Bodyguard (2018)
Surprisingly great
17 May 2020
To be honest, I didn't really expect anything out of it at first. I began watching it just out of boredom. I thought it would be one of the tv shows that is full of difficult words that I won't understand it and will have nothing out of it. I was wrong!

This series is awesome! From the first episode, from the first few minutes the tension is crazy. Something the tension is so high, that I yell at the tv, squeeze my fists and gasp for my breath basically (hope it makes any sense). Such words as "No no no..." or "Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god..." came out of my mouth more than often while watching this.

Richard Madden's acting skill are remarkable in Bodyguard. He handled the character of David Budd very well. It seemed very real, it had to be difficult. Also I still can't get over the way he pronounce "Ma'am" as "Mum" hah.

The last episode was probably the best one of all. The tension was INSANE, although I have to agree with the kind of disappointing very end of it.
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