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Phyllis Trupp was a female human who worked at the London International Art Museum in 2009.


Trupp was desperate for love and advertised herself on dating websites, though she had her eye on Lionel Harding, who was obsessed with the Mona Lisa. Trupp was somewhat unstable, as she confronted the Mona Lisa and talked to the painting about how Harding was obsessed with the Mona Lisa instead of her. Unexpectedly, the Mona Lisa reached out and grabbed Trupp, pulling her into the painting and trapping her there. The Mona Lisa was then able to roam free, having come to life.

Later, when the Mona Lisa had been returned to its normal form as a painting, Trupp was freed, along with everyone else trapped in paintings. Harding expressed regret for not noticing the beauty before him, and tried to express his affection for Trupp. However, Trupp noted how Harding had treated her when the Mona Lisa had been brought to life, and walked out on Harding, calling him an "art tart". (TV: Mona Lisa's Revenge)
