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Meeting Details

  • 1:00pm Pacific time (21:00 UTC until March 8, 2009)
  • Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
  • +1 650 903 0800 x92 Conf# 8600 (US/International)
  • +1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf# 8600 (Canada)
  • +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8600 (US Toll Free)
  • sip:weeklystatus@mozilla.com from generic SIP clients
  • http://air.mozilla.com/ to watch and listen
  • join irc.mozilla.org #staffmeeting for backchannel

note: all participants are muted automatically; if you want to talk, press *1 to un-mute yourself

WeeklyUpdate Live: You can watch the weekly meetings live at Air Mozilla You can also view previous meetings from the "on-demand" button on the Air Mozilla player. Meetings will be posted for on-demand consumption shortly after the meeting conclusion.

Friends of the Tree Friends of the Tree

Please send FotT nominations to asa@mozilla.org. This is a great opportunity for the community to recognize those who go above and beyond, so please tell me when you see that happening. Thanks.

Development Updates

Branch work: Firefox / 3.0.5 / Major Update / Thunderbird

  • Firefox -> 3.0.4 Major Update
    • Pushing to beta today (right now!)
    • Targeting release at December 3
    • One more major update after the next Firefox 2/3 release
  • Thunderbird
    • Shipped last Wednesday
  • Firefox / 3.0.5
    • Code frozen except one further patch
    • Localization freeze for 3.0.5 is November 28 at 11:59pm PST
    • Final planned release for Firefox 2.0.0.x

We plan to open the tree for Firefox 3.0.6 and Thunderbird development next week.

Gecko 1.9.1

Firefox 3.1

  • Ready to move to beta 2 today! yay!
  • once we do that we'll be re-opening mozilla-central to blockers & approved patches only
  • branching will take place later this week
  • schedule update coming later today and will be discussed at tomorrow's meeting and in dev.planning
    • proposed milestones from here to ship
    • what's required to keep us to our goal of 1Q2009
  • interesting queries

TB 3

  • 3.0b1 code freeze Tuesday night Pacific at 23:59


  • Working towards M10.
  • New UI concepts in the works. Feedback appreciated.


  • Pushed out Bugzilla upgrade bug 464713
  • Updated border1/border2
    • Pushed through backlog of Any2 peering requests, including MSFT/AS8075 (!)
    • Any2 accounts for a lot of Mozilla's Asia-Pacific traffic.
 mrz@boris [~/] 19> mtr www.microsoft.com --report 
1. v4.core3.sj.mozilla.com
2. v2.core2.sj.mozilla.com
3. po2.border1.sj.mozilla.com
4. any2ix.crgwest.com
5. ???
6. ge-3-0-0-0.co1-64c-1a.ntwk.msn.net

Release Engineering

  • New mozilla-1.9.1 line available. See blogpost diagram and Firefox 3.1 tinderbox page
  • worth pointing out that this project branch was given "go" to start branching Tuesday 11am PST. We've got builds/unittests/talos up and running. Will need tomorrow morning's downtime to enable l10n builds.


Firefox 3.0.x/2.0.0.x and Thunderbird 2.0.0.x

  • Tested major update for Firefox>3.0.4 [abillings, juanb]
  • Tested Thunderbird final release - Beta channel tests and update tests. [abillings, juanb]
  • Verified bug fixes for and (code freeze 11/17) [abillings]

Firefox 3.1

  • Beta 2 is not yet frozen. Test Plan is available.
  • Helped the planning team figure out the right plan for the next couple milestones [tchung, timr]
  • Feature testing:
    • Worker Threads: Spent time working on the DOM Worker Threads MozMill tests. It turns out that they decided not to change the spec at all [admc]
    • Got Tomcat up and running the JavaScript tests for mozilla-central and tracemonkey. [bc]
    • Updated the audio/video test plan to reflect the existing tests and the tests that are already written [ctalbert]
    • CSS: Verified that the new approach in bug 459148 will allow us to actually reftest border-radius properly. Started refactoring those tests accordingly. [ctalbert]
    • Element traversal and media query tests: Made progress on these. Working on how to automate these. ~50 additional test cases added to Media Queries. ~10 additional test cases for Media Queries. [jmaher, ctalbert]
    • HTML 5 Drag and Drop: Added 10 more test cases [jmaher]
    • Overall Firefox 3.1 test development status:
      • Testplan completion: 88%
      • Testcases planned: 921
      • Testcase competion: 69%


  • Great progress on several fronts here
  • Worked on getting Reftests and crashtests to run on the device. [ctalbert, jmaher]
  • Worked on larger question of getting the proper tests onto the device without a build tree. [ctalbert]
  • Cleaned up Litmus test cases for BFT's [jmaher]
  • See the cool status table which tracks the progress of getting tests running for fennec. There are 50 tasks in there (10 per major harness)!

WebDev Testing - Tested and shipped funnel cake. Heavy testing on the Community Store. [stephend]

Test Automation - Mozmill:

  • Initial record implementation finished and checked in. It's available in MozMill RC1B2. Got a lot of feedback. Working on getting all the feedback in for an RC2 release on schedule for Monday the 24th. Fixed issues with the logging output, etc. Improved test writing and recording workflows using new tempfile code. [admc, mikeal]
  • Recruited people to help test recorder functionality [ctalbert]
  • investigated the <editor> xul tag [ctalbert, others]



  • RRRT mail list was setup and an announcement went out. A lot of new people are willing to help the this! See 3.0.4 RRRT coordination page.
  • RRRT has been investigating a Facebook issue that came in via Mitchell. It appears to be a Facebook temporary server issue, we were not able to reproduce the problem.
  • Test coverage/code coverage - Working on ways to visualize the C/C++/JS coverage. Setting up a core team to discuss results and next steps. Contacted Cem Kaner about possible project to analyze test coverage [murali, timr, ctalbert]


No updates.




  • FOSS.in, Nov. 25 - 29, Mountain View: Anant Narayanan is giving a talk on Mozilla Labs.
  • NorthWestMozDev, Nov. 29, 2008, Victoria, B.C.: Organized by Brij Charan and covering a variety of Mozilla-related topics, including Fennec and Firefox extensions for social change.
  • Foss Camp, Dec. 5 - 6, 2008, Mountain View: Dave Camp, Chris Blizzard and Al Billings attending.
  • Add-on Con, Dec. 11, 2008, Mountain View: Mozilla and partners participating as speakers. We're also fleshing out a casual open house for Dec. 10th. Please let Mary know if you are attending Add-on Con asap.


  • Support Firefox Day was a success
    • Great SUMO teamwork
    • Special thanks to Cheng for hosting the majority of the events
    • Also thanks to Mitchell for participating in the Mozilla goals 2010 session and to Asa for technical Air Mozilla support!
    • Collected 2010 thoughts published on the wiki


  • Funnelcake03 shipped last Tuesday. Analysis will soon be available at blog of metrics.
  • New milestone -- We implemented the first ever multivariate optimization test at mozilla.com. The current test is running on the main Fx product page (/firefox) and is being shown to a small percentage of IE visitors. Analysis from our first test is now available.



Webdev, Add-ons, AMO


  • In the process of backporting all translations of about:rights so that translations can be included in Firefox 3.0.5
  • L10n-drivers team met with mfinkle and Madhava today to discuss the localization plan for Fennec
  • Translate Toolkit submitted their 6 month summary reporting on progress they have made since Mozilla grant to them this past summer. Highlights include
    • Integration with Hg
    • Launching their offline editor Virtaal, allowing localizers to work on translations
    • Merging Verbatim work by clouserw and dschafer into their trunk
    • Migrate to Django, new web platform that should make developer contributions in the future a bit easier

Foundation Updates


Other Business