FYI: Project 2025

9 thoughts on “FYI: Project 2025”

  1. I’m feeling exhausted by politics, I admit it. Since Trump disavows it, I’m going to snub the 900 pages, at least for now. But I know from trusted sources the general scope of the thing. It’s more of what Grover Norquist sought when he vowed to “drown half the government in the bathtub.” Consumers, sick people, poor people, you’re on your own. Climate change, let’s ignore it and maybe it will go away. Science, smience. Buckle up. Yee haw! Hello theocracy.

    1. I feel the same way. I just stuck it here for easy access in case someone wants to look up something. I’m so burned out on politics that I’m really dreading the period between now and Nov. 5. I’ve become so cynical about it all that when the shooting was announced this afternoon, my first thought was something along the lines of “Trump arranged it to generate more of the headlines and sympathy that he got after the first attempt.” Honest, that was my first thought!

    2. I wouldn’t believe trump. He lies about everything. He has realized that even MAGA members are concerned about parts of it, so he’s trying to make everyone believe he won’t implement any part of it. That project was written specifically for trump and I imagine there’s an agreement in there somewhere that if the Heritage Foundation supports trump in his run for POTUS, then he will start implementing P2025 on Day One. It gives him a lot of what he wants – control the media; take away all benefits from civil servants; require everyone to sign a loyalty agreement else be fired (no, not fascist at all, is he).

      It’s pure fascism. Democrats are sharing parts that are greatly exaggerated (it’s not ok for GOP to do that so I hate it when Dems do the same thing). But it’s a pathway to a dictatorship.

  2. johnthecok….I feel it and I believe it, the end of America as we know it is coming soon. It is a sad political consequence that we have brought upon ourselves.

... and that's my two cents