IO (2019) Poster


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Good Concept Bad Execution
tablebythegym18 January 2019
Although the concept is highly unrealistic, as climate change doesn't make the air poison (don't worry its just turning the ocean into acid), the concept is seemingly original and interesting. I saw the trailer and was intrigued enough to watch. I realized halfway through that this was going to be a pull-out-your-phone kind of movie. There are long stretches where you can look away for thirty minutes and not miss a single thing. There is little suspense in the story and the characters don't act like the movie established they should. There are action scenes that somehow put me to sleep. The costumes, scenery, and visuals are interesting to look at, but nothing to write home about. There are some comical moments where you can see an immaculate lawn or green vegetation in an area that it is established would be impossible.

The actors are decent, but don't have much to work with. It feels like the director was yelling, "more monotone, less passion!" The script is plodding and full of unnecessary mythology references that will go over most peoples heads and even having knowledge of the stories they were referencing I don't know how it applies. Either it is very complicated or so simple that I am overthinking it. I don't like to throw around the word 'pretentious' a lot, but this is certainly that at times. It is hard to explain without spoilers, but by around 2/3rds in people will understand what I mean.

All in all not a horrible movie, but not a good one. I feel with better direction and a more meaty script it could have fallen into a nice spot of an intriguing watch. It also has a very shove-climate-change-down-your-throat kind of attitude that even as someone who believes the scientists on climate change feels forced. The music is really good, but doesn't save it. This movie falls with a lot of Netflix movies into decent but disappointing.
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Better than expected
nick-hughesy26 June 2020
Not to sure that this deserves its current low rating and poor reviews. Yes it has flaws, scientific, pace etc, but it is also a meditative account of loneliness, and humanity's own flaws. It is also well shot with an emotive score that is well matched to the movie. It makes you think and consider many things, which is why I expect many of the reviews are negative. Not the best when compared to a Interstellar for example, but deserves some attention.
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Quiet hope
andholmvej19 January 2019
To me this movie doesn't earn this amount of bad reviews. It is a quiet movie full of hope The thing that is wrong, is the trailer luring in the wrong audience.
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Much Better Than Its Aggregate Score
paul-2976916 August 2020
I think this movie is suffering from its departures from the almighty formula. It's beautifully filmed, directed, and acted. The script is not transparent, as most formula movies, so you don't get the luxury of letting it wash over you.
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Not even pseudoscience fantasy.
quiggsmcghee20 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I forced myself to finish this movie in order to feel okay about writing a review; however, I really wanted to step away after the first major factual inaccuracies presented themselves in the first 5 minutes. As an environmental engineer, I feel more than qualified to comment on these inaccuracies. I'll outline several of them from throughout the movie for you here:

1) "... to harvest geothermal energy from other planets." (00:01:20) The prefix "geo" is defined as "relating to the Earth"; therefore, "geothermal energy" refers exclusively to thermal energy from the Earth. You cannot "harvest geothermal energy from other planets" anymore than you can harvest solar energy from a lightbulb.

2) "Sample 181B. Drawn from the sediment strata, should confirm or disconfirm the presence of bacterium able to use ammonium as a main oxygen source." (00:04:46) This quote contains two errors, so I will refer to them as "2a" and "2b". 2a) Ammonium consists of only Nitrogen and Hydrogen, so it could never be a "main oxygen source". In the unlikely case that by "ammonium" the writers were implying "ammonium oxide", it would be within the realms of a science fiction piece to make this claim. However, the fact that this is an isolated use of the term "ammonium" in the movie (the writers prefer "ammonia" in every other case, which actually is a different chemical compound), along with a later inaccuracy I will address, make the loose inference of "ammonium" to "ammonium oxide" very unlikely. What's more is that it is not a new concept that bacteria exist which can respire in such conditions. In fact, we have known that they exist for a long time and rely on them in many ways. I will mention this later on as well. 2b) In this quote, the singular "bacterium" is used in the plural sense. It's interesting that the writers were even familiar with the singular form when "bacteria" is colloquially used in the singular sense, and "bacterium" is almost exclusive to scientific literature and dialogue where it is always used in reference to a single bacterium or singular strain of bacteria. Later in the movie, another character makes the opposite but more forgivable mistake when he says, "Was it a bacteria?" (01:15:46)

3) "Anaerobic reproduction in a water-striding insect colony." (00:08:56) To my knowledge, there is no such phenomenon referred to as "anaerobic reproduction". That is not to say that this is impossible or does not exist. Let me explain. Anaerobic simply refers to processes which occur in the absence of a common electron accepter (e.g., nitrate, sulfate, or oxygen). Many organisms, such as anaerobic bacteria, do in fact reproduce in these conditions. However, this is not referred to as "anaerobic reproduction" because neither anaerobic nor aerobic conditions lend themselves to a specific type of reproduction. More than likely, the writers actually meant "anaerobic respiration". This makes sense in light of the "scientific" premise of the movie, which is the struggle of life on earth to adapt to an atmosphere contaminated with ammonia and implicitly low oxygen. The reference to anaerobic conditions also discredits the notion that the writers implied "ammonium oxide" when using the term "ammonium".

4) "We filter our drinking water through sand and charcoal. It's all it needs." (00:26:55) Assuming the water is contaminated with ammonia (like the air), sand and charcoal would do nothing to purify it. In wastewater treatment, where ammonia removal is a necessary process, nitrifying bacteria are used to nitrify ammonia. That is, they ultimately convert the ammonia to nitrate, hydrogen and water. This is a very complicated, multi-step process that involves balancing pH, dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand to achieve the desired effect. Had the writers suggested that Sam harvested nitrifying bacteria (likely quite common on an ammonia-rich Earth) and used them to treat her water, this would have been within the realms of a science fiction piece. But sand and charcoal would do nothing for ammonia.

5) "It's only cloudy like that because of the charcoal." (00:26:49) Charcoal filtration removes particles from contaminated water through adsorption. Most household filters use activated charcoal to improve the aesthetic qualities of their water (look, taste and smell). Implying that the charcoal would actually discolor the water is a major inaccuracy, since it would in fact do the opposite. Now, if the process actually added charcoal to the water instead of filtering the water through the charcoal, this would discolor it, but it would do nothing to filter the water. However, I doubt that is the implication when the "treated" water has a light brown hue. Charcoal would have turned the water gray or black, depending on the amount added.

6) "You'd think they could live up high like us." (00:30:27) This quote implies that the surviving humans were able to escape the contaminated air by living at a higher elevation. However, ammonia is lighter than air, meaning the ammonia concentration would likely be higher at an increased elevation, not lower.

7) Throughout the movie, Sam regularly monitors the air quality by sustaining a flame and observing its color. In the movie, a purple flame is supposed to represent contaminated air, whereas a yellow/orange flame represents clean air. When ammonia burns in the presence of oxygen, the flame is actually yellow, not purple. But let's look at this a little deeper. Ammonia has a flammable range of 15 - 28%. This means that ammonia will not ignite at a concentration of less than 15% volume of air or a concentration higher than 28% volume of air. According to the CDC, ammonia is "immediately dangerous to life or health" at just 300 ppm, which is just 0.03% volume of air. A concentration of 15% (150,000 ppm) or higher would not just be damaging to the eyes, nostrils and lungs, but also to the skin. The character would need to wear a fully-enclosed, airtight suit to protect herself against harm.

I understand that science fiction writers are not scientists, but the premise behind science fiction is to provide a somewhat plausible scenario that is at least loosely based on some scientific truth. Even fantasy pieces, which delve into realms far beyond the scope of even pseudoscience, do not attempt to rewrite or misrepresent well-known, established scientific fact without some sort of explanation (even if it's something as ludicrous as dolphins that suddenly bound from the ocean into deep space because of their sentience and connections to other-worldly beings).

It's quite disappointing to think that so much money and effort could be put into a movie on the part of writers, producers, actors, videographers, and visual effects specialists (to name a few) and yet they didn't think to have somebody with at least the qualifications of a middle school science teacher read over the screenplay.
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Slow and painfully dull.
artenfrize18 January 2019
How did this get made? It's like listening to your girlfriend tell you about a boring dream she had for 90 minutes straight. Achingly pretentious but without the artistic beauty to back it up. Mackie struggles with Twilight level dialogue while a surprisingly graceful score beautifully frames the drama and emotion that should be there but simply isn't. A crushing waste of everyone's time.
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See it with a friend who can slap you awake when you nod off.
PiAnt21 January 2019
No sense of urgency, no interesting developments, no empathy, no rockets, no IO.

The balloon was the most interesting character.

Utter, utter rubbish.
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Deep and meaningful.
Sleepin_Dragon3 April 2020
I understand some of the frustrations with this movie, largely because of the trailer, and the fact that it was advertised to me as a horror thriller, far from it, it's a meaningful story about the end of life as we know it, one woman's challenge, and her handling of change when a man appears.

Very visual, it has some poignant scenes, I particularly liked the decayed and rotten streets and buildings, they looked incredible.

There are multiple messages here, I appreciate that in amongst the many negative ones, there is one that shines through the whole way through, human spirit.

Tragic beauty, 7/10.
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It would have been great if it was 8 minutes.
dogasomer19 January 2019
The amount of the stuff happens in this movie is perfect for a short film. Unfortunately it is now just 90 minutes of boredom.
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Pretty decent apocalypse movie
ThermallyYours18 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm an odd sort of fellow, so these end-of-world scenarios always appeal to me. I like the idea of Sam, the main character, living up on a hill, in an old observatory, with her own kitchen garden and survival setup. There isn't a lot of action or dialogue for for large stretches, so if you can deal with a slower (yet interesting) storyline, you'll find this watchable. If Sam looks familiar to you, it's because Margaret Qualley is Andie McDowells daughter.
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raptchur19 January 2019
Why make this movie? There is nothing worth telling here. One of the most boring movies I've ever seen. Unlikable main character. Stupid story. Stupid title. I just really don't understand the movie making process. I mean someone read this and said yeah this will make a great movie... I just truly can't believe that. Or I can't believe that person would have the power or resources to make said movie. So Netflix "originals" are quantity over quality i guess? My god this was flaming trash.
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I am only disappointed in how everyone else seems to hate this movie
shoobe01-128 February 2019
I think the problem is it that it's moody and dark. I am reminded of how many people rejected my love of Pink Floyd and Roger Waters in college; "but it's so depressing" they say. No, not really. And everything ends on an up note which only works after the terribleness.

Io ends on hope. I don't need sunny days and trite, maudlin music to make me feel that things are now awesome and hopeful. All you have to do as actually watch, listen, feel what is happening in the movie.

It also doesn't lack in action. It lacks in action /tropes/. You could simply overlay a different Action Soundtrack to emphasize the beats as they set out on the road, find the supplies they need, find the big secret (never that big a secret) and more.

But instead of playing like a disaster movie, the movie deliberately has a tone appropriate to lonely folks after the fall of the earth. It's is quiet, measured, a tinge of desperation, not depressing.

I am only disappointed in how everyone else seems to hate it.
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Slow and Steady
ayomarcellus30 November 2019
This a good sci-fi movie, starts on a slow note and keeps the pace with good scenes and storyline.. I don't know why the rating is so low..
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Dull, plodding and incredibly stupid.
Java_Joe18 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm either really overthinking this movie or the people that wrote it really had no freaking idea what they were talking about. Personally I think it's the latter and they chose Io because it sounded cool.

I have no problem with the Earth getting so polluted and toxic that we have to leave. It's just nothing is really explained. And then why Io of all places? Not only is Mars closer but it's larger but it's less toxic than Io is. A moon that is being squeezed so hard by Jupiter that there are massive volanoes shooting out molten basalt as well as sulfur dioxide. Some blasts are so powerful they literally shoot out some 500km into space. And for some reason all of humanity, that didn't die, wound up there?

The rest plays off like some movie of the week from the 70's. It's tired, cliche and just not interesting.

And then the lead, who really can't act I might add, winds up being able to breathe at the end. Okay. So either she somehow "adapted" to the new environment or it's just more lazy writing. My money is on the latter.

I get it. Netflix is really trying to stretch their creative muscles and become a real broadcast and production service. We're just going to have to go through a lot of dross before we find the true gems.
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Truly boring
johntk156620 January 2019
This looked promising from the trailer but delivered absolutely nothing. I kept waiting for the story to get moving, then I realized that the film was 75% over. It was incredibly boring, the story was nonsensical, and the characters were completely uninspired. Don't waste your time.
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Pat202227 January 2019
"When you tell a story, here's a good idea: HAVE A POINT!"

This was a nothing sandwich. A huge slab of nothing wedged between a slice of apocalyptic earth and a slice of space exploration, seasoned with metaphysical gobbledygook.
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Good start with an abyssmal ending
jamielees-7061518 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The story starts good with a girl in love of someone just out of reach and a deceased father she can't let go of. Bring another person into her life to show her the value of true companionship and plan to sail through space to find a home. And then just as she's beginning to live .... she wants to stay behind and die alone ... wait what ... The story has no real ending which just makes it all the worse.
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If you're not going to be a Sci-fi pedant, you can give it a chance
richard-fieldhouse19 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, so there are some clear scientific issues, and occasional signs of low budget shots... But what has happened to suspending your sense of disbelief? Are we not meant ever to do that these days? Quite a few reviewers here have set a high bar for scientific accuracy this time.

The premise is that a heavier than air pollutant cloud has poisoned Earth to the extent that almost every human survivor has left - evacuated to a colony on Io - the moon of Jupiter. Almost everyone has gone... But not quite. Sam (Margaret Qualley) is still here, living in a mountain-top observatory, apparently with her father, although he doesn't seem to be around so much. There may be others.

The film starts with Sam down in "the Zone" where she has to wear an oxygen mask and can only stay a few hours. Loneliness has played some tricks on her and left her with a perhaps rather pretentious obsession with mythology. You might also see some echos of the Tempest.

The action of the film is fairly slow and a little dreamlike, but in places the cinematography is nice and I've seen films that are a lot less realistic. Maybe it's a story that will resonate if you give it a chance. 6.5/10
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I really got my hopes up for this one!
jack_andrew_c18 January 2019
After watching the trailer that i give 10 out of 10 for fooling everyone i was hoping for an epic film like the Martian but in reverse but i was so wrong! This film is so boring but i try to always see them though. Don't waste your time with this one!
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Pay attention...
ms_feralcat24 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was slow, but if you make it to the end, and ask how she survived, go back and watch it again. If you ask that question, you obviously were not paying attention.

Also, hello? Did everyone miss the child?

The movie was about having hope and never letting go. Sam pushed through because she KNEW humans could adapt, and she was absolutely correct.
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rootuper19 January 2019
I love syfi stuff. This was well acted and I did not mind the slow movement of the movie. But it seemed to be a snapshot in the middle of a story. It felt like an incomplete thought. I wish there was more. Either at the beginning or end. Anyway, it was not satifying. No purpose or hope. Wish there was.
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Not your average action/ superhero sci-fi
sunlounge2914 July 2019
I really enjoyed the slow pace and contemplative mood of this movie. If you don't necessarily need any starship battles, aliens or futuristic tech stuff in a sci-fi movie and you appreciate characters that don't fit the usual hollywood template for that genre I'd highly recommend you give this a try!
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Contemplative and moody
dvcasson15 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie's intention is to challenge the idea that humanity must save itself by spreading to the stars. Instead, we should take a greater interest in our home planet and reinvigorate our commitment to taking good care of it.

The movie brought in mythological references that sailed right over my head. That's okay. Most things do.

I didn't mind the movie's slow, thoughtful, low-stress tempo. I kind of liked it, actually.

The one thing that really irked me was the main character's inexplicable underreaction to the sudden intrusion of a rude, entitled, and almost domineering man into her, yes, somewhat public but ultimately private world (her lab and home). I understood she was lonely, yes, but was she really so desperately lonely that she would just let anyone barge into her home, demand personal information from her, and then threaten not to leave until he got what he wanted? Was she not aware she might be robbed, killed or raped? How was this otherwise admirably self-reliant character so stupidly passive about this man? She had a plan for everything but this. This part seemed like a good setup for a teen romance novel, not a supposedly more mature meditation on our responsibility to our home planet.

It's fine.

What I really wanted to know at the end was: how are they going to make human #3?
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A movie with no head and tail
Shwastiksaraswat21 January 2019
Warning: DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE I was wondering what was motive or purpose of the director behind making this movie. I mean what is it? The trailer was more interested than the whole movie. Wasted one and half hour of my beautiful life on this beautiful earth.
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Bad film, bad concept
tontonelkh18 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film is called "IO" though we see nor hear nothing about IO, also humans left because they couldn't breathe anymore but suddenly at the end sam can breathe again ? No explanation to what happened? What's the point of this film?
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