Contribute as an Individual

Anyone can contribute as an individual. As a Five for the Future participant, you’ll find opportunities to connect more deeply within the WordPress ecosystem and gain a voice in the platform’s ongoing development.

By pledging your time and contributions, you’ll also benefit from:

  • Working with and learning from a global collective of talented professionals across disciplines
  • Staying informed about the WordPress platform’s direction
  • Opportunities to make an impact on decisions by representing your needs in project discussions
  • Empowering millions worldwide through the sustained growth of the open web

Pledge your contributions to Five for the Future

1. Log in to

Click the “Log in” link in the top right corner of the header, or visit, to log into your user account.

2. Access your profile

Hover the header icon to find the “Edit Profile” link. Alternatively, visit and find the edit link.

3. Navigate to the “Contribution” tab

4. Fill out your contribution details, then save your changes

5. Visit your public profile to verify the information

You’re all set! Thank you for joining Five for the Future and contributing to the future of WordPress and open source. 

If you’re a first-time contributor, this interactive questionnaire can help you get started.