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Enjoyable French twist on the original
lestatultraviolet30 October 2022
Not normally too interested in remakes of films in other languages, but Artist director Hazanavicius being involved got me interested, and glad it did. There's a huge amount of fun to be had here - it is as much comedy as horror - with a great cast & director enjoying playing with the B movie concept of it all.

The opening chunk drops you right into the film being shot in a disused building, deliberately wrong-footing the viewer (also leaves you wondering why the French characters are all using Japanese names), only for the later two thirds of the film to show what we had been watching and put it all into context. It's a nice way to approach it and felt quite satisfying (to me, anyway). It may not be genius, but it is fun - make a good pizza night bit of viewing on a weekend.
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Unnecessary but much better than expected
PedroPires908 October 2022
I must admit that I did not have the greatest expectations for this because it is a remake of a Japanese film - One Cut of the Dead - so recent and with such quality. Still, in order not to have too many spare hours in my day, I decided to watch it. The story doesn't change much. A production team shoots a movie about zombies and then they start being attacked by zombies but... that's also part of the movie. Anyone who has seen the original knows that this ends up working well, being basically a comedy - with meaning and social messages included - about doing a lot with little in cinema. The film seeks to bring something new to the table, by using the original film, making it part of the same universe, which ends up encapsulating some of the novelties and more comical scenes of this remake, but still fails, as it replicates too many scenes that are not the film within the film, which ends up making little sense (for example, the director's motivations, his career, the various behind-the-scenes conversations...).

As in the original (which I loved much more on a rewatch), the first act is weird and doesn't work that well, but that's where the fun begins. The range of actors - which even includes the same actress playing the same character as in the original! - does an excellent job and it is clear that this is also a more expensive production than the Japanese one (which makes us wonder if it will go against the spirit of the original...?).

I confess that I don't quite understand why a renowned director - like Michel Hazanavicius - decides to make a remake of an acclaimed film that is only five years old. However, the truth is that Final Cut is quite funny. I would say just as or even funnier than the original. It is, even so - and despite trying some innovation by incorporating the first film into its universe - too close to the original in 80% of the scenes, so the advantage has to be given to the film that gave us something innovative.
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A rare time that the more you know going in, the more you may enjoy it
jtindahouse7 May 2023
'Final Cut' may be a rare case where the more you know going in the more you're likely to enjoy it. Because of the way the film is structured, the first 30 minutes are very sloppy and poorly put together. We as an audience don't know why yet, so we are just left to think that the whole film is going to be poorly made like this. There is of course a reason for this, which makes the film quite brilliant in the second half. But I fear this one could lose a lot of people in those early minutes, which would be a shame.

This is such a good idea for a movie. I understand it is a remake of a Japanese film with some clever tie-ins. I've often watched one-take films and thought about all the things that could (and potentially are) going wrong behind the scenes that we will never know about.

As I said, this isn't the worst film to know a thing or two about before going in. When I read the synopsis for the film it didn't sound like my thing at all. It really isn't anything like what is described there. This one was a lot of fun. 7.5/10.
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I was a bit lost...
searchanddestroy-128 January 2023
A movie within the movie, within the movie... At first it was supposed to be titled Z - like Zombies - but the idea was abandoned because the meaning Z related to Russian army in Ukraine war, the atrocities...So they changed the title. It is brilliant, intelligent, unusual, adapted from a short movie, but for me it was a bit too complex to follow. I was unable to summarize it to myself. The movie takes place in an abandoned gigantic movie theater complex facility, the perfect setting for a film about movies making. As DAWN OF THE DEAD took place in a gigantic commercial center, the perfect setting for a horror film ciriticizing the consumerism American way of life. It is a comedy but, I repeat, worth for the screenplay. It is only a bit too confused for someone like myself. The connection to Russia is certianly not Z, for the reasons explained above, but the movie within the movie evokes the Russian Matryoshka wooden dolls, dolls within dolls.... And strangely, Romain Duris played in LES POUPEES RUSSES - Russian Dolls - back in 2005.
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Metaverse of the dead
bbjzilla-2534524 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wonderfully entertaining cineliterate conversion of the zombie horror into metatextual infotainment.

By way of spoilers; the first 25 minutes, the film within the film is super gory hyper realised cliched nonsense but still more entertaining than anything with Milla Jovavich. Only once we rewind to the birth of the project do things make sense, but technical marvels like how they filmmakers stayed out of shot originally unless it was filmed in multiple takes but even then continuity would be challenged.

What remains is a remarkably entertaining and smart film about filmmakers getting their souls back.
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Final Cut
CinemaSerf2 January 2024
This could have been quite a funny spoof on all things zombie, if only it were just twenty minutes or so shorter! It all centres around a production team making a (very) cheap and cheerful film full of fake limbs, tomato ketchup and singularly bad acting. Acting rivalries and romantic affairs are causing director "Rémi" (Romain Duris) no end of problems as the money and time start running out. Just when things look like they could get little worse, it appears that they have managed to awaken a few "real" zombies and so things become seriously perilous (and messy) for all concerned. The latter part of the movie seems to have two functions - to explain just why the first half hour was so terrible and to then suggest that with some Japanese creative intervention - they all take on Japanese names and get some of their funding - the film gets magically better. Sadly, it labours that joke just once too often. The parody elements run out of steam and it becomes rather a puerile and unfunny slapstick-style enterprise with some bad actors portraying other truly bad actors. The last ten minutes of continuous filming of their filming of the fight against the axe-wielding undead is still quite funny, but by then I was starting to shift in my chair. It does have it's funny moments - but just nowhere near enough of them.
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Zombie movie or not, a good film it surely is
Horst_In_Translation20 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Coupez" or "Final Cut" or "Final Cut of the Dead" here in Germany is a new film that can mostly be seen as French, even if the UK, United States and Japan are also credited as production countries and there are even minor segments in Japanese. With the British and American component, I am not too sure here, but the Japanese surely has to do with this film being closely linked to a Japanese horror comedy from a few years ago. Maybe you can even call it a remake. The fact that they used Japanese first names for the protagonists in here was maybe even a bit of a tribute to the original. They joked about it too because almost nobody in the film was happy with the Japanese first names, so one could wonder why they were even chosen here. Of course, the two writers from the original film are also credited here, so the connection is really significant. Anyway, if we look at the basics first, it can be said that this was written and directed by Michel Hazanavicius and I am sure that the vast majority of people thinks first of "The Artist" if they think of something at all, but that movie is surely gonna stay the man's career-defining work for the rest of his days. It is a bit of a pity that he did not really work on Hollywood films afterwards, but also not a tragedy. At least he keeps working. His significant other is Bérénice Bejo and she is also in this movie here again and plays one of the more significant female characters. By the way, literally all the females in here were absolutely stunning. That cannot be a coincidence, well maybe except the main character's daughter and perhaps also the woman with the baby, but she brought in decent comic relief in that scene and I had to laugh for sure when we hear the baby cry and cause further stress during the rehearsal. Speaking of the daughter though, I think the moment when she grabs the phone to pull through with her idea to save the movie and how the ones in the room react to it immediately after as they are fully convinced was maybe the weakest moment from the film if I had to pick one. The only scene where it felt fairly unrealistic to me, but I understand in retrospect that they were going for the full-on happy ending of course, so cancellation was not an option.

Anyway, the male lead is Romain Duris, one of France's most famous actors and for quite some time now, even if he also has not really managed a breakthrough in America unlike others. But he is really handsome and you cannot look any better I guess when close to the age of 50. I think I have seen him so far mostly in films that had a romantic component to them, so maybe that is what he is most known for. At least this is where I have come across him the most so far. There is a really nice film with Audrey Tautou for example in his body of work, but with this new movie here he shows us that he is versatile in terms of other characters as well. He plays a film director who has to give it his all to make sure his newest movie really comes into existence. So many obstacles to overcome, actors not showing up because of a car accident, sober actors having a relapse, actors having diarrhea the exact moment when the film is shot etc. But the film director really in charge of all this is Hazanavicius of course. I read in the summary before viewing the movie that this is a rare example of film on film on film and it is true. I like this description. A lot actually, even if there's probably better ways to put it, but I keep it short. In any case, Hazanavicius was playing here with us in the audience too because he showed us the film the people in this movie were shooting on two occasions: The first was what the movie in end actually looked like, so the final outcome of the production and this was included at the beginning and there we thought that these events were actually happening. That the crew members really turned into zombies and that almost everybody died, most of all Duris' character at the center of the story. The middle part that follows takes us into the months and days before the actual shooting. And the finale, probably not right to call it this with how long it was, then shows us the exact same scenes from the beginning, but now from the perspective of the film crew and how really all of it is staged and nobody is really hurt and really injured.

Actually, you kinda feel or at least think that there must be something happening to somebody in here and you even wait for it to happen until the las moment when you see really everybody is safe there and the director finally gets to rest in the light of the incredible result he has achieved here. Overcome all the obstacles. I thought that perhaps he would be really dead in the end as he is the one who dies last in the movie, but nope. They are just spilling blood up there that it looks like as if the actress from the horror film they are shooting really stabs him there. One idea in-between towards the end then is also that Bejo's character loses her sanity and actually kills somebody because she is too much in character. This was implied and definitely an option, but there Hazanavicius was playing with us again. He was also definitely toying with us because she here also plays the significant other of the film director at the center of the story and on one occasion towards the end, he mocks Bejo and himself a bit when he has Duris's character says something along the lines of that she is sometimes a real toughie. Definite tongue-in-cheek moment there that is even more memorable if you know about the romantic connection there. Anyway, in the end you can say that Hazanavicius just made a realistic film that is maybe more of a comedy than a drama because nobody really gets hurt and moments like the guy falling to alcoholism there are also kept relatively light and not in-depth from a drama perspective. Most of all, this is not actually a zombie movie. There are no real zombies in this film. Something I found entertaining too was how they included some big names from the movie industry. Who was it the daughter was talking early on? Scorsese and Coppola. Tarantino is later on referenced on her pretty cool shirt. We find out that one character here is considered the French Adam Driver and he clearly thinks very highly of himself as an actor. I like Driver, but this is maybe too much praise at this point. The scene in which she makes it difficult for her father on one occasion because she wants to get a kid into method acting and the mother intervenes was pretty funny.

There are several other funny moments, also how Duris' character reacts when he gets the initial suggestion to shoot this zombie movie we have here. That it is supposed to be live and run for half an hour and everything has to go great. You will surely laugh quite a bit during this film. It includes many smart and funny zombie references, like how it is never a good idea to separate yourself from the group as we have it with one character who decides to leave the room early on to smoke a cigarette, but then stays inside for a few moments longer before he actually goes outside to pull through with his plan. The real reasons for this were of an entirely different nature though as we then see towards the end when we see what is going on outside. Or take the moment with how long the camera stays on the lead actress almost at the end of the movie they are filming because they have to take care of some other stuff and she keeps screaming there. Or just the idea how we think that Duris' character is a real lunatic and psychopath there at the beginning when actually it was all staged and part of the film in the film. Of course, there is still some improvisation going on. So yeah, I liked the watch and I think this is a good film overall and a pretty creative achievement as a whole. I am glad I went to see it. The duration of over 110 minutes including credits feels right too and I would not have cut more than ten minutes here, maybe only five. It did not drag.

Maybe I would have done without the human pyramid towards the end, which did not feel as effective and memorable as I would have liked it to be, but then again if we think about how we do not see it early on when the final shot is filmed, it was alright too. There is even this brief inclusion with the guy bringing the ladder way too late after the closing credits that made this pyramid scene a bit more special eventually, so it is good that it was included as well. I am convinced. I am surely glad to see that the French Film Awards (Césars) gave some attention to this one. It was not a lot, but the screenplay nod is deserving and the music was decent too. The latter came from Alexandre Desplat by the way, a real mastermind from his branch with a body of work as impressive as it gets. Before I end the review, I will give two more mentions that I found funny, namely how the French Adam Driver is referring to Lars and I think this was supposed to imply von Trier and how he worked with him and maybe the funniest moment(s) for me when there is some sound coming from the background that implies tension and a critical, possibly dangerous situation and then Duris' character says something that the guy should stop it and it was the sound technician from the movie they were shooting. Hilarious stuff. Another example of how Hazanavicius let out all his comedic creativity here. I say you should go watch his work for sure. The positive recommendation from me here was never in doubt and the good here is so much more frequent then the forgettable. Thumbs-up.
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But why ?
fraaggl23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's a remake from a pretty good Japanese movie.

But in this one NOTHING work !

The first 15 minutes is the worst sequence shot i've ever seen in my life. Where nothing work and you can see that they are trying to be funny, but aren't.

And then all the rest of the movie is just explaining WHY oh why the first 15 minutes where soooo bad. Ok, but that doesn't make the opening of the movie better !! That doesn't make the movie better !

More than half of the second part of the movie is a replay of the first scene, and a lot of character says that what they see with the feedback monitor of the sequence shot during the shooting is very bad ! So why put it in the movie ? Why not trying to do something funny in the first place ?

The worst thing in this movie is that a lot of people, Romain Duris the first, SHOUT all the time, they don't talk loud, no, they just SHOUT !!

Very disappointed.
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That was fun
CarolineFR6925 June 2022
It starts with a low budget horror movie with very bad actors, but it's already very funny. You have 30 min of 'what the hell am I watching' with bad quality images and all. And then they explain how the movie was made (a movie within the movie, yup), and you laugh even more. It's not clever comedy for sure, it's something where you need your brain off, and it's French humour. But if you ever have the chance, you might like it.
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A Zzzzzzz movie
Stevieboy66611 January 2024
A small film crew are shooting a low budget zombie movie but things go badly wrong. "Final Cut" (English title) is a French remake of the 2017 Japanese horror "comedy" "One Cut of the Dead", a movie that I found stupid, boring, too long and not funny. I scored that 2/10, I am going to be marginally more generous with Final Cut, if I had to watch one of them again I'd go for the remake. Expect very strong language and plenty of cheap gore but don't expect to see any "real" zombies as there aren't any, the plot is about the making of a zombie movie, nothing more. In the second half of this slow moving "zomedy" three different characters speak the following four lines - "Man, that really sucks", "It's as boring as hell", "It all feels fake, what we're doing is crap" and "It's dragging on isn't it?" These words perfectly sum up how I felt about the movie - it's silly, too talky, slow, boring, not very funny and way too long. The only moments that made me slightly laugh were a few fart and puke gags, say it all really.
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Very fun tribute to Z movies
sharronfr21 May 2022
Fun, smart, great actors. After "the Artist" and "la classe americaine", Michel Hazanavicius pay once again tribute to cinema, with honesty, talent and all his wit.
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I have never been so angry at a movie before
daleypaley14 July 2024
The 2017 Japanese original, "One Cut of the Dead," is a true gem, a modern marvel. Made on a shoestring budget, it instantly became a beloved classic, and clawed its way into my top 5 favourite movies.

Unfortunately, this French remake is an utterly soulless cash-grab, completely devoid of the charm, heart, humour, or ingenuity of the original. I am truly disgusted by it.

It is an almost shot-for-shot remake using the same script. They didn't even bother changing the Japanese names. They might call that 'gimmick,' I call it lazy and disrespectful.

If you want to watch an amazing, heartwarming indie movie about filming zombies, watch the original, and avoid this movie at all costs. It is a festering, maggot-riddled, pile of rotting flesh. A very VERY pale imitation.
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first and most...
ops-5253525 December 2022
Of all, i am disgusted by the zombie genre, cause they are dead eating the living that dies wakes up into eating other living humans, and animals, there aint much space for the developement of new inklings and ideas..

so whats new here, well its french, and they try to make a comedy over an earlier feature movie called z, its all planned from the director in secretes, cause he wants the directors cut to be as real as possible, there are some gushing special effect and some one arm jacks that crawls around with or without its parentbody... and thats its.

Loads of well known french actors that play around with loads of blood and gore, but as it is x.mas day and the woodstick saltsmoked sheeprib meal(pinnakjøt in norwegian) from yesterday evening are still regurgitating my oesophagus, tingling the nether ends of my tonsilles that i ectomized many years ago, this is just meeehhh entertainment today. Almost 2 hours of panic and slash isnt food for a nearly braindead grumpy old man.
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So glad I stayed till the end
swo03 August 2022
I saw this during a sneak preview, so I had no idea what this movie was about. It was lots of fun.

It starts off bad. Really bad. Like they tried to go for "so bad it's good" but then failed at that. If it weren't for the fact that I was sitting in the middle of a row with people on either side I would have just left.

But after half an hour, there's a change of pace, and yet another 'what am I watching' moment, but then it all starts making sense, and it becomes really funny and easy to watch.
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Good copy of the original!
benbhodgson28 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you don't know get to know this film was done, all most shot for shot before 'one cut of the dead'! But watching the same film in different languages was still good. Did humour from didn't countries! Laughed a lot!
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gianmarcoronconi26 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a real review, it should be understood more as a collection of impressions on the film.

So, there is only one thing to say about this film and it is an absolute masterpiece because this is the film, a hilarious jumble of nonsense stuff which then gets better with the explanation continued throughout the film. You have to keep in mind that this film is a remake and in my opinion this is its strength because the film doesn't hide it, a lot of stuff is purposely constructed to make clear the fact that it is a remake and in the film they even say that it is a remake and in my opinion this stuff is sooooo brilliant. I recommend this film to everyone because it makes you laugh and is therefore good for anyone who wants to have a light laugh.
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Fantastic horror movie satire
davidallenxyz23 November 2023
I don't like horror movies. I loved this.

The first 30 minutes are genius. The last 30 minutes are even better. The section in the middle is pretty good too.

There is a lot of technical mastery in this film, with extended takes, an elaborately woven storyline, and good performances. But you don't have time to admire the technique. You are too busy being entertained.

Full of laughs and schlocky horror imagery, it has a believable human angle as well. It's hard to say too much without spoiling it.

It's one of the best films I've seen all year. Don't let the subtitles put you off. Watch it and find out for yourself.

PS for some weird reason the English subtitles rename the Ken character as Bang. It makes no sense. Fear of Mattel?
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How to Make a Zombie Movie
ZeddaZogenau3 November 2023
COUPEZ! - The movie with the zombies

It's quite a cross with all these new films. Whether Italian and Spanish successes are being remade in Germany, Swedish films in the USA or Japanese films in France: the directors and producers can no longer think of anything new. But you shouldn't fall for the ACADEMY AWARD winner Michel HaZanavicius (for THE ARTIST) so quickly. Even if his film refers to an original bravura piece from another language area, it is also a clever comment on the tendency to copy successful foreign language films for the respective language area if possible. But with this material it fits perfectly. Pure joy to see France's superstars in such a turbulent action. Romain DURIS (nominated for the EUROPEAN FILM AWARD in the 2000s) and ACADEMY AWARD nominee Berenice BEJO act full of joy. Matilde LutZ (the Italian has been familiar with fake blood since REVENGE) and Finnegan OLDFIELD shine as young actors. The music by two-time ACADEMY AWARD winner Alexandre DESPLAT is also beautiful. I haven't laughed like that in a long time! A blood-red fun that was also the opening film at the Cannes Film Festival last year. The festival bunker must have been shaking with laughter. Do not miss!!!
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keith-9441624 August 2024
One of those films where you soon realise and appreciate the 'one take' aspect but once the 'scene' had been completed, it really takes-off big time.

I couldn't stop laughing - giggles and the belly sort - when all is made clear. The only language I have is English (at a push) so the subtitles were imperative. All the actors threw themselves whole-heartedly into the mayhem with the initial commissioning to the rehearsals then the actual filming of the film all made glorious sense!

Goodness knows how long it took.

Getting passed the first 30mins turns into another movie entirely and the viewer is amply rewarded.
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