

Этот плагин был закрыт с 14.04.2022, он более не доступен для загрузки. Причина: Проблема безопасности.


This plugin does NOT support current amazon database lookups, and has not been updated in two years, needs to be removed as it is worthless in it’s current form.
<?php // fix shortcode [amazon ] not work in post excerpt such as woocommerce short description add_action( 'amazon_link_init', function ( $settings, $awlfw ) { add_filter( 'the_post', function ( $post ) use ( $awlfw ) { $post->post_excerpt = $awlfw->content_filter( $post->post_excerpt ); return $post; } ); }, 10, 2 );
This is an amazing plugin that gives you the control that other plugins don’t, and it’s free! I made a totally custom product ad with image, link, price and editorial content pulled in from the relevant Amazon store. Superb! Thank you so much.
Amazon Link is a surprisingly powerful tool for displaying or linking to Amazon products from your site. It can handle important tasks like changing links to the correct Amazon store based on the site visitor’s country, but also has many other options for retrieving and displaying items or categories of items directly from Amazon, and formatting it to your preferred layout.
11.02.2018 1 ответ
I enter the affiliate ID and save the options on the Setup page, and it does not save. Consequently all Amazon links lack my affiliate ID. Update—apparently the text field in the main options is separate from the Affiliates page. It is confusing to have the main setup page with text fields for the Affiliate IDs that are nonfunctional. Is there any way to create a template that uses the Medium size image? Coming from Amazon Link Builder there is a variable on there for it, but I’m not sure how to reference it here since you use IMAGE and THUMB as source while they use SMALL, MEDIUM, and LARGE. The hover tips on Template Help do not work on Safari. I haven’t tried it on other browsers yet to see if it works at all. JavaScript is enabled and no ad blocking software is installed. This plugin is clearly powerful but very difficult to use and the UX is confusing.
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