17 Reviews
Like "Buffy" with stoners and more gore
ADaemonIsBorn14 May 2012
"Todd" plays out like a Canadian "Buffy" with a little more risqué humor and lots more gore: a group of high school students team up to fight evil (invariably caused by the titular Book) and have to defend themselves and their fellow students against a monster-of-the-week type occurrence. Except that they don't very often succeed in keeping the body count to a minimum.

Being produced outside of the United States, "Todd" is a lot less MOR than most American series: the producers are unafraid to veer off into directions that will send some accidental viewers running for the hills, especially if said viewers have homophobic issues.

The four lead characters are well cast, but the supporting actors are simply a joy to watch. Chris Leavins (as guidance counselor Atticus Murphy) and Jason Mewes (as Jimmy the janitor) steal most every scene they're in, but even one-line characters get the talent they deserve.

The overall tone is very dry, which brings out the dark humor in even the most gruesome scenes. The ensemble's collective timing is some of the best comedic group work I've yet seen.

The only problem I can find with "Todd" is that the 20-minute episode length limits the show to sitcom-like story lines, with little attention spent on larger story arcs: things get out of hand, the gang saves the day (sort of), and things reset for next week's episode. Should it get picked up again, I don't really see "Todd and the Book of Pure Evil" evolving into something that could be quite as heart-wrenching (or as emotionally involving) as Joss Whedon's magnum opus.

But hey, if you're a fan of intelligent horror comedy, this show is for you. Here's hoping some guy in a suit will find enough financial incentive to renew "Todd" for a third season. Tell your friends.
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In my opinion, It's a must see!
equineatheart10 January 2011
When I first saw this show, I was at my buddies and he had the space channel on. We weren't really paying any attention to what was on the t.v at the time, but there just happened to be a Todd and The Book of Pure Evil marathon on, but again we weren't really paying attention. Once we ran out of things to talk about, my gaze fell to the screen in-front of me. At first I thought it was YTV we were watching, because it was very obvious that it was Canadian made show(LOVE YOU CANADA) and it was based around a few high school kids, which didn't click in "ADULT SHOW" at first. BUT THEN.......I heard a magical curse word and my ears started to perk up, then there was a ridiculous amount of blood and my eyes widened, then I found Todd and the Book of Pure Evil...This show is absolutely hilarious, and full of bad jokes, blood and gore, and everything else that makes a good Canadian slasher comedy...oh yeah and Jason Mewes was a bonus...this show is classically ronchie and I love it. I think anyone who enjoys politically incorrect topics and swearing with excessive cheese would give this a GOLD! If it made me laugh 13 episodes straight, I say Amen!
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A guilty pleasure!
mm-395 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A guilty pleasure. The show if full of sick and demented humor. I find "Todd and the Book of Pure Evil" pushes the envelope with its humor. The show goes way beyond what Trailer Park Boys does. Guilty as charged! I do get a cheap laugh out of the show. Whoever grew up in the 1980's, like I did, realizes the show is a throwback to the 1980's Heavy Metal scene with all it's stereotypes. A stoner with his nerd side kick go through many demented adventures. The guidance counsellor, nerds, metal heads, all are written into stereotypes. The humor is so politically incorrect it will offend some people. The show reminds me of the 1980's locker room humor many of us joked about back in the day. The show is a 7 out of 10.
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A mediocre short film becomes a hilarious new TV series
gothique-858-99774930 September 2010
The other day, I turned to the Canadian science fiction channel, Space to watch the season premiere of Supernatural. In the slot preceding that, they had put another premiere - the new series Todd and the Book of Pure Evil, which was based on a short film of the same name that I had seen and found cute but underwhelming a few years earlier. I had no expectations whatsoever, but was soon giggling like a madman and enjoying myself in a way I hadn't done since Buffy was in its heyday. To be fair, Buffy got off to a bit of a slow start, not really making the most of its great cast and promising premise until season 2. Todd, however, hit the ground running. The title character (Alex House) is a seemingly irredeemable slacker/stoner who spends most of his free time daydreaming about heavy metal stardom and making it with the school hottie, Jenny Kolinsky (Maggie Castle). Jenny is trying to track down the Book of Pure Evil because she suspects it has something to do with her missing father. Todd finds it first and uses it to become the heavy metal guitarist he's always dreamed of being...engaging in a guitar duel that was so funny it brought tears to my eyes. Naturally, there are dire consequences. Todd's music mesmerizes the entire audience at the Battle of the Bands, endangering a good portion of the student body and the teaching staff. Ultimately, the book moves on to find other pawns - which Crowley High offers in abundance. While I initially thought the premise too thin to sustain an entire series, the idea of moving the book from person to person opens up a whole world of plot possibilities. The characters and supporting cast are terrific. I particularly enjoyed the 3 Fubar-style hoser/muses in the parking lot who provide fuzzy minded advice and inspiration to Todd. Chris Leavins infuses the school guidance counselor Atticus Murphy with swell geeky evil. This series has plenty of edge, in the form of foul language, political incorrectness, loud music and juvenile gross-outs, but what makes it special is the warped cast of characters, the high-octane imagination and the sharp writing. The Canadian viewing audience gets to enjoy something exclusive and fabulous while waiting for the rest of the world to recognize what a gem this is. Hopefully it builds the large and enthusiastic audience in its homeland before taking off to conquer the world. As the three muses observed after Todd's concert debut, "So it begins anew..."
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One of the best out there
tharrison16 September 2011
I came across this show while channel surfing and found it on a cable channel I can not name.I was not sure what to to think because I had never heard of of before. The first episode I saw was "rock and Roll Zombies know best". I could not believe what I was watching. This show had me hooked! After that I hit the web and trekked down the entire first season. All I can say is that this show is brilliant! Some episode are slow, such as the giant baby one, but in total this is very entertaining, funny, and just damn great. I am ticked that there is no way for me to see the originals in all there uncensored glory! The FCC and whack job parents groups would all have heart attacks if some one tried to bring this show to America. I wish that American TV could put something like this out there. I was glad to see that there was a 2nd season approved, so I will be waiting to some how get to see them. I would say that this has great promise of some how becoming a feature film. I would go see it if they did that. If you want to be entertained watch this show. If you do not give this a chance then "You are as smart as a monkey, and sadly not one of the smart monkeys"
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Evil dead cultism is back. This is brilliant TV
TheseusKhan7 February 2011
I first saw Todd with very skeptical eyes, The trailers admittedly do not look great at all. Within the first 5 minutes i was cursing myself for not getting on the series sooner, as with all good shows i watched all 13 eps back to back.

The show is brilliant. Catered for more then heavy metal fans Todd goes all out on the 1980 horror scene with brilliant plastic animation or stop animation whatever you like to class it as. The show is witty and face paced. You do not expect some of the endings which is nice for a Teen based comedy now days as everything is becoming so dran its just hard to watch a lot of titles due to the cheese content.

You will be happy to hear this title is CHEESLESS yes no annoying cheese coating this one. This is pure brilliant comedy. Stoners this is one for you, (if you don't have weed to watch it with get some it will annoy u without due to the massive references in there).

The cast is brilliant Jason Mewes aka Jay is an excellent addition, The main guy you can actually relate to and doesn't seem like he gives a rat's ass about anything but weed. This is brilliant because we know if we were in high school all we would care about is weed.

Im rating this a 10 as it blatantly is. All i have to say to you is this.

If you don't control German herpes

German herpes will control you.

Get on this show already You are missing OUT!
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Just Wrong.
sagei14 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Kids routinely get splattered all over the scenery.

Not even remotely correct, politically or otherwise.

Lots of touchy subjects get equally trampled on.

Drug use and general disregard for feelings/lives/limbs of others.

Verdict ? Nailed It.

Don't know if it's the cast, writing or some kink in my brain but can't stop watching. Shouldn't be entertaining or amusing but is.


Welcome change from mind numbingly vanilla fare on TV.

Wish them well.

Thank you.
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Fantastic! Astounding!
arstark1 February 2012
This show is by far one of the greatest original Canadian television programming! The musical episodes, the season finale the writers have written a terrific show and the characters are absolutely hilarious and well played. This show is a must see if you are looking for a witty look at teen angst, and sex jokes. Think Reaper but with more dick jokes and heavy metal. Think Buffy the Vampire slayer meets heavy metal, demons, sex, and drugs. Not recommended for the little ones, fantastic for teenagers. Chris Leavins character Atticus makes the show wonderful in general. If you enjoy heavy metal, sex jokes, and demons this show is perfect for you, don't fail to trying it out. You will not regret checking this how out! Props to all the actors, writers, lighters and everything that make this show absolutely wonderful!
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Getting better and better...
MattDevivre30 January 2012
From my point of view since its beginning "Todd and the book of pure evil" has improved a lot! A bit like the first season of the new "Doctor Who" series 2005, which also started cheap with cheesy effects. Especially the second season looks good and although Season 1 may not look that great, I think that most episodes are written in a funny, not too conventional way. I liked almost every episode. Besides I'd say that there's not enough metal on TV and it's time we have a show with this type of music. If you look beyond technical flaws, you can have a great time! It's crazy, it's wild and the cast is pretty likable!

Now at the end of season 2 all narrative options seem open. The show could go so many ways. However I think it needs a fresh start. Why? The low technical quality of season 1 could make it hard to sell it to international TV-stations. If the show started with the quality of season 2, it should be a lot easier. That's why I think it would be wise to conceptualize a third season like the start of a whole new series. And although I like the standalone episodes concept, I think the whole setting has grown so much, it's about time to focus more on a more complex season arc (so it's not necessary to pack so much info in only 2 episodes, like happened at the end of season 2).

Unfortunately SPACE didn't renew the show, so we can only hope that this show will manage to survey on a different network!!! Let's hope for the best and I'm pretty sure that this is going to be epic!
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This is a definite watch... Loser...
paul_haakonsen16 February 2014
I got to start out by saying that I love the loser comments tossed in repeatedly by Eddie. Oh, but I am getting ahead of myself...

Based solely on the name of the show, I bought season 1 and 2 from Amazon, without having any clue what this was about. And once I received the DVDs, I went straight into a "Todd and the Book of Pure Evil" marathon. One episode just spurs on the next, and so on and so on. It is a bit difficult to just sit down and watch a single episode without craving more.

Why? Well, because each episode is unique in its own right. A new story, that fits nicely into an overall plot. And throughout each episode, you will see a familiar familiar from previous episodes here and there, if you pay close attention. But also, there are so many hidden references to other things to be found. This is really all about paying attention to the details, and as such, then each episode easily supports more than a single viewing.

Now, the story is about stoner-metalhead Todd Smith (played by Alex House), his friends Curtis Weaver (played by Bill Turnbull), Hannah B. Williams (played by Melanie Leishman) and Jenny Kolinsky (played by Maggie Castle) who all attend Crowley High where a book most vile and wicked, nay, a book of pure evil, lurks to wreck havoc and destruction by luring its appeal to the needy, the social misfits, the outcasts and those who strive for more than they have. The school councilor Atticus Murphy Jr. (played by Chris Leavins) oversees the mysterious happenings and wants to grasp the book of pure evil for his own Satanic needs. Stoner janitor Jimmy (played by Jason Mewes) is always around to lend a hand to the students of Crowley High.

It would be a too long and tedious task (and read) to go into detailing every single episode. But to put it shortly, then the episodes are fun, exciting and full of mayhem. There is something for just about everyone to be found here in this series.

So, why am I only rating this a 7 out of 10? Well, because the book manages to elude the gang in each single episode, and it started to become tedious towards the end. Sure, it was held afloat by variation and diversion, not to mention the comedy, acting and great effects. But essentially it started to become a play-and-repeat mockery of itself.

The characters in the series are really nice. They are well thought through and have a lot of personalities and depths, which really helps the show along nicely. My personal favorites are Atticus - Chris Leavins just nails it so well, and Hannah. And I should say that amongst my favorites were also Eddie (played by Norman Yeung) with his 'loser' comment in every sentence.

"Todd and the Book of Pure Evil" is fun and exciting. Well worth a watch if you enjoy a bizarre mix of comedy and horror. And, oh wait did I forget to mention it? Musical! Yeah, each season had a single episode done as a musical.
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I want more !
Bored_Dragon11 June 2017
This is simply awesome. Combination of high-school show, comedy and horror, that packs clichés of 80's and 90's into catchy 20 minutes portions of pure fun. All accompanied by lots of weed and heavy metal. Plus, in the main supporting role, we have Jason Mewes, Jay from legendary Jay and Silent Bob duo. The only flaw of this show is that it was canceled after two seasons, so the main story is left incomplete. However, every episode has own rounded plot so they can be watched separately. Also, an animated movie that should finish the story is announced and it's expected very soon. Recommendation for everyone who loves metal, weed, 80's horrors, teen comedies, things so stupid that they're ingenious and good fun. I saw all 26 episodes in just a few days and I yearn for more.

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Above Average
coles_notes7 June 2022
This show was simultaneously one of the most immature and adult shows I have seen in ages. Todd Smith finds the book of pure evil as it reeks havoc in his highschool. Slowly uncovering the history of the satanic town and its cult history, Todd fights of pure evil with the help of his friends. Only two seasons before cancelation (not counting an animated "finale" movie which came out years later), this show is short but sweet, and feels like a much more adult / inappropriate and much more Canadian version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, mainly in that "the actors probably had a good time and didn't get yelled at on set" kinda way. For a seemingly cheaply produced show, the mostly practical props are campy but in a charming way, the acting is B movie quality in a way you'd expect. Chris Leavins as the main antagonist was amazing, the rest, meh. The heavy metal soundtrack and theme for the show fits very well, but it unfortunately doesn't really get its stride till the beginning of season 2, halfway through which it feels like they got the notion they'd be cancelled and filled in a bunch of quick tie ups that kinda ruins the end. Jason Mewes (Jay of Clerks) has a role, as does Dan Petronijevic (Letterkenny), and they're both fun to see. Don't watch with kids around, maybe don't watch at all.
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This can't be the best Canada has to offer.
jjoshhedgepeth18 September 2019
The concept is fun an easy hook. Of course, it's also a complete rip off of evil dead and other stories. Except this is terrible writing on a fundamental level and it lacks diversity, and completely antiquated ideas about women in a way that is not commentary just a cheap copy of the aspect of many classic horror films.
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Great show but...
xtremebikerdude21 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I found this show on Netflix and was skeptical to watch it at first, but after the first episode i was in love with the show. Due to its metal music and gory after tones mixed with a sense of comedy. There is also a romantic drama side to the show along with a bit of mystery. I also like that how in just about every show Todd's shirt is a different band shirt. So if your looking for a show with people exploding and being covered in blood with a side of perverted and dark humor, this could be the show for you. And, due to information I recently found out, it seems they are not doing a third season for this crazy comical adventure. This is because the the space channel decided not to renew the show. Hopefully another channel or company will pick up this great show.
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Hell Hunters
hellraiser711 July 2013
Horror and comedy are just always a good mix, there is always something satisfying about laughing at people who react and act in the most threatening and unusual circumstances. This is one of my personal favorite TV shows that I felt had enough fire which created a bonfire. This show is almost a dream come true for me as I've always wanted a TV comedy in the horror medium which I rarely see on TV.

The production value I think is really good, it was done on a modest to low budget but they really take things further making the quality on par. Mainly in some of the gore effects which I think are really good because their practical and almost jaw dropping since most people in the show die in the most brutal, unusual, and bizarrely hilarious manner. Like being eaten by a cake monster (not kidding) or even exploding from a hair dryer (as I said not kidding) and so on. Why the hell no one would leave Crawley High from incidents like that is anyone's guess, let alone why would any student be stupid enough to read from the book out loud, doesn't the content ring any alarms.

I really love the heavy metal soundtrack, I think it's really fun and really fits this show. The plots are fun their always something different, bizarre. My favorite are the two musical episodes with one reoccurring villain in the show "The Phantom". There is a revolving plot throughout the show that intriguingly develops and does add up to something. There are plenty of homage jokes which are cleverly suttle but a love later to the horror genre, most notably to the "Evil Dead" franchise like Curtis's bionic arm an homage to the character Ash and the book itself the Necromomican.

Though I feel what really drives this show are it's characters and the dialog they deliver. The dialog is just fraking hilarious, some of what the characters say can be really clever or even unusual or delishiously bad at some points,which could make you groan and laugh at the same time; but all the same hit all the right cords in laughter. Let alone the ensemble play off each other well their basically a Scooby Doo like gang, as they each try to solve the mystery of the book as well as any ongoing mystery that comes their way.

I really like all four of the characters, I like that the actors and actresses looked more like regular people and not supermodels which is great, it really gives the show a slightly down to earth sensibility. But each of them were interesting and develop a little. These are all slightly flawed characters whom would be the last people you'd call on to save the world and yet they manage to do it, whether they want to or not.

Todd Smith (Alex House) is great, he's not a kid that's with the incroud, he's a heavy metal fan, not the brightest bulb and incredibly naive and immature but manages to have enough guts to do what he must.

Jenny Kolusky (Maggie Castle) is also great and I think she's kinda hot. From the dark goth like wear she's most of the time in which is a turn on for me, what can I say I love the color black. She's constantly rebellious, bitchy but in a good way, but deep down by her nature she's a real softy.

Curtis (Bill Turbull) his character is my second favorite just about the same as Todd though he might be an even dimmer bulb. Yet, he's actually a lovable person and gets the job done. I really like that robotic arm because it's practically a swiss army knife due to the multiple capabilities it possesses I still wonder what more it does. .

Hannah (Melanie Leishman) whom is my favorite character of the show and kinda cute. She sort of like Thema from "Scooby Doo" a nerd that is highly intelligent. She's inventive always doing something, shy, an introvert, but is always full of surprises making her anything but boring. Despite a strong head, I felt her heart was always stronger, her character really has enough courage to act upon he instincts and feelings whenever the urge comes. That's also a turn on, probably because it's seeing a person overcome whatever holds her back and by doing that the best part of them is seen.

The only problems I have with the show are I don't always like the way the team wins, in most episodes it just seems to always be pure luck. But then again this group really aren't trained warriors and this show is more of a comedy than an actioneer so I can't hold it totally against the show. But my main problem is the fact that it didn't get a season 3, which I felt was really too bad I really did feel the show had potential to go further. It would be awesome if Boom Studios or IDW think of continuing it in comic book form, they did it for many other movies and TV shows so why not this one, just a thought.

Overall, "Todd and the Book of Pure Evil" is devilish fun.

Rating: 3 and a half stars
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Wish upon The Book...
DBlackthorne2 July 2022
Crowley* is a town founded by Satanists {perhaps "LaVey" would have been better}, containing a grimoire {of pure evil} which grants the darkest wishes of those it presents itself to, leading to so many deadly situations when their dark side manifest. Though it retains balance as in "seeing how the other half lives", through the personification of that sought for. Had more reasonable application been applied, this would be a very useful tool.

Similarly, the "Magic Pages Spell" from Dracomeroth details the ritualistic process by which to write one's reality with Magically charged scenarios.

The book itself is a work of 'black art', featuring a carved pentagram with a skeletal cornu hand in the center upon what could very well be human skin. Upon reading the latincantation, the book mobilizes to fulfill the desire, often with an ironic twist. Upon granting the reader's wishes, swiftly returns to Hell when the host is unsuitable.

A purported town founded by Satanists has been discussed by LaVey, which would be a province comprised of total environments. Baphomet sigils are replete herein, from the amusingly customized school logo, to literal plaques adorning veritable ritual chambers.

Mr. Atticus Murphy Jr. Is the school guidance councilor, who seeks the book for his High Priest father of "The Council". Shades of Corbis here.

Todd {metalhead tantamount to "devil dave", resembling T. Reznor}, Curtis {wears a metal arm, reminds of Shogun Warriors}, Jenny {sexy brunette}, & Hannah {attractive nerd girl} comprise a group of students trying to contain the tome's influence, barely managing to reverse the effects through a series of misadventures. Shirts spotted are Children of Bodom, Municipal Waste, and several others.

The "Deathbangers" hanging out in the parking lot, seem to know a whole lot about the underpinnings and shenanegans. There is a strange correlation with Jimmy The janitor {played by Jason Mews} who lives at the school, seemingly unable to leave, makes the most of it complete with recreational activities, including ladies.

Herein 2 seasons, there's everything from homunculi {demonic incarnation of primal impulses}, zombies, fat monsters, giant babies, to ghosts, The Phantom {a "metal musical"}, plant creatures {weakan fantasy}, a Dungeons & Dragons adventure {total immersion!}, an invisible deviant, a killer penis monster, a succubus, and much more. Many times with actual occult concepts worked in.

Fun for fete diaboli & party fair.

_____________ * Presumably named after Aleister Crowley, who for the record, was not an actual Satanist, but a ceremonial magician who founded the religion of Thelema.
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laurenevents1 November 2021
Stupid and aggressively unfunny gross-out "comedy". I couldn't get past the first episode. The writing is weak, obvious and unoriginal. It's basically a bunch of over-the-top disgusting jokes. The plot is thrown in as an after thought. Overall, incredibly boring and tries way too hard to be funny.
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