6 Reviews
One of the stronger short films only held back by a by-the-numbers Alien plot
Andrew4268 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Harvest immediately sets the 'Alien' tone perfectly, with a straggling crew navigating through dark corridors under the duress of an Alien. However, I think it burrows too comfortably in its source material, not exactly bringing anything new to the table. In order for these shorts to be able to stand out amongst each other and the Alien franchise as a whole, they need to have a unique and original premise, which, unfortunately Harvest doesn't have.

However, what it lacks in originality, the short makes up for with strong performances and great practical effects. In fact, I wished they used the Alien suit more extensively. They really went all in on the costume design. The shot of the facehugger emerging from the egg was also fantastically done.

I also really appreciate the twist that the "strong heroine" lead actually turned out to be a double-crossing android all along! Not particularly original having an evil android in an Alien film, but it was a genuinely unexpected twist that pretty much carries the short. Her evil smile after the other character figures out her true nature was perfect.

Overall, pretty much a great short all around that's only slightly held by a pretty generic plot for Alien standards. Would still recommend a watch though.
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Does justice to the franchise, a decent add-on Warning: Spoilers
This is "Harvest", another of these short films made on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Alien franchise. It was directed by Benjamin Howdeshell and the writer is Craig Dewey, otherwise a prolific editor. Like with the other films, the cast does not include any big name actors at all, but instead relies on the universe (in the truest sense of the word) it takes place in and the story of course. Well, the latter, however, is certainly among the less impressive aspects about this film. The plot seemed really weak to me honestly and I would have liked a few more background information initially too in order to enjoy what's happening and what the characters are doing. Instead this one relies almost entirely on special effects as well as scary moments, some of them including alien creatures. You don't hear much dialogue with the exception of an artificial voice coming from the transmitter. Still, soehow I enjoyed it. Don't mistake my criticisms here for this being a weak movie, let alone a failure. I am just saying what it could have needed in order to be really mesmerizing. It runs for slightly over 9 minutes and that already involves credits, so I suppose with such a limitation it wasn't that easy to make a greatg impact story-wise. I forgive them. I still think this is among the better Alien tribute short films, not the best though probably. Also don't mistake this for a fan film or anything. 20th Century Fix was involved with all these tribute shorts, so they sure had money at their disposal and you see it. I give this one a thumbs-up. Go check it out if you like the franchise!
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Educhico26 February 2021
The unnecessary initial flashing images already had me worried, as it is a lazy way of conveying a tense and scary atmosphere, even being repeated later on. But in the end, the worst is that they choose to cram all the possible references to the original without any interesting connection or sense, just because they had the means to.

And if it had sufficient material to offer the unseen context of this short film, in the great and simple idea of a pregnant woman about to give birth trying to escape the titular alien, where any scream can be fatal (A Quiet Place, anyone?), what I can't even begin to comprehend is how it doesn't even lean on that throughout its ten minutes duration. You recognise all the references, but you don't connect with anything, because they're present just for the sake of it.
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The best out of the 6 short films!
anomynoususer29 April 2019
I'm loving this film, he horrifying atmosphere of the Alien Franchise is back! Plus, all the effects are great, mostly good practical effects (I'm loving the xeno design). Plus this is the least decent one among the 6 films, which doesn't make me feel sleepy.
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Well directed
anthonyjlangford13 July 2019
The direction here makes it visually arresting and keeps up the pace and suspense. It's not scary but it does it's job, by showing less is more, and not relying on effects or gore, but mere snippets of action and the creature.

The direction is what makes it, in the same way, most of the others were let down. There's no great story here. None of them are particularly fresh or interesting, but they pay homage and that's their intent. Overall a slightly disappointing series but still would rather have them than not.

This and the one set in the mine, Ore are easily the best.
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Best of the six short films....
rrjmac29 April 2019
Ive enjoyed all of the Alien: 40th Annirversary short films, but i feel Harverst was the best it featured the Xenomorph the most of the six shorts and just had that Alien feeling to it the most, i could see it becoming a full feature very easilly.
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