Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

Results for Template:Islands of Papua New Guinea (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 66
Nuguria (edit)
Iwa Island (edit)
Kaileuna (edit)
Vakuta (edit)
Kitava (edit)
Dugumenu Island (edit)
Gulowa Island (edit)
Lolobau Island (edit)
Nanon Island (edit)
Anagusa (edit)
Montemont Islands (edit)
Duperre Islands (edit)
Sloss Islands (edit)
Panatanian Island (edit)
Panasia (edit)
Pana Numara (edit)
Sabari Island (edit)
Bobo Eina Island (edit)
Nigaho Island (edit)
Irai Island (edit)
Lebrun Islands (edit)
Obstruction Islands (edit)
Stuers Islands (edit)
Torlesse Islands (edit)
East Deboyne Islands (edit)
Laseinie Islands (edit)
Hardman Islands (edit)
Nimoa Island (edit)
Wanim Island (edit)
Iyen Island (edit)
Wule Island (edit)
Quessant Island (edit)
Wari Island (edit)
Gilia Island (edit)
Pana Rora Island (edit)
Venariwa Island (edit)
Doini Island (edit)
Tuyam Island (edit)
Logea Island (edit)
Deka Deka Island (edit)
Bonarua Hili Hili Island (edit)
Kwato Island (edit)
Ebuma Island (edit)
Gesila Island (edit)
Dagadaga Bonarua Island (edit)
Galahi Island (edit)
Lesimano Island (edit)
Igwali Island (edit)
Ito Island (edit)
Sariba Island (edit)
Populai Island (edit)
Dinana Island (edit)
Buiari Island (edit)
Kitai Bai Island (edit)
Kitai Katoa Island (edit)
Kitai Lilivea Island (edit)
Kitai Katu Island (edit)
Kitai Bona Bona Island (edit)
Micronesian outliers (edit)
Panasesa Island (edit)
Panarakuum Island (edit)
Angel Island, Papua New Guinea (edit)
Tench Island (edit)
Alcester Island (edit)
Naval Base Manus (edit)
Amphlett Islands (edit)

Total: 1
New Guinea (edit)

 Links to redirects

Total: 5
Gonubalabala Island (edit) Gonabarabara Island (edit)
Rossel Island (Yela) (edit) Rossel Island (edit)
St. Andrews Islands (edit) Saint Andrews Islands (edit)
Ulu (Island) (edit) Ulu (island) (edit)
Vanatinai (edit) Tagula Island (edit)


Complete report...

Generated: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 06:27:45 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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