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Aubraham wi his son Eesac.

Aubraham (oreeginally kent as Aubram) (Hebrew: אַבְרָהָם, Modren Avraham, Tiberian ʼAḇrāhām, Arabic: إبراهيم‎, Ibrāhīm, ʼAbrəham, Greek: Aβραάμ) is the foondin patriarch o the Israelites, Ishmaelites, Edomites an the Midianites an sib fowks, gaun by the beuk o Genesis.

Judaism, Christianity, an Islam is whiles cried the "Aubrahamic releegions" acause o the progenitor role that Aubraham plays in their haly beuks. In baith the Jewish tradeetion an the Qur'an, he is referred tae as "oor Faither".[1] Jews, Christians, an Muslims conseeders him faither o the fowk o Israel. For Jews an Christians this is throu his son Eesac,[2] bi his wife Saurah; for Muslims, he is a prophet o Islam an the ancestor o Muhammad throu his first son Ishmael, born tae him bi Saurah's handmaid, Hagar.

Accordin tae the Bible, Aubraham wis the tent generation frae Noah an the twintiet frae Aidam.[3] He wis oreeginally cried Aubram, an his faither's name wis Terah; he haed twa brithers, Nahor an Haran, his wife wis Saurah, an he wis the uncle o Lot. He wis sent bi God frae his hame in Ur o the Chaldees tae take possession o the laund o Canaan. In Canaan, Aubraham entered intae a covenant wi God: in exchynge for recogneetion o Yahweh as his God, Aubraham wad be blissit wi innumerable affspring an the laund wad belang his descendants. God's promise tae Aubraham that throu his affspring aw the naitions o the warld wad come tae be blissit is interpret in the Christian tradeetion as a reference in particular tae Jesus Christ an his message o salvation for aw men.
