. cool.. and that's about it, all you get to know about this guy.. oh and he has 3 sons that are like just there.. adding zero to the movie (that scene where one of them is apparently sleep walking in Lily's room.. ???) What's the background on the other girls (I cant even remember their characters names, that's how good it was)? They were supposed to be the main characters.. When I saw "legacies" I was expecting that the girls were connected to the originals.. in some way.. but no, not even a tiny mention of them. Aaaand how did Nancy got pregnant if she was locked up in an asilum all this years?!

I just can't.. I'm sorry guys, but this one shouldn't exist.. :(
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Gratuitously overloaded with social issues and morally problematic
themadmovieman28 October 2020
I really liked The Craft, with its engrossing blend of dark fantasy and strikingly frank coming-of-age drama. Its sequel retains that dark style, boldly going for a borderline R-rated story with some very adult ideas.

However, while its predecessor told a challenging story that ultimately showed itself as a moral fable, The Craft: Legacy is a more morally dubious film, gratuitously overloading itself with different social issues of the day and ticking them off one by one as it wrestles with some very problematic themes.

First off, though, I really want to praise the way that The Craft: Legacy lives up to the dark reputation of the first film. Though perhaps not as emotionally overwhelming as its predecessor, this sequel really sticks to its guns with a dark and frank story that's more about the characters than pure young adult fantasy.

There's a part of me that misses some of the more action-packed fantasy sequences from the previous film, but it's really commendable the way that this sequel commits to a bolder, darker style in a world where it could have been so easy to make a lazy rehash of the Twilight movies.

Couple that with strong performances from the film's young lead quartet, all of whom are mature and very assured on screen throughout, and you have a film that's a lot more than just a throwaway bit of fantasy fare.

However, I found the way that The Craft: Legacy uses its darker, thematically upfront style really problematic. The Craft told a heavy-going story about bullying and coming-of-age, and although arguably mean-spirited at times, it eventually righted itself with a strong moral message in the end.

This film, meanwhile, looks at a variety of wider social issues which are all relevant in the modern world, yet it fails to consider them in enough detail, while also failing to address the morally questionable actions of its main characters.

So there are two issues here. First is the way in which The Craft: Legacy seems to tick off mentioning various social issues almost as if it's a 'woke' scorecard, without ever giving them the proper time and attention that they're due. There are throwaway comments about trans issues, racial discrimination, female adolescence, toxic masculinity and more, but the movie does little to really address those issues beyond just including them in the story.

All of those themes are important and worthy of discussion, but this film is painfully superficial in dealing with them.

Secondly, the film's overarching theme, that of taking on the patriarchy, is somehow used in a really morally questionable way. The film's feminist passions are evident, and it's great to see the way that it lends attention to the feelings of a group of young women, but it spends too much time on the attack, with a bizarre portrayal of men that comes off as incredibly mean-spirited.

In this movie, the male characters are either evil masterminds looking to dominate women, or braindead puppets controlled by the whims of women. If the film had addressed either of those portrayals by looking in on itself towards the end, then they wouldn't be such a problem, but it's the way it almost celebrates this erroneous portrayal of men that really doesn't sit right with me.

For a film that's clearly there to inspire young women and to tackle important social issues, I was really surprised by just how aggressive and superficial The Craft: Legacy was - a far cry from the engrossing character drama of its predecessor.

Overall then, I was disappointed by The Craft: Legacy. Though admirable for its retention of the bold and dark style that made its predecessor so striking, the film struggles in its use of social themes, gratuitously ticking off various issues with little regard for reality, all the while telling a story about taking on the patriarchy in really bizarre fashion.
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I'm surprised by the bad reviews
dannib8910 November 2020
I'm really surprised by all the bad reviews! I actually really enjoyed this, and I Love the first one. I went into this though without any expectations, and I actually expected it to be bad, so I was pleasantly surprised. I loved the fashion, I loved some of the issues they lightly touched on. I definately think it could have been longer to smooth out the story though but overall really enjoyed it.
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These reviews are far too harsh
pop_smith4 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
For what it was I enjoyed it, although I had very low expectations after hearing the rumbles of it not being very good but I like to see for myself and make up my own mind.

Disappointed that as a Blumhouse movie it is very tame. I really missed the darkness of the original.

I thought it was a remake, the new 4 seem to be very similar to the originals as were the scenes in the woods and the levitation spell. I like that they didn't turn on each other though but we're trying to protect themselves from themselves, but because of the need of a bad guy I felt Duchovny's character was a fleshless attempt. I would've preferred it to have been the eldest brother and develop that character. There were far too many characters with little backstory and little to do. Timmy was great but then killed off without real exploration. Plus the cameo at the end felt like a last minute u-turn to change it into a sequel.

I think it would've actually made a great Netflix exclusive, with 10 or so episodes to make use of the characters, give them more backstory and really develop the ideas that were touched on.

As a movie I enjoyed it and am glad I saw it on the big screen but I'm left feeling like it deserved more.
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No characters development
gleilsondantas28 October 2020
The whole story was rushed and nothing made sense! There is nothing about the characters personal lived shared to make you understand who are these girls, how did they get powers, what made them interested in magic... A big fail!
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kaz12341-853-4124228 October 2020
I loved the first movie, so was really looking forward to this. Don't waste your time it is dreadful. I actually kept rewinding it thinking i had missed something. No story, no plot , no explanation for anything. The main character is a reaonably good actress but that is the only positive comment i can make. Total disappointment
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Zero character development
JanWasHere30 October 2020
What a misfire this movie was. The plot made zero sense, the new characters were entirely without nuance or development, and the visual effects looked like a bad Instagram filter.

It felt like the writer was so concerned with making the central cast come across as perfectly moralistic do-gooders, that they forgot they where writing teenagers. When a male (Timmy) is the most interesting and fleshed out character in a Craft sequel, you've done something horribly wrong.

You'll see quite a few moments in the trailer that never showed up in the actual film, which leads me to think that the heavy hand of an editor was involved in this one. I knew this movie was seriously in trouble when the central conflict wasn't even introduced until the last twenty minutes.

This feels like the Nickelodeon version of The Craft, with all of the original film's edges systematically filed down to smooth nubs that won't injure anyone if they accidentally bump up against it.
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consumer-netherlands30 October 2020
No depth and no development...So disappointing. This movie is garbage for 2020. weak and without essence, made more for teenagers ... It had potential.
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If I never see this movie again, it'll be too soon.
jeritaphan5 November 2020
I feel like the film was trying to be too "woke". I also found Frankie's character to be incredibly annoying and felt like she was trying too hard, it was unnecessary and cringey to watch. The plot was kind of all over the place, no element of horror and just terrible execution. I felt like I was watching a children's watered-down-Disney version of a witchcraft movie. There was not enough character/relationship/sisterhood development. They're meant to be a coven and it just all happened so quickly, very minimal bonding and it all just felt like stage show magic. Didn't capture the true essence of witchcraft in my opinion. There is not enough sage in the world to cleanse this completely flop of a film.
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Candy-coated version of The Craft (1996)
Vanindel-197628 October 2020
It's definitely not as edgy or dark as the original, but it's not terrible. I was expecting much worse. It's true that character development was lacking, and there were moments you were left with unanswered questions, but overall it's enjoyable. Good plot, good acting, and sneaky last scene.
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camkennedy3429 October 2020
This movie is horrible!! Very poorly written, impossible to like any of the characters. If you're a fan of the original, do yourself a favour and skip this garbage.
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Better movie than these awful reviews say
charliek-5299430 October 2020
I've read many of these reviews and clearly these people are incapable of following a movie. You have people complaining about character development, which really makes no sense. We learn all we need to about the characters, for the movie to make sense and not be crazy long. People are also complaining about no explanation of the other girls' powers; they clearly state they have been looking for a 4th for a long time and have been practicing magic for all that time as well. That's all we need to know about them. Movie is a solid 5 to 6 rating. It's not a horror movie and I'm not sure why anyone would expect it to be. These other reviewers must not have seen the 1996 movie which also was not a horror movie. I hate when people who know nothing about films leave bad reviews for a movie. Definitely worth a watch if you were into The Craft. You should enjoy it. Don't over thing or over analyze the film, just enjoy it.
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Zero Build Up to shallow insta witches with Harry Potter magic
Grimsonia14 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So, the girls meet and with zero effort are instantly ultra powerful magic users? Worse than Rey being a full fledged Jedi as soon as she gets a hold of a light saber.

The girls themselves have no synergy together. We don't get any back story on their lives or personalities. They are shallow paper dolls flitting around the screen performing Harry Potter like amazing feats.

And then there's a warlock which I actually thought was a nice addition if the story itself had some meat on it, which it didn't.

Shallow disjointed mess and everyone who had a hand in bringing this to production should be publicly flogged.

The only really cool part was seeing Faruza Balk and the end.
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I really enjoyed this movie
abbywingfield12 December 2020
I was thinking it would be an exact remake of the first craft just in this day and age, I'm very thankful it wasn't they did different spells which ultimately made the movie more interesting I loved the Timmy turned good character & I liked the twist at the end good movies have good twist but I hope they make a third explaining some more.
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Way better than the reviews suggest
A_Different_Drummer29 October 2020
Forget for a moment that this film is to be a sequel to a 25 year old film that most people have forgotten. Instead consider the energy that the Director injects into the film to compensate for the lack of a traditional story arc ... as a kind of evolution. A new kind of horror. One that engages (thanks to exceptional acting and casting) as much as it horrifies.
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Skip it
orgrabbit23 March 2021
This feels like only half of a movie. A pointless and unnecessary waste of talent. Go and rewatch The Craft instead of wasting your time on this.
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Where was the magic?...
paul_haakonsen29 October 2020
Granted, I did not have high hopes for "The Craft: Legacy" when it was initially announced, and I dreaded the outcome of it. And sure enough, the movie was a weak imitation of the original 1996 "The Craft" movie.

Writer and director Zoe Lister-Jones failed utterly to bring something worthwhile to the screen, as "The Craft: Legacy" just felt like a watered down more family-friendly version of the 1996 movie. And that was just an abysmal turn for the movie to take. Especially since the 1996 movie was pretty good and impacting back in the day.

I am sure that "The Craft: Legacy" was meant to be a continuation of the 1996 movie, but it just failed at being an original movie in its own right, and it had none of the charm, appeal or impact that the 1996 movie had.

Sure, if you haven't seen the 1996 "The Craft" then I suppose "The Craft: Legacy" is a good enough movie. But for us that did watch it, then "The Craft: Legacy" is lacking the magic, the foreboding darkness that threatened behind the alluring call of using witch magic. And more importantly, it was lacking memorable characters.

The character gallery in "The Craft: Legacy" felt like they were using cardboard stand-in, most of them fully devoid of backstory and personalities. Even David Duchovny's character felt like a puppet just brought in for the heck of it.

Not even having the likes of David Duchovny and Michelle Monaghan in the movie could do much to lift up what was essentially a hollow and shallow movie experience.

The most interesting part about "The Craft: Legacy" was the person that showed up in the end of the movie, and get this, was present for a whole staggering 3 second or so! Now, I am not going to say whom it is, but yeah, you guessed it already, because it was that predictable.

My rating of "The Craft: Legacy" lands on a less than mediocre four out of ten stars. The movie was watchable, for sure, but this was by no means a worthy runner up to the 1996 "The Craft".
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It should not have been made
sebado28 October 2020
This is such a bad movie. Where is the magic, where is the darkness, I miss Nancy. The score was interesting, Nicholas Galitzine as Tommy was good and the last scene appearance was nice. The acting and the screenplay with its undeveloped plots were awful. Stick to the original!
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