32 Reviews
Psychopathic Blabbering Blatter
MeadtheMan15 November 2022
You know you're dealing with a psychopath Blatter when he could smirk at every horrible event/deed - even if he's not personally involved in it, the nonchalance is chilling. And if he isn't, and he wasn't aware of any wrongdoings, the fact that things were happening right under his nose and he's ignorant of them all makes you question what kind of a leader he was.

And "I like the question" + smirk when asked about abuses and deaths of foreign workers in Qatar. Goodness. ICYMI, this is the same guy who's reported to have ambitions to win the Nobel Peace Prize via FIFA.

Perhaps what needs more probing is our unquestioning psyche. There are many corrupted and immoral institutions in the world, FIFA is hardly the only one, yet most of us keep letting it recur, turn a blind eye as long as we could consume something nice. Worse, once we sense that we could benefit from a corruption, we will potentially turn to the dark side in the blink of an eye. But I think as long as money is regarded as the only thing of true value in most societies, I'm not optimistic anything will ever change.
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As the World Cup looms, this documentary shines through
chrisbottazzi9 November 2022
As a lifelong fan of football, or soccer as it's known elsewhere, you often have to remember that the sport is a very quickly changing industry. From a result one week to a newspaper headline the next day. Within all this mayhem, it's easy to forget what has happened and what is most likely still going on in one way or another.

FIFA Uncovered is a reminder of how disgusting and immoral these absolute pigs were/are. The absolute front of Blatter to sit there and be interviewed smiling during this documentary is shocking. The man deserves prison and this documentary shines upon that.

RIP to the workers in Qatar.
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Stop teasing short people...
edwin-wks17 November 2022
Because you will end up with repugnant narcissists with Napoleon Complex like Sepp Blatter. The man is clearly insecure about his height, having brought it up on two occasions unprompted in the first episode alone and lying about his actual height (he says he is 5'7" but he is arguably only around 5'3"). Imagine letting yourself be tormented by a lack of height your entire life regardless of wealth and status. While his contribution to this documentary was useful in portraying just how delusional and self-serving he is, much of it was not relevant to illustrating the corruption happening under his presidency within FIFA.

The FIFA story is just an example of what is happening across the world in companies, corporations, governments and countries. Corruption is inevitable when you have unsound people, who are narcissistic, psychopathic or Machiavellian, pulling the strings at the top. They are the ones who are ambitious and unscrupulous, displacing their good-natured and righteous opponents. The unsuspecting public are also often swayed by their empty promises and false image. To mitigate corruption, first know the enemy and stop giving them a clear path to unfettered power.
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No Surprise
mf281211 November 2022
This documentary has dropped unfortunately too late for any effect on the upcoming, completely rigged World Cup in Qatar. This oil-rich country, who had no international football team when the "decision" was made is an absolute joke of a country. Completely sports-washed and voted for by a bunch of old men looking for a last ditch payday. Their lack of anything notable in sports, let alone football is STILL not even the main story, but their lack of human rights and terrible working conditions that have resulted in deaths of some people IS. These Arab princes should just stay away from the beautiful game and concentrate on their own issues. Stop trying to barge in to a market where you're not wanted. No wonder EA Sports have dropped the name FIFA from its own branding next year. They've definitely known this documentary was coming and want nothing to do with them.
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Profiteering Off Ball Dreams
Mabkid19 November 2022
As we watch FIFA football/soccer games, and even play video games almost every day, the dirty corruption behind the scenes is deeper and more widespread than we thought.

In 4 episodes, this documentary offers a few glimpses: FIFA's blind eye to dictators exploiting the sport, exploitation of players, buying votes for chairman/location elections, exploitation of workers from developing countries... it's all very infuriating. By the 4th episode, you can't help but feel only a small bit of justice has been dealt.

There are lingering questions, however. The documentary seems to uncover the tip of the iceberg. But how were other World Cup locations decided, besides Russia and Qatar? Were the culprits limited to CONCAFA? (can't be) No famous players wanted to contribute to the documentary? So there are limitations to this documentary, and understandly so since corruption is usually very hush hush.

Still, it's a good wake up call that organizations with loads of money, unchecked power, and easily exploited representatives from poorer developing countries make for good corruption (and probably not limited to FIFA)
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The beautiful game, run by a corrupt institution.
Sleepin_Dragon17 November 2022
This is a fascinating watch, ahead of The Qatar world cup in 2022, this four part series details how it happened, how we've gone from Russia, to Qatar.

Such a fascinating watch, whether you love football or not, this really is worth a few hours of your time. Fascinating interviews and insight, the amount of times you'll hear the words...'FIFA is not corrupt,' said with a straight face and no blushing.

The first word that comes to mind when you think of FIFA, corruption, we've all known for many years that the institution is a rotten, corrupt organisation, one which has served to line certain pockets. Credit to those that went after those that thought they were beyond reproach.

Money makes the world go round, that saying could well be applicable for those at FIFA. The organisation is rotten to its core, it seemed that many of those involved were heavily into corruption, blatant levels of it. It is actually sickening to watch. You can't help but feel bad for those that were in place for the love of the game, what must they have thought watching events unfolding over that last few years.

If like I do, you love football, you are going to watch the world cup, all I ask is that you spare a moment to think of those that died building the infrastructure in Qatar.

Where next, you have to wonder, will it be to whoever is willing to pay the biggest price. North Korea maybe?

Startling, 9/10.
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Good, but nothing more than propaganda
arkopalbhattacharya20 November 2022
Corruption is everywhere, specially in such a big organisation like FIFA which doesn't have a "referee, time limit and boundaries off the field". We all know about it but don't talk about it. We don't need to look past the last 10 years to understand what this show is trying hard to convey. The conditions of the workers who did an absolute fantastic job with setting up the infrastructure in Qatar were horrendous. But does that really mean we shouldn't expand the reach of this beautiful game to lesser known lands? Questions are asked as to why one of the world's greatest sports event should be hosted in a "desert country". Enough with this labelling please. Football is much more than the country it's played in, it's a way of life, a culture that unifies an otherwise divided world. A game with a player and fan base as diverse as football should be played in many many more countries other than those of Europe and North/South America. Yes, money may have been thrown around to win world cup hosting bids. But no money in the world can keep the world cup from moving to other lesser known countries in the future.

The series is well done with good substance. It does a good job of pointing out specific people who are directly involved in this farce. But let me end with a question. If this world cup was hosted in any western country this year instead of a "desert country" in the "middle-east", would this series still see light of day?
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Get Ready to Get Angry
loisgrahams11 November 2022
This is a must see documentary even if you are not a futbol fan. Oh how greed can corrupt absolutely should be the subtitle for this film. Based on the book, "Red Card", it follows the evolution of FIFA from a non-for-profit steward of the world's beautiful game to a commercialized, money grabbing, pocket lining sham of an organization. It's top leadership, more interested in their own personal gain than helping to develop soccer in underdeveloped countries like Africa and Asia (one of its stated missions). This documentary helps to blow the lid off the deepest crevices of FiFA's illegal tactics.

More importantly, this documentary leaves the viewer with a broader lesson than just the corruption of FIFA. It explores "sports washing" - when authoritarian regimes with serious human rights abuses host large sporting events in hopes of cleaning up their image. From the Munich Olympics in 1936, hosted by Hitler to Russia and now Qatar hosting the World Cup sports lovers need to recognize how sports are being manipulated for political and economic gain. Qatar bought off FIFA so they could host - a country where women, LGBTQ, and minorities are treated like second class citizens. You will want to boycott this World Cup after watching FIFA Uncovered.
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ozguryilmaz95515 February 2024
We've been tracking a corruption operation that has spanned two generations, with the entire organization, including former FIFA president Sepp Blatter, being implicated. The extent of corruption within regional and national federations remains uncertain. However, the ironic twist lies in the World Cup relocating to Qatar from the USA. It appears as if the USA is exacting revenge... Had the 2022 World Cup been held in the USA, it's likely that this documentary wouldn't have garnered as much attention, highlighting the intricate interplay between geopolitics and sports corruption on a global scale...
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Serve Qatar the damn red card!!
karthik_tv12 November 2022
Such a powerful and intense show based on facts and bringing all perspectives to the story. Really gets me angry as a fan who loved FIFA World Cup since 2006 Germany hosted one. Sad state of affairs without any transparency for such premium org of biggest sporting event on planet. With less than 2 weeks to Qatari world cup kills the notion of a tiny Asian nation capable enough to showcase event built on top of bloodshed of 5000+ innocent lives mostly from Indian, Nepalese migrant workers and how abused weak section of labor class are in front of rich arrogant barbarian sheiks sitting at their high table on oil wealth and showing absolute zero dignity to human lives. Disgrace that such high moral European and US teams aren't man enough to boycott this event and call out the Qatar murderers who blatantly ignore it.
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This is just an intro!
dtarmango30 January 2023
It is definitely a good watch for people who have no to little idea about whats going on in FIFA; however, there is much more to corruption and fraud of this institution that you will need to search for more!

More content should be available regarding fraud of agents in football. Watching this please do not think everything about FIFA is revealed. The reason for most of the drop in football and clubs needing more sponsorship, apart from unqualified executives, the money agents get through transfers and the overwaged players they represent. Once the players get more money than they should it is inevitable they dont play to entertain the spectators or for the sake of their country but only for the money!
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Sportswashing and Qatar.... This Documentary Will Explain it All Rather Carefully!
Tony-Kiss-Castillo15 December 2022
Perhaps if FIFA had paid strict adherence to its very own Rules and Parameters, more likely than not, this Documentary, FIFA UNCOVERED, would never have been produced and distributed!

First, let us focus on the The Title's content and context:

There must be at least a handful of You asking Yourselves.... And Exactly what does FIFA stand for? Well, let me offer my help. F. I. F. A. Stands for the name of the International Organization responsible for governing and supervising all International Soccer Football matches around the World! Since the original name is not in Engish, but in French, I invite You to look it up! It should only take 10 or 15 seconds, if knowing its original name is really that important to You! UNCOVERED explains carefully the origins and history of FIFA and exactly why its name is in French.

If I have now piqued Your interest, here is some great News for You: UNCOVERED will fill You in on the particulars of Sportswashing and its relation to QATAR very nicely... In a way that is guaranteed to quickly have You craving more! There is most definitrly no other Sport in the world that can compare to Football. (Need I remind You that outside of the USA and Canada, FOOTBALL means only one thing: Soccer Football.)

Immediately, upon seeing the Title: FIFA UNCOVERED, many friends have mentioned dropping what they were doing and beginning to watch! Considering that this Review, hopefully, will post just a couple days before the Qatar World Cup Final Match.,,Timely... Certainly seems to be the operative word in this case!

UNCOVERED clearly demonstrates the very highest production values in Documentary Filmmaking. It is a film that checks all the boxes. Watch and You will probably agree "Entertaining" should probably top the list. May I have the ENVELOPE Please!... FIFA UNCOVERED! Kept me mesmerized from opening frame to end credits. Even if You are not a huge Football or Sports fan... You will find it most enjoyable... Here, I am trying my very best to exlain exactly why!

Let me offer a clear example to substaniate the claim made above: When the subject matter of a Documentary is composed of events that occurred many years in the past... Quality Editing is absoluetly indispensable. Kudos to KEVIN KONAK! His Film Editing clearly demonstrates an uncanny sense of timing that keeps the viewer on the edge of their chair throughout the entire film! IMPECCABLE! I think would be my word of choice!

Since much of what is depicted on screen occurred 30 to 60 years ago, of course, old film clips, were often juxtapositioned with scenes that were produced very recently. These were all photographed in a way in which said contrasts in time were not in the least annoying nor unpleasant, as is so often the case. My hat is off to You, MICHAEL TIMNEY, for your truly Superb Cinemaphotography.

As regards the writing of the Narration dialog, Semantics and Tone should be absolutely spot on. Again, UNCOVERED hits the BullsEye in this category! So, let us give credit where credit is due. MILES COLEMAN...Exquisite is a term that seems to fit nicely!

Here is a Documentary that has something for everyone! From the diehard lifelong Football Fanatics who have watched several matches per week for decades, to the individual who has never watched any sporting event, of any kind. And just why would I say this? You are perhaps asking Yourself at this very moment. Well, UNCOVERED has been produced in a most thorough and meticulous way. It takes a very methodical approach to International Football, going back to its origins and emphasizing its longtime sportsmanlike amateur roots.

Sadly enough, however, the world of FIFA Football began its total implosion in 1974. Yes, it is now nearly 50 years ago that the mountains of cash being generated by International Football ascended into the Stratosphere! UNCOVERED does make one extremely key point absolutely crystal clear. That despite the cesspool FIFA began morphing into around the mid-Seventies, probably 99% of worldwide fans basically turned a blind eye. As long as the FIFA World Cup was carefully organized, scheduled and all of its games broadcast in practically every country in the world, it seemed that practically the entire world was composed of Happy Campers! The behind the scenes sordid corruption pervasive at the highest echelons of FIFA, was really nothing over which most Fans ever lost any sleep!

Soccer FOOTBALL had a squeaky clean image in my mind, until viewing FIFA UNCOVERED a few days ago! WOW! Talk about a Wake-Up Call! There are 2 things that I hope will happen as a direct result of this Documentary:

1) Many Millions of Football Fans around the world will be lucky enough to see it! And..... 2) All of us consummate fans can figure out something we can do to change a lot of the disgraceful goings on!

Some of the participants in FIFA World Cup games and activities undoubtedly have had at least some idea that there are, and have been, one Hell of a lot of very sleazy activities in which the Directors of FIFA have been involved, but which have been simply shrugged off as.... Well, where BILLION$ of Dollar$ are involved and Dozens of Countries partcipate and benefit handsomely... STUFF HAPPENS!

There are 2 important omissions in UNCOVERED. One which You might deem most appropriate: Although Mr. Josepp Blatter most certainly enriiched himself immensely owing to his position and involvement with FIFA... There is never any attempt to put an exact dollar figure on the total monetary benefit he received. Kudos for that Documentary Discretion!

The second omission must be chalked up as pehaps the only major shortcoming in the film itself. There should have been much more emphasis on the tremendous importance of the consistently augmenting presence of Both the USA, the largest market in the World for Sporting Events and in the lives of many Milllions of Americans throughout the past 1/2 Century!

Any Review of UNCOVERED would be incomplete without a standing ovation to the man who so masterfully blrnded a plethora of diverse elemnts together in his finished product, Director DANIEL GORDON. Your inspired Documentary truly speaks for itself!

Even if You are one of the minority who has very little or Zero interest in Football, I am sure that because of its importance to Billions of others on the Planet, You will realize the very special signifcance of the focus of this Documentary and appreciate its approach, tone and overall even-handness in tackling a subject (No Pun intended) which is near and dear to the heart of so many hundreds of millions of inhabitants here on Earth!!

So, no matter what Your personal opinion or realtion with Soccer Fotball happens to be, I am absoluetly convinced You will find UNCOVERED to be well worth every minute spent enjoying it!
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Blatter off the hook...
sqdyg22 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was waiting and waiting and waiting for the interviewer to ask Sepp Blatter some hard questions and it took until the last few minutes of episode #4 for that to happen. How can this guy not be in prison when he is so obviously corrupt ?

This series could have been made into a 90 minute doco, yet it was drawn out over 4 long winded episodes that keep going over the same info.

The reality is that FIFA has always been and will continue to be an organization, that without true Independent oversight, will succumb to factional nepotism and pork barreling.

At least Chuck Blazer provided a legacy of insights that may yet hold individuals to account.
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Really great documentary - b.hurt arabs decrease the final rating
mertcanhfo23 December 2022
Overall a great investigation and giving the mic to Blatter too was a genius move. He really shows how corrupt he was. FIFA is a mess and Qatar world cup's great final will not wash this fact or the fact that Qatar illegally bought this cup away.

FIFA needs to get better but this documentary shows the situation is even more dire than it was shown on TVs.

What this really deserves is at least 8 but bu.hurt arabs are spamming 1 or 2s into this title like crazy. It is obvious that Qatar does not like it when people talk about how corrupt they are or how their country was an awful choice for the world cup.
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Informative, but did not go deep enough
guisreis7 January 2023
Very informative documentary about corruption in FIFA at least since the election of Havelange for its president in 1974, until 2022, the year of Qatar World Cup. There are precious stories and so important characters that I did not knew and have been extremely influential in FIFA business: Jack Warner, Chuck Blazer, Mohammed bin Hammam, Horst Dassler (the son of Adidas Nazi founder)... Not only the data and footage, but also the testimonies by some of them are very nice (I also highlight testimonies by Joseph Blatter and by Hassan Al-Thawadi, secretary general of Qatar 2022).

There are, however, very serious flaws in the documentary, that counterbalance its aforementioned qualities. The very beginning of its first of four segements is terrible, with cheesy edition and too obvious narration and testimonies.

The film improves afterwards, but the alternation of good and bad testimonies would be a trait until the end. What irritated me the most was that correct criticism about some of FIFA's choices and procedures are mixed with a lot of prejudice by some interviewees. A straight example: off course Qatar has been chosen by being rich, there is a strong suspection of bribes behind that selection, workers in the World Cup infrastructure had awful conditions and no labour rights (indeed, FIFA has been worsening laws in all host countries in the last decades, what is not discussed in the documentary) and Qatar has no tradition in football (differently, for example, from Saudi Arabia or Iran).

Saying that is not the same of defending that Qatar could not be the host because the United States were candidates, because the weather is too warm, or because it is too expensive for European spectators to go. That is ridiculous! It is fair that an Arabian and Middle East country be the host for the first time. Qatar, the owner of Paris Saint Germain, is certainly not the best option, but the region deserved to host, and Asian spectators could eventually attend the match in great numbers. So, the documentary mixes good information and correct criticism with prejudice and Eurocentrism.

The correct criticism against Argentine military dictatorship in 1978 and interesting comparison do Nazi Olympic Games in 1936 were directed to criticize Putin's Russia hosting the world cup in 2018. Well, it not only deviates from noticing that Qatar is even more authoritarian, but also that the alliance with dictatorships is a longstanting tradition of FIFA, that predates Havelange and Blatter: 1934 World Cup was held in Fascist Italy under Mussolini and squadra azzurra has been world champions playing at home just like Argentina would be in 1978. From 1921 to 1954, FIFA president was no one less than acclaimed Jules Rimet.

Another serious problem in the documentary, in my critical opinion, is that it fails to connect the dots: indeed, FIFA way is a corrupt one, and from 1974 on, with Adidas, International Sport and Leisure (ISL), Coca-Cola and so forth, money increased a lot and football became a big business it had not been before, when FIFA was still amateur. However, you cannot understand that avoiding the key word: "capitalism".

Havelange and Blatter stablished together with Horst Dassler leading FIFA as a big business not simply because they had a plan, but because of transformations in world capitalism (welfare state in Europe was also shrinking, for example). A conservative aristocrat with a mind linked to racist British colonial times such as Stanley Rous could not maintain hs position as FIFA presient simply because he would be a constraint for capitalism, which needed modernization represented by Havelange and his partners.

FIFA aims profit and not the development of football throughout the globe and even less that everybody be able to watch the matches. That means more inequality, disrespect for laboutr rights, disrespect for the countries' sovereignty, unnecessary stadium building or reform, empty seats in world cup matches. That is not just because Havelange, of Sith master Sepp Blatter, or Platini, or Valcke, or Infantino have interest on it. They are engines of a greater machine called capitalism. Sport is just an excuse. There is precisely why there are powerful men inside FIFA from countries with no football tradition such as Cayman Islands, Qatar... Just follow the money.
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a freekick...
ops-5253510 November 2022
On mr blatters anckle, is a pretty subordinate comment on this netflix production of fifa, its a lowgrade historic biopic of the organisation, and as a primetime product, its all over negative on the subject of everything about fifa management since early 1980's.

So for everyone who hates footbal as its played today, here is my change of rules to make footbal more remarkable and seeworthy, if not to say even more fair per share, so let the grumpy old mans drum start rollin...

¤1 effective playtime, stop being fooled by players doing pingpong and hauling time on own pitchhalf, and extratime given that isnt proportional with the true lenght of time used.stop the clock when the ball is outta play, it might lead to cleaner games and shows the difference of loosers and the fittest of the game

#2 use the whole team in every match where substitution of players could commence all the time, like in icehockey, fresher players gives better quality allround.

#3 the card rules are stupendously stupid, noone cares anyway and the players get slaughtered anyway. So quit them stupid cards with real punishmentthat may harm the team as a collective, yellow card should in my opinion be granted with 10 minutes on the sideline, leaving the team with 9 fieldplayers, with 3 yellowcard within 10 minutes, well then just 7 teamplayer at the pitch, and that would be like rubbing salt into the sore legs or hips or groins whatever. A red card should be apointed 20 minutes penalty on the sideline and every red should lead to a heavy fine going to a fund that should offer help to every football club outside the league system

¤4 when the attacking team push the football over the centerline of the pitch, the ball cannot be passed back over the line as a defensive draw.if that happens the ball shall be overtaqken by the other team automatically.offensive football is fun and seeworthy,and there are plenty space to roll the ball over there on the other side.

So nothing new here in this series for the scrutinizingly curious supporter. An 8 for the try.
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If you love football you should watch this
pgleite9 December 2022
Football it's a fantastic game, no doubts about it, but when it comes corrupt, specially by the institution that as the obligation to protect it, the results are devastating and you can see it clearly in this documentary.

Very well structured and will show with a lot of quality this bad reallity about football and open your eyes to another kind of game, that is not played in the field but in the circle of those who have the power to decide the future of the game.

Bring the commentary of Joseph Blatter and another persons directly envolved with FIFA and these scandals, increased even more my interest to know the feelings of these people and their really motivations and justifications. But they are true?
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spremo-aljosa23 December 2022
Just think about this: if USA and GB got organisation instead od Russia and Qatar, would Sepp still be seating in his chair? I think so. Uncle Sam thought that they just need to apply for organisation of World cup, and corrupted FIFA should give it to them. Do you really mean that Bil Clinton came to represent USA because he loves his country?! And there is no $$ in that story? And FIFA rules "one country - one vote" is so ridiculous. Fifa should be terminated as organisation. Infantino just took plce instead of Sepp. It's so obvious. Football is so corupted. And once back then, it was a truly magnificient game that is ruined by money, greed, coruption and everything else.
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The sport we love is still being led by corruption
ha77y73ad9723 December 2022
Netflix certainly know how to handle a true crime documentary as this is certainly what this story is. There were no surprises in this series. I cannot see how this was continuing for so long and in such a public manner. All of the people involved including Sepp Blatter should have been indited on any counts of corruption as that was plain to see.

So much of the series had outside details from the organization but hear Sepp Blatters interview during this series made my blood boil since there is no remorse regarding his actions and everyone can plainly see that he was the head of all of this during his reign of Fifa. Bringing all of these people into the light was only the beginning and the same as how Making of a Murderer helped save an innocent man i truly hope this is able to bring down the corrupted leaders of these football federations.
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The Dark Side of the FIFA
jack_o_hasanov_imdb17 December 2022
I'm not a football fan. I watched football for 10 years or so, but then I got bored. Now I only watch very important matches, tournament final matches. Sometime. . . That's why I didn't know the side of football from the field, frankly, I wasn't even curious. But I did not think that the authorities there had very powerful authorities. Everything was different. The facts have come to light. Who knows what else happened. But in the beginning, nonprofits organisations end up doing everything they can to make money later on and become more than what they represent. Don't forget what the religions are actually ? Yes, FIFA is more than just football. They lost value in people's eyes. Yes, after that, bribery won't it? . . . I absolutely don't believe it. Until the end of bribery in the world, it will continue everywhere, and frankly, I don't think it will end. Yes, the other side of football from the field is also interesting. I liked this documentary. I watched it in one sitting. But there is something I can't understand. Why only Qatar ? Not much was said about Russia. Why is that ?

By the way, it's Football, not Soccer :))
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History of every capitalist company
pcosmin-0263316 November 2022
You could literally replace the word FIFA with the name of any other capitalist company and this documentary would still be relevant and make sense. It seems like the guests invited to speak are somehow surprised that an international multi billion dollar company has people at the top that are corrupted.

This documentary seems more like a money grab due to it being realeased just before the world cup and the USA seemed more pissed they didn't get to host the world cup and make money, rather than them really caring about FIFA and ridding it of corruption. During some moments I feel they are trying to push this agenda of wrongdoing but I could say the same thing about this documentary, being released just before the world cup in order to get views.

Other than that, in a way, the scandal of 2015 had to be covered so I guess there's that.
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Incredibly biased, with an agenda behind it.
btcwgvkbw20 May 2023
The corruption is clear, but the agenda and the bias are also clear... this show basically says: NOOOOO THE BAD GUYS CANNOT HOST FOOTBALL, IT CAN ONLY BE THE GOOD GUYS!!!!! And wow what a coincidence now they're hosting it in the US... the country that fought the most wars in recent decades.

"You cannot host football in a country that doesn't promote LGBTQ+"...."Accept everyone and their culture" how are these statements not contradictory?

"Human rights for workers!!!" Before crying about that, go check who assembles your phone, hyprocrite.

When you visit a country, you need to respect the people and their culture.

Netflix is a propaganda machine, wake up.
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This need not be a 4-episode series
gxhwnfm10 November 2022
The stuff that is covers in this foot part docuseries could've been covers in one 90 minute movie. So basically it's forcefully drawn out. And also, they don't tell how exactly were the frauds caught. They just say this guy snitched and it led to arrest of these guys. But hot though? And they also don't tell why Blatter reminded unharmed by the prosecution.

All in all it's a good story but it is too long. Takes too long get to the point. And sometimes it just jumps from one point to another like a slideshow. If you really want to know what happens at FIFA, this is a good series. But a Wikipedia page on that is just as good.
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Include facts of corruption but shows the Europeans like angels
abdulmaalik-4246120 November 2022
Documentary about blaming platter was good and fair but protective about European and american morals and interests, Iam sure alot people also talked behind the cameras about the hosting countries of the past but nothing from it came into that documentary. What about the Germans 2006 with the shocking money's they ...... . Where did the money of the Germans go? Oh to Qatar that time right? That time Qatar was good enough for give German ... To the hands of the fifa. After that south Africa and the rest??? But keep going with the mindset witch the media gives u guys that Qatar is the pure evil, Qatar isn't the only evil in the world guys and specially with the boosted support of another sick community today witch hates Islamic mentality and religion and ethics at alI, guesses who i mean? (LG......). Everyone blames the first Arab country in history or let's say "Muslim" Country at all for the first time who got the right to host that Event and talk about america and england deserve it more? But no one is telling you guys the truth that america and england already hosted it in the past so is that fair? I am sorry to say that. You guys haven't realized the real big player and evils who show themselves as the helpers of humanity and stab you in the back...
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Where is the investigation regarding US and Western countries?
alshaheen-4576415 November 2022
This documentary is biased and only investigates how third world countries have won the right to host the world cup and linking them to corruption.

How about western countries? Who the won it? US 2026? Germany 2006?

Or the FIFA only corrupt when its related to countries other than western nations!!

If you want to really investigate FIFA, then you should start from the beginning as European countries are the highest beneficiaries from FIFA. They hosted the highest number of world cups despite when they only make less than 10% of the world population! Any investigation on why the FIFA treated countries outside of Europe badly? No because it doesn't go with the narrative..
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