11 Reviews
Amusing premise, not enough
smatysia23 December 2003
An amusing premise, but ultimately not believable enough (even in a movie) to really enjoy. I suppose the actors all did as well as possible considering the material. Special notice to Bianca Jagger, who was thoroughly credible, Which makes me wonder how hard acting really is. Not taking anything away from Ms. Jagger's performance, just noting how non-actors seem to often do reasonably well in movies. Boring overall, except to those interested in seeing Jeff Bridges at such a young age. Grade: D
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A movie with several different titles.
asaidi-211 January 2001
The "American Success Company" (AKA "Good as Gold" or "The Ringer"). It was later re-edited slightly and titled "American Success". Then it was re-edited again with many scenes switched around, a couple scenes added, and a narration by Jeff Bridges added and titled "Success".

I'm not sure why it was re-edited twice, but I think the reason might be related to the reason it was never released on video (except for a few copies when it was re-titled "Good As Gold") in the U.S.

It's a somewhat humorous story about a guy (Bridges) who's considered by his boss (Beatty) and his bosses daughter, who's also his wife (Bauer), to be a loser. So, with some makeup, some exercise, and some help from a local prostitute (Jagger) he becomes a new man. He also conceives a plan to steal a lot of money from the company that he works for (AM-SUC-CO, a movie version of American Express).

The last version ("Success") has a narration by Jeff Bridges, which clears up a lot of plot holes and confusion that are in the first two versions of the movie. Plus, I liked the extra scenes in the last version, which aren't in the previous two versions. "Success" is the version to see if you can find it.
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Conceptually interesting, ultimately a cinematic failure
fullheadofsteam19 March 2017
The heart and intention of and for this movie are nothing but good, but ultimately it fails in a script that starts smart but becomes, as the movie progresses, not only flawed but terribly disjointed. Add to this that some of the acting is far to hammy, and some scenes entirely too stagey and contrived. Grading it, an A minus for intent of message, and D minus for successful cinematic execution of same. In other words, do not spoil your own social ideals hoping this flop will further the awareness you would like to share with the world.
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Angela7577779 April 2022
This is the worst most preposterous long dragged out film that sony should have thrown in the trash. I have never seen a worse movie. This was a HUGE mistake to make. It was torture to watch and thought it would never made. If I could rate it negative -100 I would. A waster of Jeff Bridges talent. This should NEVER be shown again.
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Celebration of domestic violence
mfonsecamalavasi19 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Right now I'm on the part where he violently takes his wife to the kitchen and forces her to cook for him. We're supposed to be rooting for him 😂

I love watching old films and even find the changing cultural values from previous decades interesting, but this is too much.

Somebody might say that this is actually a critique etc... it would if the female characters were more holistically portrayed and, especially, if the film didn't want us to empathize with the main lead since the beginning.

The one good thing about this film is Bianca Jagger as the prostitute (I like the actress who plays the wife too).

This film is dated and, above all, incoherent. Some reviews say there's a version with a voice over. It's not the one on prime video. It's basically unwatchable in 2022 for reasons other than curiosity.

I should add that while I wrote this review, the plot moved forward from the domestic violence to a very problematically portrayed r*pe.
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The ultimate fairy tale
agnest22 July 2005
I saw this at SIFF (Seattle International Film Festival) and it was brilliant. I saw it later on TV and it was awful. WHY? Why would they take a fabulous show and take away everything that made it memorable? I just don't understand! The version I loved started with a voice-over (JB) describing it as a fairy tale about a giant (opening shot of Beatty's feet dwarfing skyscrapers as he treads through a miniature city, pulling back to establish perspective), a wicked queen (the nasty office gossip), and a princess (the lovely Belinda Bauer, not living in the real world at all). This metaphor was maintained throughout, and it worked! When he makes the decision to become two people, his own bland persona ("We met on my Junior Year Abroad and got married because people thought we looked good together.") and a wicked, dangerous, *attractive* alter ego with a scar and a limp, the change in the reactions he elicits are amazing.

Watching the scam take shape, I wasn't sure until it was over just how he was going to pull it off, but he did, and I was more than willing to believe that they lived happily ever after. The fairy tale metaphor holds the film together.

The version I saw on TV was unrecognizable. They'd completely eliminated the fairy tale frame, making it an implausible scam without sufficient skeletal structure to allow it to stand upright.

The film festival edit was one of the most fun films I've ever seen. The TV edit was ghastly. Why did Richert let them do it????? At the Q&A session at SIFF, he was talking about the difficulties making this film and "Winter Kills", and I suggested he walk with a limp. Who knows...it might have helped. It worked for Jeff Bridges!
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Strange movie - vague summary - possible spoilers
dennis-1025 January 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the American Success Company on cable in the 1982-1983 timeframe. I'm going to give a brief summary as I remember the movie. This may include plot twist spoilers. You are warned.

The way I remember it, the main character works for a large American corporation in Germany. He decides that he is not "man" enough for his job and his wife. I don't remember the specifics about this.

He fakes his own kidnapping where he learns to become a real man. He exercises, he hires a hooker to learn how to make love to a woman, etc.

I don't remember the end of the movie. I quite enjoyed the movie at the time though it was quite odd. I've been curious to watch it again, but have had no success finding it on video.
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One of the Best Movies of all time!
bkdb117 January 2005
Jeff Bridges stars in this very humorous story about a guy who is considered to be a loser by his wife, his boss (his father-in-law), and everyone who knows him. He decides to change his life, and become the man he has always wanted to be.

Many men will relate to this story. It serves as a real eye-opener, showing how the power of positive thinking and self-respect can influence those around us, and help us change our fate if we choose to so so. The movie, directed by William Richert, is very fun and enjoyable to watch, and should be considered an American classic...It currently has a substantial cult following, and it is extremely hard to find. All Jeff Bridges fans should definitely see it. There are some scenes which may seem controversial by today's standards, but the movie was ahead of it's time in several ways, just like the Bridges film "Winter Kills".

Look for the version titled "Success"... it is the best version to see if you can find it. (Other titles include "American Success Company", "Good as Gold" or "The Ringer").
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I finally found American Success Company
p_beamer31 May 2002
After collecting five VHS tapes titled "Good as Gold" I was fortunate enough to purchase "American Success" also on VHS. I can personally vouch that nearly every detail is the same as "Good as Gold" also known as "the Ringer". The only difference is on the tape title "American Success Company". Whereas "Good as Gold" is on the others. All other details remain the same. If anyone reads this or wants to interact with me concerning this movie please Email me. I consider myself the ultimate on this video.
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Pure gold! Rediscoverd after 40 yrs and better than ever!
landrover1522 January 2021
The American Success Company is movie gold. In the vein of much better-known movies like, Joe vs the Volcano, Being There, and Flirting with Disaster. Much like the aforementioned movies, The American Success Company is a movie with transcendent messages at the core of the fun, funny and whimsical tale. I remember watching this during my college years and being completely entertained. Now, forty years later, it holds up better than ever. Only now, the underlying messages of positive masculinity (a non-pc term these days), positive thinking (the good kind) and relationship dynamics, I like this movie even more than I remember. The only flaw in this film (which really isn't a flaw) is the dated look and formatting which might bother some. It's formatted for theaters in what I think is 1.85:1 which looks more like it's formatted for television vs widescreen. The old look aside, this movie is money. To quote one of my favorite moveis (Swingers), it's "so money, that it doesn't know how money it is". See it! Share it! It's comedy and stoic philosphy gold.
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This is so ahead of its time that it hurts from laughing.
mark.waltz26 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so maybe this couldn't be made in the 2020's, but I could definitely see it being done and become in in modern classic 20 years ago. This is Jeff Bridges at his finest and funniest, handsome and smart and successful, yet treated with contempt by everybody he knows including wife Belinda Bauer and father-in-law Ned Beatty. Nasty corporate spies John Glover and Michael Durrell are so jealous of his relationship to the head of the company that they report his every seeming infraction, and an old lady in the neighborhood with a nasty dog literally sicks the vicious pooch on him every time she sees him. Like Jim Carrey years later in "Me Myself and Irene", he explodes and creates an alternative personality to get revenge.

Certainly a lot of things here could not be shown on screen today, but they are hysterically presented here through the wit of screenwriter Larry Cohen. Bridges goes from nebbish hunk to monster like macho punk, picking up call girl Bianca Jagger (surprisingly good as well as sexy), storming his wife's bedroom and molesting her in a way she loves. The crime of rape usually is not funny, but this pampered princess is presented as so dumb and self-centered that you can see her somehow enjoying the sadomasochistic games he plays, seemingly thinking that he's not really her husband, just an intruder whom she finds instant lust with.

Nothing in my research about this film shows that there was any controversy involving these eye raising themes, so obviously in the way it is presented, it is understood why these elements were included. The old lady with the dog was later an expanded twist in "A Fish Called Wanda", and Jagger's character reminds me of Jamie Lee Curtis in that film as well as her character in "Trading Places". The fact that this is a parody of big business and the idle rich and a lot of their entitlement makes the dark elephants a lot more palatable, and as a spoof, it is sensational. The fact that this had to be re-edited several times makes no sense to me because it is perfect in its original conception.
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