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AfD Statistics for User:OverlordQ

These statistics were compiled by an automated process, and may contain errors or omissions due to the wide variety of styles with which people cast votes at AfD. Any result fields which contain "UNDETERMINED" were not able to be parsed, and should be examined manually.

Vote totals

Total number of unique AfD pages edited by OverlordQ: 110
Analyzed the last 110 AfD pages edited by this user.
Show pages without detected votes The remaining 8 pages had no discernible vote by this user.

Voting matrix

This table compares the user's votes to the way the AfD eventually closed. The only AfD's included in this matrix are those that have already closed, where both the vote and result could be reliably determined. Results are across the top, and the user's votes down the side. Green cells indicate "matches", meaning that the user's vote matched (or closely resembled) the way the AfD eventually closed, whereas red cells indicate that the vote and the end result did not match.

K 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
D 7 46 1 11 0 0 0 2 5
SK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SD 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
M 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
R 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Abbreviation key:
K = Keep
D = Delete
SK = Speedy Keep
SD = Speedy Delete
M = Merge
R = Redirect
T = Transwiki
U = Userfy/Draftify
NC = No Consensus

Number of AfD's where vote matched result (green cells): 68 (73.9%)
Number of AfD's where vote didn't match result (red cells): 18 (19.6%)
Number of AfD's where result was "No Consensus" (yellow cells): 6 (6.5%)
Without considering "No Consensus" results, 79.1% of AfD's were matches and 20.9% of AfD's were not.

Individual AfD's

Next 500 AfD's →
Page Vote date Vote Result
Julie Ragbeer April 12, 2024 Delete Delete
List of British Airways destinations March 29, 2024 Delete No Consensus[1]
Trinity Optima Production March 20, 2024 Delete (Nom) Userfy
Where is Kate? March 11, 2024 Keep Keep[1]
Neutralyze November 11, 2023 Delete (Nom) Speedy Delete
Little Mix: The Last Show (For Now...) April 26, 2022 Delete (Nom) Userfy
List of governed cryptocurrencies April 13, 2018 Delete Delete
Emma Gonzalez February 22, 2018 Keep Keep
Courtenay Taylor (2nd nomination) September 7, 2017 Keep Delete
List of countries by date of uninterrupted peaceful transfer ... November 8, 2016 Keep Delete
GameJournoPros October 28, 2014 Merge Delete
Index of hidden wikis and Tor hidden service directories November 20, 2013 Delete Delete
Doc Raptor June 02, 2012 Delete (Nom) Delete
Flashaholic November 15, 2010 Delete (Nom) Delete
CovertAction Quarterly (2nd nomination) August 10, 2010 Delete (Nom) Keep
Bitcoin July 14, 2010 Delete (Nom) Delete[1][2][3]
Xat.com April 20, 2010 Delete (Nom) Delete
Donna Simpson (world's heaviest woman to give birth) March 19, 2010 Delete Delete
Tube Hunter November 20, 2009 Delete (Nom) Delete
Visual T Sharp October 25, 2009 Delete (Nom) Delete
Buckeye Bulldog October 25, 2009 Delete No Consensus
Ben Cup September 6, 2009 Delete Delete
Children of Michael Jackson July 12, 2009 Delete Delete[1]
Strategy Game Guides May 30, 2009 Redirect Speedy Delete
Weather poverty April 20, 2009 Delete (Nom) Delete
Blow jogs April 20, 2009 Delete (Nom) Delete
Gobstopper (film) March 24, 2009 Delete (Nom) Delete
Gravitational potential March 22, 2009 Delete (Nom) No Consensus
Kriss Perras Running Waters March 11, 2009 Delete Delete
Ryan Goldstein February 22, 2009 Keep Delete
Mario Central Portal (2nd nomination) October 02, 2008 Delete (Nom) Delete
Carter 4 July 22, 2008 Delete (Nom) Delete
Rec.sport.soccer July 19, 2008 Delete Delete
UnFREEz June 23, 2008 Delete Delete
Paypalsucks.com June 23, 2008 Merge Merge
Host.net June 23, 2008 Keep Delete[1]
EverythingCU.com (2nd nomination) June 23, 2008 Keep Keep
Grayshot April 19, 2008 Delete (Nom) Delete
Sweat (2009 film) March 18, 2008 Delete Delete
EBay Boycott of 2008 February 21, 2008 Merge Keep
B.rite February 12, 2008 Delete (Nom) Delete
Syrym February 14, 2008 Delete (Nom) Keep
List of free party sound systems (2nd nomination) February 16, 2008 Delete Delete
Marvel Universe Online February 14, 2008 Keep Keep
Anonymous (group) February 14, 2008 Delete Keep
Get The Fuck Up Radio February 12, 2008 Keep Keep
DiskCryptor February 9, 2008 Delete Delete
Efi holden February 09, 2008 Delete (Nom) Delete
Project Chanology January 27, 2008 Delete Keep
Cloverfield (creature) January 24, 2008 Delete Keep
East German jokes January 8, 2008 Delete No Consensus
Google juice December 8, 2007 Delete Delete
Gwlad December 8, 2007 Delete Delete[1]
Robert A. Hawkins December 6, 2007 Merge UNDETERMINED
Rocwater November 28, 2007 Delete (Nom) Speedy Delete
Teenage heart November 01, 2007 Delete (Nom) Speedy Delete
G2t November 01, 2007 Delete (Nom) Speedy Delete
The Game (Life) October 28, 2007 Speedy Delete Speedy Delete
Guitar Zero October 28, 2007 Delete Delete
5ive Po1nts September 24, 2007 Delete Delete
Black box September 20, 2007 Keep Keep
List of songs that have won a Grammy Award for Song of the Ye... September 10, 2007 Delete Delete
Hellbore September 9, 2007 Merge Delete
List of video game power ups September 7, 2007 Delete Delete
List of young people in history September 7, 2007 Delete Delete
Where 'yat September 07, 2007 Delete (Nom) UNDETERMINED
Kittyloaf September 05, 2007 Delete (Nom) Delete
Caitlin Upton September 3, 2007 Delete Keep
Midnight (unofficial James Bond story) September 3, 2007 Delete UNDETERMINED
Martiniopolis August 31, 2007 Delete Speedy Delete
Irralogical August 18, 2007 Delete (Nom) Speedy Delete
WTHITB August 18, 2007 Delete Delete
Bed Head August 4, 2007 Keep No Consensus
Thinking about the immortality of the crab August 1, 2007 Keep Keep
Robonad August 01, 2007 Delete (Nom) Delete
Wrath of the Lich King August 01, 2007 Delete (Nom) Speedy Keep
Themill August 1, 2007 Delete Delete
Power abused, power healed July 29, 2007 Delete (Nom) UNDETERMINED
NETviews July 29, 2007 Delete (Nom) Delete
Morstic July 29, 2007 Delete (Nom) Speedy Delete
The Holy Roman Empire of Japanada July 24, 2007 Delete Speedy Delete
Internet Security Measures July 2, 2007 Speedy Delete Speedy Delete
List of books with the subtitle "Virtue Rewarded" (... July 2, 2007 Delete Keep
Turtles and tortoises in popular culture June 30, 2007 Delete UNDETERMINED
Invasion3042 June 30, 2007 Delete Delete
Empornium (3rd nomination) June 30, 2007 Delete Delete
BlameBush! June 30, 2007 Speedy Delete Delete
Computer Science Conference Rankings June 30, 2007 Delete Delete
Stories from East High (book series) June 30, 2007 Delete Delete
G-Unit feuds June 30, 2007 Delete Delete
Atheme June 28, 2007 Delete Delete
Josh Courtoreille June 25, 2007 Delete (Nom) UNDETERMINED
Park Newport Apartments June 23, 2007 Delete UNDETERMINED
Ben Going June 17, 2007 Delete No Consensus
Mismedia March 26, 2007 Delete (Nom) UNDETERMINED
Stupid.com (3rd nomination) March 26, 2007 Delete UNDETERMINED
Bill Platt March 25, 2007 Delete (Nom) UNDETERMINED
Anthropolinguistics February 09, 2007 Delete (Nom) Speedy Delete
Pablo reyes February 08, 2007 Delete (Nom) Speedy Delete
Clan Hat Trick October 30, 2006 Delete (Nom) Delete
Stingraids October 30, 2006 Delete (Nom) Speedy Delete
Eon8 June 30, 2006 Delete Delete
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