38 Reviews
Drunken Cats, Golden Swallows, and 60's martial arts entertainment.
lewiskendell1 August 2011
Unintentionally hilarious English subtitles and occasionally clumsy editing aside (consider it part of the charm), Come Drink with Me is a fun, old-fashioned martial arts romp. The story is simple. A gang of bandits kidnap the son of a governor, in a bid to exchange him for their captured and soon to be executed leader. Golden Swallow, a fierce (and pretty) warrior and sister to the captured man, comes to free him. Lots of sword-fighting ensues. Oh, and she's aided by a beggar known alternatively as the Drunken Cat and the Drunk Hero, which is cool for reasons that surely don't have to be explained. 

If you enjoyed other Shaw Brothers films, Come Drink with Me will be a pretty sure bet for you. Maybe the fights aren't as satisfying compared to the complex choreography of today's martial arts epics, but it's got a classic charm that some will eat up. And many of the most revered martial arts movies of today were clearly influenced by what was done here.
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Beautifully shot
Lord_of_the_Things5 May 2020
Beautifully shot early Kung Fu movie.

The fight choreography is primitive and lacks the excitement and creativity of later martial arts movies, but overall the movie delivers.

Has all the classic characters. Drunken hobo, wandering bounty hunter, evil Abbot, and ghostfaced villain.

Worth watching.
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Early Shaw Brothers classic
Leofwine_draca1 February 2016
The Shaw Brothers studio was known for pumping out martial arts epic after martial arts epic during its heyday in the 1970s. These films were known for their sumptuous costumes and set design, their electrifying fight scenes packed with expert choreography and gallons of gore...I could go on. COME DRINK WITH ME is an early example of the genre, following on from TEMPLE OF THE RED LOTUS and sowing the seeds of what was to come.

It's fair to say that COME DRINK WITH ME is a little dated compared to later Shaw vehicles, but it's still a worthwhile film. It's just that the fighting style is a little more simplistic than we're used to, the performances a little more mannered. Nonetheless, Cheng Pei-Pei still cuts the mustard as the skilled swordswoman, and the range of foes up against her remain entertaining to the end.

The film has a few slow spots in the plotting and some extraneous moments, but it looks so good on a visual level, with excellent set design and costumes, that you just don't care. There are a wealth of strong performers in the supporting cast, including Yueh Hua's drunken sidekick, and fans of '80s-era Hong Kong cinema may spot the instantly recognisable Mars back when he was a child actor. Watch COME DRINK WITH ME to see where the martial arts and wuxia genres began.
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Classic Shaw Brothers action film with a cold and beautiful female lead.
freakus4 November 1999
Cheng Pei-Pei was the Michelle Yeoh of the Sixties. A stunning action star who was as cold as ice in a fight. In this film she takes on around 40 or 50 guys and still manages to keep her cool. Seeing her two-fisted sword technique as the Golden Swallow is well worth the price of admission.
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Come Drink With Me
BandSAboutMovies14 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When a general's son is taken hostage as ransom to free a bandit leader, the general's daughter Golden Swallow (Cheng Pei-pei, who Western audiences may recognize as Jade Fox from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) goes to rescue her brother and battle the bandit gang. She's protected by a drunk named Fan Da-Pei (Yueh Hua), who is really Drunken Cat, a secret martial arts master, who saves her from a poison dart.

The bandits have worked their way into a monastery led by an evil abbot named Liao Kung (Yeung Chi-hing), who once helped Fan Da-Pei to be accepted into the school that taught them both their martial arts skills. As a result, the hero doesn't want to battle him. He also believes that there's no way their battle won't end in death.

Director King Hu also made A Touch of Zen, which is an essential Hong Kong film. There's an urban legend that Jackie Chan is rumored to play one of the child singers at the beginning of the film, but Pei-Pei Cheng has stated that he is not in the movie.

I'm really excited that Arrow is releasing so many Shaw Brothers movies. I love that I can finally own high quality versions of these films and watch them over and over again.
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Another SB masterpiece!
Stofft2 May 2005
Even if this film goes way back in time (back to 1966) this film is very well shot indeed.

And from what I have heard this was the film that kind of set the standard for future kung fu flix in this particular style. Flying ppl, big battles and beautiful action style.

No need to really lay so much upon the story on what happens in it. as it can be read on the main page.. but I do wanna announce that if you wanna get this one on DVD you should look for the re-mastered version released/made by the Asian company Celestial Pictures/ IVL (Intercontinental Video Limited)

They have done a great job in shaping up this film.. so ti more or less looks like it could have been produced today.

Also comes with lots of Xtras like interviews with the cast and other fun stuff.

Well worth having in your collection
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A must-see for martial arts movie fans.
Abyss4711 March 2013
Shaw Brothers. Shaw Brothers. Shaw Brothers. We meet again.

Okay, so one day I was sitting around browsing the internet, and I thought to myself, "Hmm, why don't I download a bunch of Asian films to watch later?" Just in case you haven't already guessed, this was one of them. After watching several of the others, I finally decided to sit down to this one. The reason this one caught my eye is because it starred the lovely Pei-pei Cheng, who you may know from "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon", where she played the not-so-lovely Jade Fox. Those of you who know me know I love watching women kick some ass in movies, and this was a Shaw Brothers film on top of that, so I just HAD to get up in that.

Yeah, it was pretty damn cool. Those of you who have to have some sort of deep plot and spellbinding visuals in every film you watch probably wouldn't get a whole lot out of this, but I have an open mind and this is my kind of film, so I instantly took a liking to it. Pei-pei Cheng was fascinating to watch and undeniably beautiful. She just has that sort of presence that draws you to her. Whenever she wasn't on screen, the movie definitely felt lacking in my eyes, but thankfully, she's on screen pretty darn often considering she's the main character. The fight choreography was obviously impressive, and there were some brutal scenes that will likely stay with me for a while, such as when a young apprentice is cruelly murdered in cold blood. For being as old as it is, this is also a very fast-paced film. Sure, there are some slow spots - not that they bothered me - but it's constantly moving forward, which made it all the more engaging. The story itself is solid for this type of film, but nothing too surprising. The print I saw had very good visual and audio quality, which was nice. Great, now I'm just stalling to make the review longer.

Well, it's simply a good film. I wasn't blown away, but I enjoyed it about as much as I'm capable of enjoying a martial arts film from the 60's these days. The fights alone are worth the price of admission, so if you haven't already seen this, what the hell have you been watching lately?
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The one that started it all
simon_booth12 January 2003
This is the movie that started it all, the watershed wu xia movie in Hong Kong to which pretty much all the kung fu and wire fu movies owe a debt. King Hu was the visionary director who introduced this new style of movie making to the world, and Come Drink With Me is the movie where he first did it.

Such an important movie in HK history was clearly going to be one of the jewels in Celestial Pictures' remastered Shaw Brothers series, and indeed it was chosen as the flagship title - a restored print did a small tour of the world to build up interest in the catalog and secure distribution. The DVD was one of the first released, and is a very nice package with beautiful picture and sound quality, great subtitling and an interesting set of interviews. After so many years it's great to see the movie looking and sounding so good.

Come Drink With Me begins with a group of bandits attacking a government party and capturing an official, who they hope to use as a hostage exchange for their leader, currently in prison. The government sends out an agent to negotiate the deal, the legendary swordsman Golden Swallow. Golden Swallow is played wonderfully by a young Cheng Pei Pei, in the "woman dressed as a man" character that would become a regular wuxia feature. They first meet in an inn that strongly resembles that from Dragon Inn (1992), where they engage in a battle of words and martial arts prowess that leaves the bandits in no doubt that Golden Swallow is not about to let them get away with their plans.

Like seemingly all King Hu movies, the plot is layered and intricately woven, full of intrigue and politics and power plays. There's always more going on than meets the eye. It manages this without being at all difficult to follow though, unlike many of its imitators and successors.

Come Drink With Me is full of colourful characters, such as the cheerful bandit Smiling Tiger or the singing drunken beggar played by Yueh Hua. Without a doubt the movie belongs to Cheng Pei Pei though, who is beautiful, graceful, fierce and proud, and a tremendous fighter. It's easy to see why audiences loved her, and her character left such a lasting influence on the wu xia movie.

The production values in the movie are very high, with beautiful sets, locations and costumes and very nice cinematography. King Hu's skillful camera work is legendary, and the imagery is not as memorable as the imagery in Hu's later work such as A Touch Of Zen it is still of very high quality and way above its peers.

The action scenes are probably the main legacy that Come Drink With Me left behind it though. As all the interviews on the disc agree, Hu's approach to choreographing and filming the sword fights raised the bar of Hong Kong martial arts movies to unparalleled levels, and really started the 'fight scene as art form' philosophy that would quickly come to be the defining characteristic of the colony's cinema. By todays standards there is no question that the fight scenes look slow and crude, and are a long way from the grace and beauty that the wu xia movie would eventually achieve under directors such as Tsui Hark and Ching Siu Tung (who has a small part in the movie as a child actor!). However, many of the cinematic styles and techniques were making their first appearance in this movie, so it is fascinating to see them and imagine how exciting they must have been to audiences at the time. The image of Cheng Pei Pei with her twin short swords is one that will linger in the memory for some time even now.

Come Drink With Me had quite a reputation to live up to, and the difficulty a keen viewer had in seeing it until now doubtless enhanced that. Probably there will be many viewers that wonder what all the fuss was about, but I think few could dispute that it is a well crafted movie even without considering its historical importance. As is obligatory with any King Hu review though, I do have to point out that it is not as good as A Touch Of Zen
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Dance Fight!
gavin694224 April 2016
A group of bandits kidnaps the governor's son and demands their imprisoned leader to be set free in exchange.

Director King Hu said that he had deliberately chosen a ballet dancer for the lead female role, "rather than fighting. I'm very interested in Peking opera and particularly its movement and action effects, although I think it's difficult to express them adequately on stage, where the physical limitations are too great." King Hu was said to recognize that some of the fights are stylized as opposed to realistic but claimed that combat in his movies was "always keyed to the notion of dance." I had always thought "kung fu" movies were very much based around dancing. Is this unusual, or was it a new style? I am curious. What we see today is so choreographed I have a hard time imagining it any other way.
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A Nutshell Review: (DVD) Come Drink With Me (1966)
DICK STEEL25 December 2006
Come Drink With Me is touted as arguably the greatest martial arts film, ever. In its day, this is the movie that broke a lot of grounds, thanks to meticulous direction and vision of King Hu.

The story is simple though, telling of Golden Swallow's (Cheng Pei Pei) quest to rescue her brother, a government official, in a ransom case with a bunch of bandits. While her prowess is formidable, a little help is always appreciated when up against the masses, and little does she know that a beggar of sorts, called the Drunken Cat (Yueh Hua), turns out to be her guardian angel. While the Chinese title is obviously a reference to Yueh Hua's character, this movie is clearly Cheng Pei Pei's breakthrough in the martial arts genre.

The martial arts here is distinctively different. For its time, it was a breakthrough, with its moving cameras, violence, splattering of blood, as well as fights done with adequate pauses and breaks, like a Western stand off at times, before lunging at each other. The movement, while fluid, is slow compared to these days, then again, having action done too fast would mean either stunt people taking over, or you can't see a thing. The style in this movie struck me as samurai styled swordplay, even though the weapon our heroine used was a pair of short swords rather than katanas. The weapons used too were real, lending a sense of realism when the combatants clash.

There are still some opera influences in the movie, especially when it comes to the music, done with Chinese orchestra, and accentuates the scenes like a big opera. Playing in sync to the action on screen, it's an early base on which films like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon adopted to great effect. The cinematography is great too, given the many exterior shots in backlots and elaborate sets, featuring classical locales like inns and temples. The introductory scene in the inn will take your breath away, never mind that some cheesy (for today) techniques of stop motion and the reversing of film were used.

Cheng Pei Pei is a star in the movie, and she has managed to infuse her background in ballet and dance to the martial arts moves for the movie, bringing forth a very beautiful poise when executing her moves. Her eyes too were luminous and have a life of their own, and can stare daggers at her enemies. Yueh Hua though felt more carefree, given his role as a wandering beggar. And while there are hints of romance between their characters, don't hold your breaths on counting them developing it any further.

A to-the-point story, and excellent martial arts. This is a definite must watch for all martial arts genre fans.

IVL Code 3 DVD Extras:

A departure from the other IVL releases I've watched so far, this DVD had a valuable commentary by Cheng Pei Pei herself, and daughter Marsha Yuen, presented by film producer Bey Logan, in English. It's quite hilarious listening to Logan try and identify some of the actors, but always getting them wrong and had to be corrected by Pei Pei, until he knew not to embarrass himself further and allowed Pei Pei to introduce them instead. Marsha however, had little to contribute, except to laugh loudly into the microphone.

There are two Come Drink With Me trailers included, one the original which had its written script which you have to read running from right to left, and the quality is pretty degraded. The new remastered one is definitely clearer, and so were the trailers for other movies, some starring Pei Pei herself.

You have the usual extras as well, like the few movie stills, one original poster, a one page one paragraph worth of production notes, as well as a short cast and crew biography and filmography. A pity thought that you can note some typos in the DVD menus and subtitles.

The real gems of the extras, are the interview clips.

The longest interview on the disc is with Cheng Pei Pei (18 mins 30s) done in English, where she compares martial arts movies then and now, shared some production nuggets such as the duration of shooting the fight scenes, on sexuality of those days, her working relationship with King Hu, provided insights into working under Shaw Bros. explained her ease with learning martial arts, and shared on her working experiences with Yueh Hua.

Yueh Hua too has an interview included, though it was quite short, clocking at 4 mins 45s. He shares his thoughts on working with King Hu and Cheng Pei Pei, as well as revealing that he had real wine in that wine bottle prop to assist him in getting into character. However, the interview is conducted in Mandarin, with no subtitles provided.

I'm surprised at the inclusion of an interview with Marsha Yuan (daughter of Cheng Pei Pei) in English, for 6 mins and 40s, as she shares her thoughts on the movie, her realization when growing up that her mom was famous, and the big revelation is that there is going to be a sequel she's gonna star in. Is there?

The last two interviews are with film critic Paul Fonoroff and film producer Bey Logan, as both talk about Cheng Pei Pei and King Hu, clocking at 9 mins 50s, and 4 mins 40s respectively. The former interview is more insightful though, as he shares a little on the history of the rivalry between Shaw and Cathay in their heydays.

The restored version in the DVD is pristine, save for one or two scenes in soft focus which seemed a little blur. Audio transfer is great too. The only pity is that it's not in Anamorphic Widescreen.
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Heavily Overrated but Historically Important Wu Xia Film
kluseba3 May 2023
Da Zui Xia, internationally known as Come Drink with Me, is one of the very first wu xia movies coming out of Hong Kong that has paved the way for many more films of the same genre to be released ever since. This genre combines historic settings, plots and costumes with extravagant martial arts techniques that can at times defy realism. This particular movie has a strong female protagonist played by iconic Cheng Pei-pei. She incarnates a governor's daughter who is sent to negotiate the liberation of her brother who was kidnapped by a ruthless group of bandits who demands their leader to be freed in exchange.

This movie has a few positive elements that deserve to be pointed out. As mentioned above, the combination of historic settings, plot and costumes with martial arts techniques was creative, exciting and innovative back in the days. The settings deserve particular praise as the inn that serves as a gathering spot for people living in the country, the beautiful monastery bringing Buddhist culture into the story and the hut next to a waterfall where reclusive beggar Fan Ta-pi resides are truly memorable locations. Another element that stands out is that parts of the movie work as a musical when the charismatic beggar played by Yueh Hua and the children he takes care of are singing numerous songs in the inn. These songs aren't just presented for the purpose of entertainment alone but provide additional information about characters and locations.

Sadly, this movie hasn't aged very well despite its important role in the history of cinema. The worst part of this film are the stiff martial arts techniques displayed here. They are slow, harsh and exaggerated as they happen to be lightyears away from the wu xia cinema of the seventies, eighties and nineties that has brought actors such as Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li to international stardom. Lead actress Cheng Pei-pei sadly looks particularly terrible as she is completely miscast for her role. The story is also everything but surprising as the movie offers a simple tale of revenge that has been created time and again before and after the release of this movie. The film's conclusion is also very weak as there isn't much focus on the female protagonist, her kidnapped brother and their father. Even the villain of the story escapes unharmed and is never seen again. The ending of the movie actually feels rushed, as if the production company had been running out of time and resources.

At the end of the day, Da Zui Xia, better known as Come Drink with Me around the world, is only interesting for adamant wu xia fans and intellectuals studying the history of cinema. Everyone else can skip this film without any regrets as several actresses and actors involved here have made much better movies. Cheng Pei-pei is a member of the cast of the excellent Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Yueh Hua plays the protagonist in the wonderful tale of revenge Fury of the Shaolin Master. To conclude, there are many other wu xia films old and new that deserve your attention before discovering this movie. My recommendation for an older movie would be the brutal Five Fingers of Death. If you are interested in iconic genre films from the nineties, I would suggest you to discover the famous Once Upon a Time in China film series. If you are interested in contemporary cinema, you could give Donnie Yen's Sakra a chance.
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The original 'Drunken Master' - should have been released in America in 1967
winner5527 June 2006
If this film had been released in America in the year of its production, 1966, or the year afterward, I guarantee that the rave for Hong Kong action films would have surfaced then, and not 1972 (and on) with "5 fingers of death" and "fist of fury". And it would not just have happened among young men (the principle audience for the 'fu film in the '70s), but among Hollywood veterans as well, which would have begun a trend to introduce Hong Kong methods - and professionals - into Hollywood itself.

because this film is dam' well made. The film looks as though King Hu spent hours watching and analyzing George Steven's accomplishment in "Shane", and then figuring out how to do Stevens 'one better' so to speak, and yet maintain his film's appeal to his base audience in Hong Kong and other Chinese communities.

So what we have here is part 'adult western', part 'chinese opera' and all adventure movie from start to finish.

And this is not for kids - and I'm not referring to the violence. The subtle humor of the dialog, the maturity of the acting, the wisdom of the ethical problems raised and of their resolutions, these are for adults to enjoy, and then later to ponder. When the hero stabs a villain, and the villain's blood gushes over the hero's face, this is a brutal reminder of just how serious a violent choice - i.e., the choice to engage in violence, however noble the cause - really is. - A question the film takes seriously, as any good film would.

Very well made, cleverly written, with strong performances from all. A real gem.
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Great hero(ine) & villain but an underwhelming conclusion
Groverdox5 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In "Come Drink With Me", a young woman known as Golden Swallow goes to town to rescue her brother who is being ransomed by a heavily made up dandy known as Jade-Faced Tiger. Golden Swallow proves to be a formidable fighter, but is outnumbered, and a beggar named Drunken Cat, with an army of alfalfa-headed youngsters, comes to her aid.

Golden Swallow was wounded by a toxic dart from Tiger, so he takes her to his hut in the woods and nurses her back to health.

So far so good, right?

But then, something strange happens. Not only does the protagonist of this movie change, so too does the bad guy. We had an all time great hero(ine) in Golden Swallow. We're still getting this stupid woke garbage about how there aren't enough "strong female characters" in movies or whatever nonsense. Hello? Here's a great one from sixty years ago. Why is that still an issue? Oh, that's right: it's because feminists always have to act like we're in the 1950s to try to stay relevant.

The different bad guy, though, is an even worse choice. The manicured, coiffed and made-up Jade-Faced tiger could have been an all-time great bad guy. But instead, we get a different guy... I think.

You see, the story kind of lost me when they swapped people around. Like so, so, so many martial arts flicks, this one's story is just too complicated. Apparently Tiger gets his comeuppance (not a spoiler, because you know he's going to), and I don't even remember seeing that. I do remember Drunken Cat killing some other guy, though, who I assume was the new antagonist.

If they'd just kept the great heroine played by Cheng Pei-Pei front and centre, this movie could have been great. Instead, it's a great protagonist and antagonist, wasted in a disappointing final act.
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Missing some magic
fishermensmell28 February 2021
Not being very well acquainted with the martial arts genre, I've watched a few Shaw films recently, this being the earliest. I see a lot of raving about this movie for its significance, but standing on its own merits I felt it had some narrative flaws and was not as enjoyable as the slicker adventures that followed in the 70s.

Tonally, the film was a bit erratic. At times it felt like a family musical, especially with the introduction of some DIckensian pauper children feeling like a scene out of Oliver! The antics of Drunken Cat brought comic relief, but then this would be tempered by some fairly brutal violence.

Narratively, there is a shift towards the end from the focus being on Golden Swallow vs. Jade-Faced Tiger to Drunken Cat vs. the abbot. This was rather unsatisfying as the anticipated showdown between the film's chief protagonist and antagonist is dialled back in favour of a storyline rivalry introduced very late in the day and which is resolved just as swiftly, with very little drama.

Overall, the film was fine: good sets and locations, fun characters, good choreography etc. but just lacking something in the story to make it truly exciting.
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A decent martial arts film from a director that was still honing his craft
Jeremy_Urquhart9 October 2021
Was a little disappointed by this one, but I won't let it put me off future King Hu movies, as I've heard this isn't one of his absolute best. Hopefully, it'll end up serving as a decent appetiser for films like Dragon Inn and A Touch of Zen, which are the ones I'm really excited about.

I liked most of the action scenes, and some of the camerawork was cool. Also appreciated the female heroine, but she got overshadowed a bit in the second half, which I thought was unfortunate.

There were points at which it dragged a little, even at 91 minutes. And I cracked up whenever someone fell into water and there was a comically huge splash- not sure what was up with that lol.
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She's a hard pill to (Golden) Swallow.
Pjtaylor-96-13804425 March 2024
'Come Drink With Me (1966)' follows Golden Swallow, a young warrior who sets out to rescue her brother from the gang of outlaws keeping him captive, and Drunken Cat, a seemingly incompetent beggar who might just have more to him than meets the eye. It's an influential early Wuxia/ Kung fu flick that clearly had a massive impact on the genre. Although it doesn't feature as much fighting as some of its peers and it generally isn't as fast-paced as you may expect, it includes plenty of exciting and well-choreographed set-pieces that are surprisingly brutal in places (a small boy has his eye punctured with a dart and is then murdered just below frame). There are a lot of measured one-on-many fights that feature our hero standing in the centre of several opponents who are all seemingly afraid to make their move because they know she can typically deflect their attacks with ease. The action has this specific pacing to it that isn't so much relentless battle as it is a push-pull of tension and release, with suspense mounting as our hero observes her attackers and catharsis exploding when one of them makes an ill-advised move against her. It's perhaps not what you'd expect but it works well, and the flick excels during the moments in which its choreography is allowed to come a little faster and a little more dangerous. The pacing of the overall film isn't as purposeful as that of the set-pieces, though, as it's often a little baggy in places. Add that to a somewhat unfocused narrative (it kind of decides to follow Drunken Cat more than Golden Swallow after a certain point) and you get an experience that isn't as consistently compelling as you'd hope. It's still entertaining and delightfully genre-specific, though. It's a solid effort.
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Seen Out of Context
vvanpo28 May 2003
A young person once remarked to me how he had once seen "Yellow Submarine" and wasn't impressed. Kind of a shame I thought. He had no chance to see it in the context of its times that made the animation a ground-breaker. I'm afraid it's the same for me and "Da zui xia". The movie plot and action are fine. It's great they use women as action figures. The characters' names are a hoot. But I don't care how much Golden Swallow dresses like a man, she still looks like a dame!
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what an inspiration!
travisgift200517 August 2006
If you want to see the inspiration for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon this is it. I saw this after being opened up to wuxia (Chinese sword fight pics) by CTHD. Ang Lee was obviously inspired by Come Drink With Me. Remember the rooftop scene in CTHD?, the big bar brawl?, catching those little darts?, and the actress who played the Jade Fox (Cheng Pei Pei)? All are in Come Drink With Me. The story behind the movie is that Run Run Shaw of the legendary Shaw Brothers Studio wanted to make a Chinese version of a Japanese Samurai (Chanbara) movies. He hired a young, inexperienced, director now known to us as King Hu. The result was a movie that, for its time, was groundbreaking and it is still a lot of fun to watch today. Somebody PLEASE release a high quality DVD version though, because the only one I have found is AWFUL!
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How come they can't do it like this today?
KRS_kungfu27 June 2006
This movie has it all -- meaning that it's directed by King Hu, and stars Cheng Peipei. The wire work is flawless, the use slow motion breathless, and the butt kicking is epic. The mistaken identity plot RE: Cheng is the same as a lot of pictures from this time -- but King Hu does it with real flair in this one. I was put on to this movie and King Hu in general by a guy I spar with every week at Fu. Cheng's moves are fluid and inspiring. Pay particular attention to how it is that she's able to take on multiple opponents -- I can't say exactly what style she's using, but it's surprsingly believable considering many actors of the time did more ballet/Peking opera acrobatrics, than actual ancient forms. This is a must see for anyone into martial arts.
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"Come Drink with Me" - Go watch this movie!
dee.reid24 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There really is something to be said about "Come Drink with Me," the landmark martial arts wuxia (Chinese martial arts fantasy film) film directed in 1966 by the late King Hu, produced by the legendary Shaw Brothers Studio, and starring the then-19-year-old Hong Kong actress Cheng Pei-pei (who would later gain worldwide recognition 34 years later in 2000 for her work as the villain-ess Jade Fox in Ang Lee's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon").

Mind you all, "Come Drink with Me" was released five years before Bruce Lee's first big martial arts splash hit "Fists of Fury" (1971) - Lee was also responsible for bringing a greater degree of realism to the budding martial arts movie genre that had been seriously lacking up to that point; then there was the American action film "Billy Jack" (also released in 1971), which featured a famous fight sequence choreographed by the late South Korean Hapkido Grandmaster Bong Soo Han; and six years before the first international martial arts movie hit, "Five Fingers of Death" (1972).

But some would say that this is the movie that started it all. I thoroughly enjoyed this flick, which came from a time when the martial arts movie genre was just getting started, and before Bruce Lee made the genre a staple of worldwide action cinema that was here to stay. Unlike many of its predecessors, it actually tells a well-written story with strong characters AND character development, in addition to stunningly choreographed fighting sequences (by Han Ying-chieh).

Set during the Ming Dynasty, Cheng Pei-pei is Golden Swallow, a young and beautiful, but cold and deadly, Ming Dynasty government agent sent to rescue the governor's kidnapped son from a gang of bandits, who wish the freedom of their imprisoned leader. It is eventually revealed that the governor's son is actually Golden Swallow's brother, thus making her mission personal and its success vital. Thrown into this mix, is the mysterious hard-drinking beggar Drunken Cat (Yueh Hua), who also happens to be a gong-fu master and aids Golden Swallow in her mission.

The influence of "Come Drink with Me" on "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and the martial arts movie genre is obvious: this is the movie that helped formulate the gong-fu sword- and weapons-fighting in the genre, and its lush visual style was inspiring enough for Ang Lee to replicate it in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." The unique cinematography and beautiful location settings - in addition to the unique action sequences - can also be seen in Ang Lee's 2000 masterpiece.

Cheng Pei-pei is an amazing presence in this film. Like most action movie heroines, she is indeed beautiful, but she's also fierce and deadly and needs no man to rescue this damsel who's never going to be in distress. But she is shown to be vulnerable in some spots and is someone who can be gravely injured during her frequent tussles with the bad guys. Also, Yueh Hua's Drunken Cat is one of the most brilliant characters to ever be fully realized in a martial arts film. 12 years before Jackie Chan got his drink on in "Drunken Master" (1978), Drunken Cat was knocking them back and still kicking a** wherever he went. But he's not purely a drunk. Like Golden Swallow, he is vulnerable also, realized with a painful past and an impending confrontation with a deadly adversary who is also from his past.

These character traits are an aspect of martial arts cinema that the genre would not see too often over the ensuing decades.

"Come Drink with Me" is one of the greatest martial arts movies ever made. My only regret is that Hollywood has been trying to remake this movie for several years now (and thankfully, they haven't had much luck)...

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Amazon Prime Video sold me this
ersbel31 October 2020
Amazon Prime Video told me something about this movie being better than Crouching Tiger. Now, Crouching Tiger was a fairly mediocre story, so it seems reasonable to assume this one is better.

Inside it is the glorious story of the judge who can free up a convicted criminal who is also dangerous to save his son, who happens to be a high official. And the governmental enforcerer is the daughter. Together daddy, brother and sister are very good and the bandits are very bad. Long live PRC and it's beloved public servants.

As for the fights: it is bad, real bad, to the point of ridicule.
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Come Drink with Me
jboothmillard18 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I found this Chinese / Mandarin film in the book 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die, that was obviously the only reason I found out about and watched it, so I hoped it would be worthwhile, directed by King Hu (A Touch of Zen). Basically a government garrison is ambushed by a clan of bandits, their evil plan is to get their Clan Chief back, they capture and take hostage the son of the general for an exchange. The general's other offspring, and an Official from the government, is a young girl known as Golden Swallow (Cheng Pei-Pei), she is sent by the Governor to save the Official. Disguised as a man, the Golden Swallow will confront the bandits group, led by the evil Jade Faced Tiger (Chen Hung Lieh), who is not easy to deal with. Golden Swallow finds a new ally in Drunken Knight (or Drunken Cat) (Yueh Hua), together they will team up against the bandits and try to overcome the crisis, and to rescue the General's son. Also starring Yang Chih- Ching as Abbot Liao Kung and Feng Yi as Chen Hou. Cheng, who would reprise her role in follow-up film Golden Swallow, and would later go on to star as the villain in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, gives a good performance as the fearless swordswoman, I did understand the story of the female warrior sent by her governor father to negotiate the release of her brother, but having to read subtitles I lost track with most other stuff going on, but the fight and bloody sequences just about rescued it, overall it's not a bad martial arts action adventure. Worth watching!
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Great to have this lost gem back!
drw5x54 October 2002
Having just seen a new print of this at the 2002 Vancouver international film festival, I must say that it has been hidden away for far too long. A splendid cast delivers a great action flick that simply does not seem 37 years old. If films of this quality had been circulating in recent years, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" may not have been such a revelation. I am looking forward to many more restored classics from the Shaw brothers archive. A great night at the movies!
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splendid! different
ConcreteSteelC29 January 2003
Da zui xia was a relief. I watched many kung fu movies as a child that were slightly reminescent of this one, and have stopped watching recent ones since the scope of their theme had narrowed down so much.

Now, for the first time in many years, I am able to recover some of what I saw back then but did not fully understand. A recent tour throughout China and more familiarity with Chinese philosophy and culture gave me sudden insights in the director's message. This is very refreshing.
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Pretty awesome!
zetes3 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Having been very disappointed in King Hu's most famous film, A Touch of Zen, I was actually eager to see one of his other supposed masterpieces. I wanted to see if the guy just didn't work for me or what. Fortunately, his earlier film, Come Drink with Me, made for Shaw Brothers, impressed me a lot. I would still complain about the choppy editing during the kung fu sequences, which not only makes it difficult to understand what's going on, but also makes the martial arts magic less believable. But while there are a few brief scenes where I thought the editing was weak in such a way, there are three extended action sequences that are eye-popping and heart-stopping. Cheng Pei-Pei, best known now for her latter-day role in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, plays a powerful kung fu student trying to rescue her brother, who has been kidnapped by a gang of dissidents, led by the chalk-faced Hung Lieh Chen. He's one of the all-time great bad guys, and I love his cohorts, as well. The film is full of fantastic character design. Cheng teams up with Hua Yueh, a drunken beggar who is secretly a kung fu master. What really comes through is Hu's supreme visual sense. It definitely made me more interested in the man's works, and even in revisiting A Touch of Zen.
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