The first movie I ever saw ...
28 January 2005
All right I take that back. This may not have been the first movie I ever saw (I think that was either "Return of the Jedi" or "The Rescue Rangers"), but this was the first movie I remember enjoying thoroughly. This is the bonding film for my dad and I. He used to quote Madeline Kahn's lines all the time while we were growing up ("I have a little dimple on my cheek ..."). Like my impassioned review of Wonka for IMDb, I'm again very partial to the acting of Gene Wilder, who I believe is one of American's all-time comic gems. He was a master of body comedy. Just look at him when he finds Zero Mostel kissing a client in "The Producers." I love this movie because it is so absurd. I remember thinking that as a child, but watching it now, do I really understand. I guess a lot of people didn't "get it" because the movie was so unconventional. Wilder's acting as Sherlock (or as he puts it "Sheer-Luck") Holmes's younger brother is funny as hell, but Marty Feldman as a cross-eyed detective? Even better. And the other casting is fantastic too - Kahn, Leo McKern, Dom DeLuise and Roy Kinnear all act brilliantly.

This movie will always mean more to me than most people. However, I urge you to see it if you always wanted to or never even heard about it, because I believe you will definitely take something positive away from it.
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