White Phantom (1987)
not bad at all
19 June 2006
This movie is not terrible. I've seen worse. In the late 80's, ninja movies were in and this was one of them. Sure the fight-choreography is slow, but the dance choreography rocks. Page Leong is sexy in this!!! It could have had a little nudity, but eh, what're you gonna do? Also the story is better than a lot of the cgi loaded garbage that is in theaters these days. This movie is campy and fun. I'll bet Quentin Tarantino likes this movie. Bo Svenson ruled as Colonel Slater. If you like pro wrestling, you'll like this flick. Storytelling for it's own sake. Like Shakespeare said, "The play is the thing.". This movie is probably hard to find, but if you can find it I'd recommend picking it up.
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