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A skirt suit was a suit of clothing which included a skirt. (PROSE: The Last Pharaoh)


On the 1960s or 1970s, Liz Shaw wore a navy blue skirt suit with her scarlet shirt. (TV: Inferno)

On 2006, Harriet Jones wore a black skirt suit during the 2006 Sycorax Invasion of Earth. (TV: The Christmas Invasion)

On the day of the Battle of Canary Wharf in 2007, Yvonne Hartman, director of Torchwood One, wore a black skirt suit. Adeola Oshodi wore a brown skirt suit. (TV: Army of Ghosts/Doomsday)

In 2008, while working as PR agent for Lazarus Laboratories and 10 Downing Street, Tish Jones wore a black skirt suit. (TV: The Lazarus Experiment, The Sound of Drums)

On a Tuesday in the 2000s, while investigating Adipose Industries, Donna Noble wore a black skirt suit with tights. (TV: Partners in Crime)

In 2012, Diana Goddard wore a black skirt suit with a white blouse during the Van Statten Incident. (TV: Dalek [+]Robert Shearman, adapted from Jubilee (Robert Shearman), Doctor Who series 1 (BBC One, 2005).)

In 2015, Queen Elizabeth II visited an army barracks and was photographed in front of a red-top in a pastel blue skirt suit. The story of her visit was reported on the front page of a newspaper viewed by Helena and Erimem. (PROSE: The Last Pharaoh)

In 2050, June Turner, an inspector of the Department, wore a dark grey skirt suit. (TV: Regeneration-Hound of the Korven)

Ms Delphox, Head of Bank Security at the Bank of Karabraxos, wore a black skirt suit. (TV: Time Heist)
