Nov 14, 2022Webrings were ok, but what I really miss was people just having a page of links to other websites they liked. This was the feature that drove most of my web�...
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Open-Webring is designed for hobbyists, enthusiasts, artists, nostalgists, and creatives that would like to share their work in inclusive, online communities.
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This PHP-only webring, which is a lot simpler than most webrings I've come across. You can see it in action at my no ai webring page.
A webring (or web ring) is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure, and usually organized around a specific theme, often educational�...
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Marco Klawonn - Neue Ideen - ist ein Berater, Gründer, Programmierer und Unternehmer in der Webbranche und im E-Commerce.
Create and customize your Linktree in minutes. Connect your TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, website, store, videos, music, podcast, events and more. � Share your�...
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webring (plural webrings). (Internet, dated) A collection of related websites which are interlinked in a circular structure, each site having links to the�...
This webring is an attempt to inspire artists & developers to build their websites and share traffic amongst each other. The ring welcomes hand-crafted wikis�...
Ein Webring verkn�pft mehrere Websites derselben inhaltlichen Thematik miteinander durch Hyperlinks. Dadurch erhoffen sich die Betreiber der teilnehmenden�...
This webring is dedicated to promote all westernhorse websites to the European westernhorse industry and its growing internet user group. With our webring you��...