Text Tool

Updated: 05/23/2024 by Computer Hope

Free online text tool to help search and replace, add text, sort, and perform other common tasks with manipulating text. Although these can be done with regular expressions, this tool helps everyone regardless of their skill level or type of device. Paste the text you want to modify and then use one or more options to change the text.

Questions and answers relating to this text tool.

Is the text I entered stored?
No text entered is stored on Computer Hope or any other location. We respect your privacy and adhere to strict data confidentiality policies.

Is the text I entered shared?
No text entered is shared with any third party.

How can I enter even more text?
At this time, with this tool being free to all, we must have a limit on how much text can be processed at a time.

How can I provide feedback?
Use the Contact link at the top or bottom of the page.


If you only want statistics, paste your text and click Submit, no actions are required.

Insert example text: Lorem Ipsum - Poorly formatted text