“Love Yourself, Trust Your Choices,
and Everything is Possible!”

~ Dr. Chérie

Enlightened Thought Leader

ICF Master Certified Coach

Mentor Coach and ICF Assessor

#1 NY Times Bestselling author (19 books)

Oprah Winfrey Endorsed

Dr. Chérie and Michael Pomije

Dr. Chérie​ Carter-Scott​ is the “The Mother of Coaching” since 1974!

She is a behavioral Scientist, thought leader, and a #1 NY Times & Amazon Bestselling author, Master Certified Coach by the ICF (International Coach Federation), and a Ph.D. In OD​, and her signature book, If Life is a Game, These are the Rules, translated into 40 languages and sold over 5 million copies worldwide!​ Find her on Wikipedia!

Dr. Chérie is executive producer & featured on-camera coach of LEAP documentary on coaching, and a frequent guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show! Dr. Chérie is the Writer, composer & lyricist of The Workshop, A Dress Rehearsal for Life! Musical, and the author of 19 book titles.

She has trained thousands of executive and life coaches, corporate executives in Fortune 500 companies, and has been the global CEO of MMS Worldwide Institute since 1974, Training Coaches Globally, now fully online.

Gratitude in Celebration

MMS Worldwide Institute celebrates its 50th Anniversary

Experience the essence of the recent 50 Years Anniversary Event held at Rawi Warin Resort in Thailand through captivating highlights: memorable speakers, engaging activities, lasting lessons, and vibrant photos/videos.

ICF Accredited Programs

Transformational Executive Coach Certification (TECC - ACTP Path)

Transformational Executive Coach Certification
(TECC – Level 2)

Designed for the executive who has limited time, desires maximum results, in a proven effective curriculum this program guarantees optimum outcomes if the student gives their 100% commitment.

Transformational Executive Coach Certification (TECC - ACSTH Path)

Transformational Executive Coach Certification
(TECC – Level 1 Path)

The first level for those who want to learn the basic ICF Core Competencies. This credential is for the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) which includes 17-3-hour online modules, plus 10 hours of Mentor Coaching.

Becoming an MMS Certified Coach.

Virtual Coach Training

Dr. Cherie designed this subscription-program for organizations who want and need to have their employees trained in a standardized manner, efficiently, effectively, and in the shortest amount of time revolving around around their 24/7 lives.

Life IS a Game, Life Lessons Learned Living The Rules for Being Human

Written by Chérie Carter-Scott MCC PH D 

In Life IS a Game, author Dr. Chérie Carter-Scott offers a narrative that showcases the anatomy of a life from the inside out. In 1998, she wrote If Life is a Game, These are the Rules: Ten Rules for Being Human which became a runaway bestseller on all the lists, and in 40 languages. Now, twenty-five years later, she’s written her life story in the context of the “Ten Rules for Being Human” and shares how they apply to challenges, breakdowns, breakthroughs, and victories.


Transformational yet so Simple tips to live a fulfilling life, this is a MUST read!

What you make of your life is up to You! and All the answers lie inside of You! Yes, you reading this review and wondering if this is a chicken soup self help book. Yes, it is a self help, and nutritious! 🙂 Dr Chérie illustrated the rules to play the interesting Game called Life, by sharing her life journey of knowing herself, design a path for herself, and subsequently Transformed thousands and thousands of lives across the world over FIVE Decades! Perfect read for anyone who enter this life wondering, How to Play this Game? This is the Handbook you have been looking for. Simple on Eyes, Nutritious for Heart, and Transformation on Mind.



I believe very strongly that we can learn much from the lives of others and Dr. Carter-Scott’s life is full of valuable insights and lessons we can all learn from. She opens up in this book and we see her human vulnerability and most importantly the lessons she herself says she learned. Her writing is simple, relatable, and allows for a quick read while still processing the invaluable content. It is full of timeless wisdom from a woman who as persevered, overcome, grown, and been a model of human potentiality.

Chuck Barnard

Inspirational Memoir - couldn't put it down

What a fabulous book! I have followed Cherie’s coaching for years and enjoyed her previous books including “If Life Is A Game, These Are the Rules”, but this is my all-time favorite. Authentic and touching memoir that is packed full of wisdom. It’s an inspirational read that I couldn’t put down.

Karen Kelly

Couldn’t Stop Reading

This is the first time in my life that I read a book in one sitting. I started and couldn’t stop. The book was extremely revealing about the author. Yet, it was imminently powerful in getting me to explore who I was and what I wanted and how was my own life going. I loved the format of short crisp communications. Each segment was both intimate as to the author but extremely applicable to what I had been through and what I was now going through. Every encounter I have ever had with Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott has been uplifting and energizing. Connecting with the content of Life Is A Game felt like I was charging my inner batteries. I’m looking forward to reading it again and this time treating it as more of a life meditation and workbook.

Amazon Customer

Getting to know "The Mother of Coaching"

Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott’s newest book takes us to see her life story from the time she was born to the present time. I was fascinated by her relentless tenacity to overcome every obstacle she encountered in her life and turned them into life lessons. Her positive and energetic attitude that has transformed so many lives is powerful and inspiring. As I finished every chapter, I really stopped to analyze “her Lessons” and pondered on “Your Questions”. It gave me a reality check and a better perspective of the Rules for Being Human!!!


Self Empowerment made clear and easy

I’ve read almost every title written by Dr. Cherie, and this one ties them all together for me. Her writing style feels like you are saying and living the words yourself, so it’s easy to look at your life as she explores hers through this honest, thoughtful and beautiful memoir. I could have read it in one day, but instead I chose to savor one chapter at a time to let it sink in and reflect on my own lessons learned. She is a master at sharing to deepest parts of her, so you are able to dive into the deepest parts of yourself. Wow, I just loved it.


Not Your Typical Memoir!

Cherie opens the kimono and reveals the good, the bad, and the ugly of her life’s journey to being the God mother of coaching. Unlike many narrative memoirs, Cherie’s reads like her personal diary, giving the highlights of her day or experiences sometimes leaving the reader wanting more (especially about one husband who was possibly a toxic narcissist/sociopath.) I totally enjoyed learning her back story as will her many fans and students.

Arielle Ford

How one women’s personal choices opened up the way for the coaching profession!

What a pleasure it was to read Cherie’s latest book, “Life IS a Game…” It was a quick and compelling read with a surprise give back at the end of each chapter. The way she chose to tell her life story is a testament to her continuing conviction to help others get clear on what they want and how to get there. Each chapter of the book highlights a defining moment in her life and ends with one or two reflective questions bringing the reader back to contemplate their own life story. I can see this book being used as a tool for coaches, individuals or small groups where the questions are used as writing prompts.

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Cherie’s life story is particularly interesting because you get to see how one woman’s choices opened the door to the profession called “Life Coaching” in a very organic manner. One message at a time, one choice at a time, sometimes one heartbreak at a time and course corrections when needed. I was so interesting to see how Lynn Stewart, Cherie’s brilliant business partner and sister and Cherie’s husband, Michael Pomije, came together on their own paths to help make the MMS the success it has been for over 50 years! To witness their collaborative evolution of aligned passion, creativity and focus for so long is nothing short of amazing. Choosing to follow a path to help others help themselves with respect and love and training others to do the same is such a wonderful thing in this world. Thank you Cherie for sharing so many of your life lessons with me and the rest of the world!


A Celebration of Life and Self-Discovery

I can wholeheartedly say that “Life is a Game: Life Lessons Learned Living the Rules for Being Human” is a gem. I’ve had the good fortune to learn directly from Dr. Chérie and in this book she shares her memoirs as an exceptional woman, coach, and human being. Her profound impact on my life and countless others shines through these pages. The book serves as both a guide and a celebration of life.

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Let me share a few reasons why I believe it’s a must-read:
1) Hidden Blessings and Lessons: Life throws challenges our way, but each adversity is a stepping stone toward our own greatness. Chérie’s insights help us recognize the hidden blessings, lessons, and messages in our own lives.

2) Rising Above Circumstances: The book encourages us to rise above circumstances, to be in a constant state of learning. It’s not just about surviving; it’s about thriving.

3) Your Hero’s Journey: With a workbook included, “Life is a Game” provides practical tools for your own hero’s journey. It’s a manual for living with purpose, self-discovery, and greatness.

In essence, this book invites you to embrace life fully, learn from every experience, and create a fulfilling existence. Whether you’re navigating challenges or celebrating victories, Chérie’s wisdom resonates. If you’re ready to embark on a path of self-discovery, purpose, and growth, “Life is a Game” awaits you. Life truly is a game, and this book provides the rules to play it beautifully.


Profoundly inspiring autobiography

THANK YOU, Cherie for writing your powerful autobiography. It is a marvel of a story … a beautiful life story … an inspiring story … a love story, and the story of friend whom I had the chance to meet 26 years ago (1998). It is also more than a story. It is an example of a life lived with courage, perseverance, dignity, integrity, flexibility, creativity, congruence, passion, and love, to name a few qualities.

Your autobiography demonstrates that you “walked your talk” over the decades since you created MMS in the 70’s. Thank you for sharing intimate aspects of your life and the challenges that you recognized, accepted, worked with and overcame to reach an ever more deeply peaceful, beautiful and powerful Beingness that will not only inspire others in the day-to-day life but will also shine in our Collective Consciousness.


Transformative Insights

Throughout the pages of Life IS a Game: Life Lessons Learned Living The Rules for Being Human, you will discover invaluable life lessons that are timeless and relevant to our modern-day experiences. From the importance of authenticity and resilience to the power of compassion and gratitude, “Life Is a Game” is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for growth, learning, and transformation.

In a world filled with noise and distraction, “Life Is a Game” stands out as a beacon of clarity and insight. Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott’s wisdom shines brightly, reminding us that Life is not just a journey but a profound and meaningful game worth playing with intention, courage, and heart.

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This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of themselves, their relationships, and the human experience. It is a treasure chest of wisdom that invites us to embrace Life’s challenges and joys with grace, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Thank you, Dr. Chérie, for taking us on a profound journey into what it means to be human.

Eddie Rivera

If you want to visualize your desired future...

I’ve read the book several times. The first time for the whole content to sink in and I just enjoyed it. It was a very pleasant 3 hours. Then I read it again once in a while, as a reference for things happening in my life. It is a beautiful journey. I feel like I am visualizing a desired future of mine, not factual but spiritual and mental behaviours of what might happen. It means life will pan out the way it should be and I will learn along the way, just like all the lessons the 88 chapters of the books. There was a friend of mine who was going through her own transitions and asked for a proper book to read.

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This book is the perfect gift. There are many personal experiences of the author that resonate to much to women who went through transitions. I would love to see this as a movie / a documentary someday for my children, families, friends, relatives who are interested in shaping their own destiny. This book is an inspiration.

Hoang Thanh Phong

Pathways to Empowerment: Navigating Unknowns, Learning, and Authentic Living

Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott new book is not just any book; it’s an invitation to witness the transformational odyssey of a visionary. She is often referred to as the ‘Mother of Coaching, Dr. Cherie shares her extraordinary 75-year journey from breakdown to breakthrough, encapsulating a lifetime of lessons about the resilience of the human spirit and the power of transformation. This book is more than an autobiography; it’s a profound guide on personal and professional growth. Dr. Cherie’s reflections spark deep introspection, equipping readers with the tools to navigate their paths to success.

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Her narrative, rich with entrepreneurial spirit, showcases not only her evolution from victim to victorious but also highlights the universal potential for empowerment and self-discovery. Whether you are just starting your journey or are well on your path to self-actualization, this book serves as a pillar of inspiration and a roadmap to empowerment. It’s a treasure chest of wisdom for anyone committed to personal mastery and success. Let Dr. Cherie’s life lessons inspire you to forge your empowered destiny. A must-read for seekers of transformative knowledge!

Michael Pomije

Amazing book about a woman who created live-changing work

I was introduced to Dr. Carter-Scott’s work years ago with her book “If Life is a Games, These Are the Rules”, which really does give you the rules for life and more importantly, how to create your best possible life. I’ve bought that book as a gift for many people in my life and taken many of her amazing workshops. This new memoir tells the story of her incredible life, how she launched the coaching industry, and the thousands of lives she has touched and changed around the world. It’s truly inspirational how much the love and commitment of one person (and her loving family) can have a ripple effect that will be felt for generations to come.

Britt Andreatta, PhD

Came at a Perfect Time in My Life!

I have many books by Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott. I love her simplistic, yet profound writing style. This book is no exception. It moves you to want to do better, to make changes, and transform yourself. I will use this book as one of my self-help tools, continue to reread it, and use it as a guide to understanding where I am today in my life, what changes I want to make, and start the healing process to a more fulfilled and satisfying future. You won’t be disappointed!

Amazon Customer

A Must Read Book!

If you liked If Life is a Game, These are the Rules, then you will LOVE, Life IS a Game: Life lessons learned, living the rules for being human. This book is inspiring and life changing. We have read all of Dr. Cherie’s books and true to form, this one ROCKS!

Kelli D. Thompson

An Inspiring life well lived and recorded from which we can all learn

It was my profound admiration for Dr. Cherie’s vision that compelled me to write the foreword for her book. The essence of her work — simple yet profound, honest, and utterly authentic — resonates deeply, capturing the universal threads of our human experience. More so, I have had the privilege of observing Dr. Cherie as she pioneered the foundational concepts of coaching, effectively giving birth to the industry itself.

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I not only witnessed but personally experienced the transformative journey she crafted. Dr. Cherie has masterfully developed a methodology that not only encapsulates the art of coaching but also empowers others to harness this invaluable skill.
For those who found resonance and inspiration in If Life Is a Game, These Are the Rules, Dr. Cherie’s intimate memoir, Life IS a Game: Life Lessons Learned Living the Rules for Being Human, will be a cherished continuation of that journey.

Lynn U Stewart

A Gem

A wonderful book revealing the history of coaching, Ms. Carter-Scott’s journey, and filled with life lesson gems. As one who is a life long learner, I am always open to learning more about life and myself. This book delivers.


Life Is A Game

Cherie relates stories from her life both good and difficult. Each story illustrates a rule from her previous book, If Life Is A Game, These Are The Rules and questions to assist the reader in finding their own answers.

William Riker

Honest and Enlightening

This book is so honest and vulnerable that it must touch your heart. It will help you see your life through a new lens.

Kindle Customer

Stepping Stones to Greatness: A Journey Through Life's Lessons

How many lessons can fit into a lifetime? This is the question that emerges while reading this beautiful book about life and living. It serves as a reminder that each event, each adversity in our lives, is a stepping stone to our own greatness. This wonderful book acts as a guide to recognizing the hidden blessings, lessons, and messages in our own lives. It teaches us how to rise above circumstances, to be in a constant state of learning, and then to turn around and look at our own fulfilled lives. The memoirs of an exceptional woman, coach, and human being who profoundly touched the lives of so many, coupled with a workbook, provide the tools to guide you on your own hero’s journey. In essence, this book is a celebration of life, a manual for living with purpose, and a call to embark on your own path of self-discovery and greatness.

Vanja Kovacevic

A brilliant and truly inspiring life, full of love and lessons!

Lessons Learned Living the Rules for Being Human’ is a book that genuinely engages from start to finish. It takes you on a journey through Dr. Cherie’s life, leaving you with a profound sense of inspiration. The author’s stories, which have enriched her life, provide a vivid insight into her connections and experiences. The book’s emotional depth and thought-provoking themes make it a must-read for coaches and anyone seeking to be inspired. I highly recommend it to those searching for a poignant and beautifully written story that will resonate with them long after they have finished reading.


You will be presented with lessons. Believe in me and trust the universe!

What an amazing journey. Reading this book was an unexpected pleasure. I have read many of Cherie Carter-Scott‘s books and this one is by far my favorite. It’s a highlight of all of the journeys ups and downs and triumphs of the mother of coaching if you haven’t taken one of Cherie’s classes or enrolled in a coaching program, this book might be the next best thing! But don’t take my word for it judge for yourself.

Michael L.

Revelations and reflections

Life can be awe inspiring, and life can be rife with hardship, challenge and growth.
This memoir is a reflection and an inspiration to learn, listen and transform our difficulties and find the strength to move from victim to victorious. Might just be the tomb of hope we need…


Featured Videos

YouTube video

The Oprah Winfrey Show

If Life is a Game,
These Are The Rules

YouTube video

7DTV with Ronnie Overgoor

If Life is a Game,
These are The Rules

YouTube video

Dr. Chérie’s Back Story

MMS Institute’s History

YouTube video

LEAP Documentary on Coaching

An excerpt from LEAP, the coaching documentary

MMS Coaches Batch 1
MMS Coaches Virtual Training
MMS Coaches Batch 3
MMS Coaches Batch 2
MMS Coaches Batch 5
MMS Coaches Batch 4
MMS Institute Worldwide

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MMS Worldwide Institute

MMS Worldwide Institute is a Global organization that has been delivering MMS Coach Training since 1974. It was founded in San Francisco by Dr. Chérie Carter-Scott, on October 15, 1974; it then expanded to Europe in 1988, and subsequently to Asia in 2010. The organization primarily licenses individuals and organizations to promote, produce, and present the MMS courses globally. MMS has partnered with the ICF, and our MMS licenses deliver the ACSTH training in the US, The Netherlands, Vietnam, Thailand, China, and Dubai time zones. MMS TECC is the ACTP online training that is currently taught in the China time zone.
Baby Boomer’s Bible to Life After 50
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How to Navigate Change When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

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If Life Is a Game, These Are the Rules is a template for living. Everyone needs to read these words of wisdom. It’s ‘simple’ yet important stuff.

Richard Carlson, Ph.D.

Author, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Having coached with Dr. Chérie and then gone on to take the MMS Coach Training program in 2016 has been an absolute game changer in my life. I am in such immense gratitude for MMS and all I have learned and discovered since embarking on a journey inspired by them. Not only have I grown into the person I’ve been waiting to become, but I am also feeling highly empowered as I finally have the courage to tackle and embrace my dreams full on. I thank Dr. Chérie, Lynnie and Michael for the impact they have had on my life and made all the difference in me moving forward into my next chapter that I embrace with joy, knowing, grace and enthusiasm.

Michelle Mueller Ihrig

Executive Coach, Empower Your Element

How wonderful it would be if we were all given Chérie Carter-Scott’s ten rules the day we were born. Chérie has been teaching these rules for over twenty years. In her seminars, these rules have resonated with thousands of people. If Life Is a Game, These Are the Rules are universal truths that all of us can learn to live happier lives that are full of self-acceptance, understanding, love, success, and the inner knowing that we’re all in this game together, on the same team. The door to a satisfying life lies within each of us, and Chérie’s eternal inspiring message provides the key.

Jack Canfield

Co-Author, Chicken Soup For The Soul

MMS and Dr. Chérie work from a place of deep empathy and understanding of the business context. The MMS Coach Training is one of the most empowering experiences I have been through in my life: it freed me from limiting mindsets and opened up a potential in me.

Marc Padberg

Founder, Dialogue in Conflict

Transformational Coaches are rare in the Executive Coaching space where there are many Good Transactional Executive Coaches but needed are more Great Transformational Executive Coaches which is your specialty! I took your MMS Coach Training in 2009 and it truly changed my life!

Daniel J Quinn Ed.S, M.S. PCC

Chief of Instructional Design & Coaching Services , Xator's Leadership Foundry

I would like to take a moment to recognize your contribution to me and my respective teams over the last five years. We have collaborated on many projects and your unwavering, loyal support has been important as well as a key factor in the outstanding results we have produced. Your skills and abilities have proven to be extremely successful in results- driven businesses who are constantly challenged. We have both witnessed 300% increases in sales and customer satisfaction. A $150 million business unit has been transformed into the corporation’s #1 Sales & Service operations.

Bob Freinberg


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