On Air (2012) Poster


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3 Reviews
rps-212 October 2013
I watched this while sandwiched into a centre aisle seat on a long Air |France flight to relieve the boredom. It's a subtly done film --- very much in the European genre --- about a prominent, middle aged but beautiful and fashionable |Paris radio talk show host who conceals her identity and seeks out the mother who had her illegitimately and abandoned her as an infant. A very nice, very simple film very nicely done. Even the ending has an intriguing twist. (No surprises, just a thought provoking twist that any former broadcaster, such as me, will relate to.) There are many subtle moments and many unsaid lines conveyed by well done facial expressions and gestures. Certainly better than contemplating Air France's rather dismal lunch tray.
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Parlez ... vous francais
kosmasp10 April 2013
A very nice little comedy drama, with an incredible lead performance. Her character would be a great fit/partner to Jack Nicholsons "As Good as it gets" character (can't remember the name of the character in that movie, but check that movie too, if you haven't already). The actress is quite buys over the last past years and it's obvious why, when you watch her perform here.

Some things might be too subtle for some, some a bit too on the nose, but it never is too predictable. Not in the common sense that is. Because you can always kinda guess where a movie is going. But as character pieces go and subtle comedies, this works really good. If that is your kind of drama, than go ahead and watch and enjoy the movie
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Talk about others to better forget one's own emptiness
FrenchEddieFelson30 August 2019
Abandoned by a 17-year-old unmarried mother, Claire (Karin Viard) became the host of a famous talk show. Nevertheless, all her (tiny!) entourage find her distant and hardly fulfilled: she ostensibly avoids the company of people. In fact, she suffers. Internally and intensely. Her behavior is close to a permanent self-penitence with quite sad habits: she sleeps in her closet, probably to better isolate herself from the 'noise' and be alone with the memory of her mother. With all the frustration that can be imagined, until a private detective finds the trace of her mother ...

Excellent actress game. Karin Viard is perfect, although sometimes excessive And this is the first film directed by Pierre Pinaud: one thumb up! 6/7 of 10.
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