Kim (Korean surname)

faimily name (김)

Kim, sometimes spelled Gim, is the maist common family name in Korea. The hanja uised fur the name (金) means "gowd," an, awthough the character is uisually pronooncit 금 [kɯm] geum, it is pronooncit 김 [kim] gim whan uised fur the faimily name an names o some ceeties, e.g. Gimhae (김해, 金海) an Gimpo (김포, 金浦). The surname is uised in Cheenae (as Jin) alang wi Cambodie an Vietnam, awthough it is less common in Vietnam.

Faimily name
PronunciationGim, Kim
Region o originKorea
Leid(s) o originKorean
Revised RomanisationGim


45% o Korean fowk bear the faimily name Kim, Lee, or Park
  Kim, Gim, Ghim
  Lee, Yi, Rhee, Yie
  Park, Pak
  Choi, Choe
  Jung, Jeong, Chung, Cheong

As wi maist ither Korean faimily names, there is mony Kim clans, kent in Korean as bon-gwan (본관, 本貫), ilkane o whilk consists o individual Kim faimilies. Maist Kims belang ane o a few verra lairge clans. Even athin ilka clan, fowk in different faimilies isnae sib tae ilk anither. Thir distinctions is important, acause Korean law uised tae prohibit intermarriage in the same clan, nae maiter hou remote the relationship; thir days, housomeivver, anerlie thaim in a relationship o seicont cousins or closer is prohibitit frae marryin.

As wi ither Korean faimily names, the Kim clans is distinguisht bi the place frae whi they claim tae oreeginate. A vera lairge nummer o distinct Kim clans exists, besides thaim leetit here. The 2000 Sooth Korean census leetit 348 extant Kim lineages.

Notable fowk


See an aw




Freemit airtins


2000 성씨 본관별 가구 및 인구 (measured every 15 years) Archived 2013-05-17 at the Wayback Machine