
Updated: 09/19/2024 by Computer Hope
Magenta color with the HTML color code, RGB, and HSL values and that it is a web safe color.

With color, magenta, also known as fuchsia, is a color between red and purple, similar in appearance to pink or purple. For example, this text is magenta. As an HTML color code, magenta is represented as #FF00FF, which is hexadecimal for 255 red, 0 green, and 255 blue. The image shows an example of the magenta color code with the RGB (red, green, and blue), HSL (hue, saturation, and lightness), and that it's a web safe color.

With inkjet printers, cyan, magenta, and yellow are the three colors of ink used to print all the colors. These colors are abbreviated as CMYK.

CMYK, Color, Color terms, Fuchsia