Decent hold-up thriller filled with surprises , sneaky twists , and being efficiently realized
14 November 2017
Daniel Calparsoro's last one (2016) results to be ¨100 Años De Perdón¨ with all-star-cast as Luis Tosar , Jose Coronado , Raul Arevalo and his wife Patricia Vico . A Spanish crime film called To Steal from a Thief (originally Cien Años De Perdón in Spain) about six armed men in disguise try to steal a bank , but they're really after the contents of safety deposit box 314 , which actually doesn't contain what they think it does . Moving heist thriller filled with intense set-pieces , nail-biting action and swiftly paced . This exciting movie contains thrills , noisy action , intrigue and spectacular final . In Valencia takes place a bank robbing , it is carried out by a bunch of cunning delinquents led by three thieves called El Uruguayo (Rodrigo Serna) , Gallego (Luis Tosar) and Loco (Furrier) , all of them stalk a bank in a metropolis city , Valencia , to rob as many safety boxes as possible and later flee through a dug tunnel that communicates the building with an abandoned subway station . The takers must scramble a lot of twisted incidents , risks , dangers and violence . However, the press officer of the Prime Minister discovers what the thieves are actually after : they want to get their hands on box 314 that has dark secrets . The safe box contains an information that it would to be shake a country . At the same time , the CNI agents attempt to take the information before the robbers escape with it . The bad's schemes begin to go awry , plus to discover that the box really doesn't have documents , but an external hard drive full of data about important names in all levels of the Spanish politicians . They try to rise above their circumstances by any means available to them . Not only that, but the government wants to stop them and the rainwater floods their getaway route .

This is a thrilling narration of an exciting bank assault with exceptionally fine camera work , attractive sequences , moving escapes and ending crashes . The title of the movie is a reference about a popular Spanish proverb: ¨Those who steals a thief, will have a hundred years of pardon¨. The picture mingles action-packed , drama , exciting underwater scenes , suspense , and spectacular sequences though won't mean much on little screen TV . This is a tricky little thriller about a coordinated bank robbery that gets worse when the tunnel is flooded by heavy rain , leaving them with no fleeing . This hold-up film is covered by political incidents as well as corruption , as the safe box results to be ownership of Gonzalo Soriano , a previous member of the government who slipped into a coma after a severe accident and left documents with compromising information . Stirring movie results to be a nice yarn well set in a rainy big city , Valencia . In fact , filmmaker Daniel Calparsoro dedicated this movie to ¨Valencia¨ . Pulse-quickening thriller movie but plenty of clichés and lots of violence , including punches , slaps , heavy blows , kick-asses and bloody shooting . The peculiar as well as tight-knit trio , Luis Tosar , Rodrigo De la Serna and Raúl Arévalo are the real stars of this movie . Other chief excitements about the picture , will be in the intervention of a good plethora of Spanish/Argentinean actors who realize professionally competent interpretations such as : Patricia Vico , Joaquín Furriel , Marian Álvarez , Luis Callejo , Miquel Fernández , Joaquin Climent , María Molins and Alfredo Villa , Calparsoro's fetish actor. Special mention for José Coronado as a fixer of the government receives the mission to assume the control of the negotiations, looking for recover at any cost the box .

Colorful and appropriate cinematography by Joseph M. Civit , being well set on a rainy morning in Valencia , and shot in Canary Islands , Buenos Aires , Valencia by cameraman Josep M. Civit who is one of the best Spanish cameramen , as he has demonstrated in "The Hidden Face" , ¨Shiver¨, ¨Warriors¨ , ¨The Absent" ,¨Anguish¨ and many others . Stimulating as well as pulsating musical score by Nacho Mastretta and Najwajean-Najwa Nimri . This is another superbly powerful thriller movie being compellingly directed Daniel Calparsoro , the filmmaking is competent though the story eventually run out of gas . It was well realized by Calparsoro in similar vein to his precedent film as ¨Invasor¨ , a splendid thriller mostly set in Irak war . His best film was ¨Warriors¨ or ¨Guerreros¨ , another warlike film brilliantly made by Daniel and dealing with ¨Kosovo¨ war . Daniel was raised in Donostia , that's why most films are set in Basque country . Daniel uses to work with his spouses , as his first wife , Najawa Nimri composes his scores and played in ¨Salto a Vacio¨ , ¨Pasajes¨ , ¨Asfalto¨ , ¨A Ciegas¨ ; and his second one , Patricia Vico , performed in ¨La Ira¨ and this one . Calparsoro is an expert on action and violent dramas , such as : 2013 ¨Combustion¨ starred by Alex Gonzalez and Alberto Amman , 2012 ¨Invasor¨ also starred by Albert Ammann , 2005 ¨Ausentes¨ , 2000 ¨Asfalto¨ , 1997 ¨A Ciegas¨ , 1996 ¨Pasajes¨ , 1995 ¨Salto a Vacío¨ . Furthermore , he has realized TV series and episodes , such as ¨Inocentes¨, ¨Apaches¨ , ¨La Ira¨, ¨El Castigo¨. This flick ¨100 Años De Perdon¨ will appeal to adrenaline lovers and those young people looking for strong emotions . This is the kind of film in which the thriller enthusiasts will enjoy immensely , it's a must see .
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