983 Reviews
Leofwine_draca2 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad adaptation of the Roald Dahl book, but when the Nic Roeg film exists then this one doesn't need to. The setting is swapped to America, worse luck, and things feel different for the first third. Once we move to the hotel, however, this becomes a lesser, almost shot-for-shot reprise of the Roeg movie but of a much lesser quality; the only notable thing is that the original book ending is kept. The kids are okay here, the CGI is average, but the adult actors fail to give convincing performances, and Anne Hathaway in particular is hammily horrible.
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no good reason
SnoopyStyle26 October 2020
In 1968, a young Hero Boy is forced to go live with his grandma (Octavia Spencer) after losing his parents in a car accident. She tells him that witches are real and they hate children. As a child, she lost her friend when a witch turned her into a chicken. She gives him a white mouse. She takes him to a seaside hotel for an escape hoping that witches would not search there since black children are rarely at the luxury hotel. Unfortunately, the Grand High Witch (Anne Hathaway) has gathered her followers to present a potion to turn all children into mice.

This is the second film adaptation of the Roald Dahl children's book. The 1990 adaptation stars Anjelica Huston and is a fan favorite. It's probably a fool's errand to try to do another. The only reason is to upgrade the mice with CGI and that's often a bad idea. The charm of the old animatronics is actually more timeless than CGI which ages over time. It does inject some American racial divide into the story but the movie drops that interesting take rather quickly. The one awful thing it does is to replace the greatness of Huston with a terribly weird Joker-smiling Hathaway. It is bad. There is no good reason for this movie and watching it proves that.
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Definitely Not As Good As The Original Classic But Still A Fun Film.
lukem-5276013 November 2021
The original "The Witches" is a Childhood Classic that we all grew up watching & the setting & the actual Witches themselves looked way better back then in 1990 than these CGI creations look today in 2021.

Robert Zemeckis is an excellent director & he does good here but like every big film today it's overrealiant on CGI affects & even with it's mega budget it doesn't look as good or as richly beautiful as the darker original old Classic. Also the actors were alot better in the original as was the Hotel but as a new version as a fun fantasy adventure it's still a decent watch.

Anne Hathaway is good as the main head witch but again got nothing on the scariness of Angelica Huston.

The characters have changed to the cast of a Black version which was ok because i liked Chris Rock telling the story & Octavia Spencer is really good as the grandma who takes the little boy to a big beautiful Hotel to escape a Witch encounter but end up right in the middle of a Witches meeting place. Stanley Tucci is fine but felt very subdued & not fun like Rowan Atkinson's Classic part. The kids are fine & the CGI mice are cartoony looking but there is some Magic here & the story is pretty much exactly the same as the original but just not done as great.

Still this update is a fun film with decent performances & nice cinematography but it just ain't on the level of that Original Classic.
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Anne Hathaway is not the only one killing this movie
treborquest28 October 2020
The Grand High Witch is killing it. but seriously, she's terrible. From the start on, with the weird Chris Rock voice-over, this remake goes wrong wherever it can wrong. The acting is stiff, the focus is hardly on all the other witches, the CGI is not good. Even the housekeeping cart seems to come from the CGI box. Positive thing: Octavia Spencer is doing her best to be a genuine grandmother, and she succeeds, but that's about it. OK, yes, I am a fan of the 1990 movie. Even though it wasn't as close to the original story, I really can't believe Roald Dahl would recognize his book in this mess. The first movie was gorgeous in it's authenticity. It has folklore, it has an edge, it has a heart. This is Hollywood factory work and seems to want to be much more than it can deliver. It made me miss much more than the purple glow in the witches eyes. It made me want to just throw up like a witch who smells children. I'm not saying you shouldn't watch it. I am sure that an entire generation who never grew up with the original will disagree, but to me, this is like cursing in a church. It's horrible.
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Not as good as the 1990 movie but I still enjoyed it
solangeleichtle22 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get why everyone's calling this a remake. It's not a remake. It's another adaption of the book. I think people need to focus more on comparing the movie to the book rather than the 1990 movie. I will say that the 1990 movie was a lot darker and dramatic while this one is more comedic and light hearted but I never expected this to be a copy of the other movie since again, it's not a remake. Here are what I think are the pros and cons of the movie.

Pros:Stayed more true to the book especially the ending, Anne's performance was amazing and I could tell she had fun with this role, I liked Daisy/Mary's story, the costumes were great especially the Grand High Witch's, loved the final battle feel between the grandma and the GHW, the beginning was really well done and emotional, loved the scene of the witches meeting especially the GHW's dialogue and the witches chasing after Luke, Mary and Bruno, even though she didn't have an unmasked form, I still liked what they did with the GHW's "true look" and still found it quite terrifying, loved Octavia's performance even though I felt that she was too young for the role.

Cons:CGI was over the top, movie seemed a bit rushed, I didn't like the way the grandmother's backstory was played out, was confused as to why the GHW didn't have an unmasked form but I still liked what they did with it (I put that under both the pros and cons list because I was kinda disappointed but I still liked it), felt bad for Bruno's parents that they never got Bruno back, don't get why the main character is just labeled as "Hero" instead of Luke or some other name though I can't remember if he was given a name in the book.

Overall, I think the biggest highlights of this movie was Octavia and Anne's performances and it staying more true the book than the 1990 movie did even though the time settings were different and they changed the races of the grandma and grandson but I don't mind that.
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Please make these awful remakes stop.
Sleepin_Dragon9 November 2020
Oh Dear,

This should have been good, it needed to be good, sadly it just isn't. It's one of those films where a remake didn't seem to be necessary, but as someone that loved Roald Dahl as a child my interest was peaked.

It's inconsistent throughout, did they perhaps rush it because of Covid? The special effects look decent in parts, and woeful in others, Anne Hathaway displays personality it's fair to say, but her accent..... If anyone remembers Rentaghost, think Miss Popov, she spans countries from Ireland to Russia, it had me chuckling.

Once again, please, please try and give us something new and original, stop taking things that have already been made, and making them ten times worse. An extra point for casting the wonderful Josette Simon.

It made me want to watch Anjelica Huston.

I paid to download it, that money could have gone on something less awful, like a Donny Osmond cd.

Naff, 3/10.
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A completely fine family film
pretentiousfanboy22 October 2020
I was surprised to the reaction to this film... It's completely inoffensive and does everything it needs to with the charm of grandma, the malice of the Grand High Witch, etc. I'm getting the feeling that these are reactionary responses to yet another 'bland and unoriginal Hollywood' trend even though this is an adaptation of Roald Dahl's book, just like the 1990 version is.

It's alright if people don't like this movie I suppose but acting like it's the worst thing to come to screens is an exaggeration to say the least. Kids are most definitely going to enjoy it, it is for them after all, not the adults comparing it to the 1990 adaptation, so I'd say this film was a success in what if wanted to do.
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Anne Hathaway's accent
matiassjowall31 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the cat CGI was inconsistent and Anne Hathaway's accent all over the place. Sometimes she's Russian, Scottish and Swedish. It's hilariously bad.
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Watch something else. ANYTHING ELSE.
saradisc24 October 2020
Some 80s and 90s family movies look incredibly cheesy and bad compared to modern releases... Well, now we have the opposite! The 90s adaptation is a masterpiece compared to this. It's incredible how many talented people worked on this mess. The cringiest thing about it is Anne Hathaway's accent, which jumps from Russian to German to Swedish, and it's never funny because she's trying too hard. There are many other talking animal movies that your children will enjoy, spare them, and don't succumb to the voice in your head asking "how bad can it be?". IT'S REALLY BAD.
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Not bad
Zedyeti22 October 2020
I'm sure people will hate this movie no matter what because they love the original and I get that but it's not bad at all. My kids loved it and love the original so they actually pulled it off in my opinion. People may also find other ways or reasons to hate it (probably involves current issues politics bs etc.) but seriously it's not bad. You also have to remember these movies are kids movies based on a kids book so if your pissed that a movie from your childhood has been remade, that's sad. At least they waited 30 years to do it. The first one is a lot scarier but that's because of the awesome makeup and not cgi.
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The worst remake of a classic movie ever
charliehaze6323 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Do not waste your time just watch the classic original which still looks anazing today 30 years later , mainly cos of the acting and practical effects and because it was so darn sinister for a children's movie .

Anne Hathaway cast as the grand high witch is a massive miscasting if their ever was one , her supposed german accents goes from russian to Scottish all in one sentence .

Who the hell thought choosing second rate CGI effects over animatronics and make up clearly is missing the point on what made the original movie so iconic and scary , the CGI mice were like someat a student at film college could of made on some free app on android... Octavia Spencer was so over the top camp , Chris rocks voice over was overly excited considering he is narrating a story that is about evil withches and the danger they pose towards children ..

The whole film was so badly miscast it makes showgirls look like pride and prejudice, Hollywood u have to stop now remaking classic movies , come up with some new ideas and make new movies diverse. We do not need to erase iconic movies from the past just to tick the diversity quota , make new movies new ideas and just be diverse ....

Anne Hathaway really should be kept away from icnonc roles like this. It's actually angered me at how bad this film is. Enough already
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Ignore the grouches, it's just good fun!
benp-6983230 October 2020
An awful lot of grumpy reviewers here.. Yes it's animation is a bit Stuart little/cartoony, and Anne Hathaway's accent is all over Europe.. but as remakes go it's well thought out and just plain Dahl-esque magical fun!

I really enjoyed the 60's Deep South reimagining of where the story is set, and octavia spencer is always good as a sagely and wise older figure. The story is similar enough to be considered a remake, but the minor differences keep it interesting!

It's been given the Hollywood treatment for sure, so it's far glossier/more polished than the original, but having just watched them back to back, unless it's just nostalgia you're after, then that's no bad thing I promise.

Overall the quality of the story itself shines through, and if you just want to have some fun watching it then you will certainly do just that.

If you're looking to review it for Oscar-worthiness then maybe reassess your expectations, chill out and grab a drink. It's a fantasy film people. Let the fantasy breathe!
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Not as bad as all that.
cherylalowe2 November 2020
Found it enjoyable both times we've seen it. It's over the top at times, but it's fun and we all loved it.
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What a piece of garbage
rikard_alvestad23 October 2020
What the F... is Going on? Im a norwegian, and one of the best things about the original, is that the beginning is set in norway. Bergen. The story about the girl in the painting. Dahl had norwegian parents, so i really love the beginning of the original.

Why do the keep making terrible remakes of really good movies? The make up in the original is far surperior to the terrible CGI in this movie. If you check out the drawings in the book, the Grand witch is way off in this movie. The CGI is more like the Scorpion King.

That someone in the comments gave this movie 7-10 is just nuts. So incredible bad
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Completely Pointless
Neon_Gold29 November 2020
This was one of the most pointless remakes i have ever seen. It just takes away from the original and that is not what you want when you are making a remake.

Like i was looking forward to seeing the hotel in this film. The original hotel was so iconic to me, it just really stuck with me and when i watched it was like like i really want to go to this fabulous hotel on the cost in the UK. This hotel looked so bad, i honestly think it was CGI. It looked fake, like all the exterior shots looked like it was a CGI hotel.

Speaking of CGI, there is so much in this film and it just looks stupid. They lean so heavy on it. The original uses make up and animatronics so well and it just works to make the film seem more rooted in our word and just more pleasing to look at. I also think it is incredibly lazy to just CGI. That word pretty much sums up this movie.

The acting was fine apart from Anne who was chewing up the scenery like it was going out of fashion. She was the best part of the move i guess. Well her costumes were to be honest. But they even used CGI in her costumes!! It was infuriating. Her accent was absolutely horrible tho. She should have just used her normal accent.

I would say you could defiantly skip this one. Just watch the original.
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My 7year old enjoyed it
naturatan27 October 2020
It's a different take on the book. Not to be compared with the original movie. My daughter enjoyed it and didn't scare her as much as the original movie so it's a thumbs up from us
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Anne Hathaway should never do accents
roxannajlc23 October 2020
This was horrible I can't believe they would remake this amazing classic and cast Anne Hathaway at the grand high which. No offense to her she's an OK actress but this was not a role for her. This was Anjelica Huston's part it's like could you imagine anyone else playing Morticia Addams? And also no offense to Chris rock but the narration was no Bueno
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Not as scary as the 1990 one but still enjoyable
lisafordeay22 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Witches 2020 is a remake of the 1990 film with Angelica Huston and is loosely based on the Roald Dahl novel. This time we have an African American boy living with his grandmother in 1960s Alabama and they travel to the Grand Hotel where we meet the grand high witch(Anne Hathaway) who is sporting a joker style mouth instead of wearing a mask in this version and she holds a meeting where every child will transform into a mouse. So will the boy and his 2 new friends save the day.

Overall its not as scary as the 1990 version as that scared the living daylight out of me. Anne Hathaway did her own version of Angelica Huston's charcther and I liked how it wasn't a copy and paste of the original.(like The Lion King which came out last year and that had NO changes).

If you are looking for a creepy film watch the 1990 one instead,if you found that one too scary,go watch the 2020 one instead. I know there will be alot of people on here saying this wasn't the witches,but you can't please everyone.
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Why even bother
johnnynotty22 October 2020
Total tripe from start to finish. The only one good thing about this movie is Anne. The CGI is shockingly bad and cartoonish. A British story set in Britain that's been Americanised and therefore completely ruined. Hideous doesn't even come close to describe this movie.
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Some Good Moments
briandwillis-8382522 October 2020
The only reason to see this movie is for the performance of Octavia Spencer who balances humor and warmth in a way only she can. Anne Hathaway tries her best, but it's not her fault that they cover her performance with a lot of awful CGI that has none of the charm and creepiness of the original film's practical effects. This is a movie with great ideas, but too much CGI spoils it and makes it feel way too cartoony.
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Another remake nobody asked for
jcorbancm23 October 2020
I love Octavia and Anne, but this movie seems like it was rushed and that they were just phoning it in.

To begin with, the original is a cult classic, so how dare you mess up with it. Then, if you are gonna do it, well, do it well. They were clearly going for a kids friendly movie but I mean, this story is creepy. The mouse animation takes you away from it, specially coming from Henson's animatronics. The Great Witch reveal is underwhelming, and the changes/additions to the story don't serve it. It just doesn't adds up.

It pains me that Cuaron and Del Toro are attached to this project as producers. Zemeckis seems to be going in decline and it just sucks. Dahl's fans may be happier with this ending, but with all the other changes I dunno how they can be happy with the movie in general.
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Perfect for the family
mnsalove18 November 2020
If you want to enjoy a movie with your family, 👪 do not hesitate, ignore the bad reviews, and I am sure you will have a fantastic time, it is an enjoyable one, and you see the joy on the kids face.
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Very good movie to enjoy. Great Remake!
WatchAndSmile17 November 2020
I enjoyed this movie. Won't win awards, but still a good remake . If you read all the negative reviews they are mostly from those who think one race or color can do abetter job and question the cast. Who cares!! Watch it, smile, enjoy and go on with your lives! Don't rate a movie lower because a character is not of the race in the original or what YOU wanted. The rest reviewers who are asking why the movie was even made? Here's the truth about those nonsense reviews, MOST of them did NOT watch the movie so their reviews are biased and inappropriate. Nothing wrong with remakes and this is a great story to remake. It's a kid's movie, but we see old angry folks sitting behind a keyboard and trashing a good story.

Is the movie, the best ever 10/10 Well, not really... Is it good? Yes it is! Is the movie better than the original( I watched the original 3 times)? No it is not,but it has a great flare and spins. It a nice refresh and a story you want to experience again. Not to mention the fact, millenials often don't want to see 30-year old movies and they would connect better. So if you are 50, and angry, it is YOU who is a problem. Young teens really enjoyed this one and the actors they like. It's as simple as that so take it easy!! It's a great story and I was delighted to see another angle of it. That is all. It was cool to see how the creators of the 2020 changed it.

PS. Anne did a great job in the movie. She is a shining star anything she does. Chris was ok in his narration, but I am not sure he was even needed.
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The remake does not exist
brooklynblax22 October 2020
The remake has no story line, no emotional connections to the characters. Nothing compared to the original and yes you should be comparing. The only good actress in this film is Anne Hathaway who did alright. The director should be ashamed. What a waste of money and talent. I'm going to go have some Cress soup and enjoy the rest of my night watching the original version. More talent in just the pinky of that movie.
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Everybody Hates the Witches remake !
marshcady22 October 2020
This re-make of the witches is very short and very simplified from the original adaptation of the film. The cast doesn't seem entirely engaged in their roles. Too much auto-tone and CGI used here to the point that it's not as effective as one might hope it to be. Very bland sets and much smaller scale compared to the original version. Ultimately, this is just another bland Hollywood low budget re-make film.
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