Wednesday-Sunday 10am to 4pm


Summer 2024 Straight Scoop

President’s Message Temperatures are beginning to rise as we dive deep into the summer months. Things at PCAM move along normally as we trundle through our 35th year of operation. I want to emphasize safety to all of our members. Back in the days of the air show, we were always known for our safety […]

Spring 2024 Straight Scoop

President’s Message If you had told me many years ago that I would be standing here celebrating 35 years with PCAM as the new president, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. Those early memories of an A-26 taking shape, attending meetings in various places, getting my first “speeding ticket” while sitting in the F-14, walking […]

Winter 2024 Straight Scoop

President’s Message This is my last President’s message to you as I term out of office. The last six years spent on the board of directors has been truly an honor. I’ve met many new people and sadly had to see some pass on. This isn’t the last of me! I’ll still be doing a […]

Fall 2023 Straight Scoop

President’s Message In one of my last messages as president, let me say that it’s been a privilege serving as your Master and Commander on this voyage full of new beginnings for PCAM. The past couple of months have seen records broken in attendance and donations. Hot Dog Thursday broke the 800 mark for attendance […]

Summer 2023 Straight Scoop

In This Issue: President’s Message 1 Museum Operations Building Update 1 Butler Hangar Update 2 Car Show 2 Hot Dog Thursday May 4th 2 Hot Dog Thursday To-Go 4 F-4 Phantom Repaint 4 Member Meetings 5 Acquisitions Beech Model 18 6 Member Stories Jim Cook – Past President 7 Sarah Kerkhof – Master Chief 8 […]

April 2023 Straight Scoop

In This Issue Butler Hangar 1 President’sMessage 1 Museum Operations Hangar 2 Rental 2 “New” Fork Lift 2 Gift Shop 3 New Members 3 Member Meetings General Estes: F-117 4 Young: RV-4 Home Built 5 Andy Werback: Advance Base Sectional Dock 8 Flight Wing 9 Member Stories Barney Hagen: DC-6 10 Jim Mattison: Minot Incident […]

January 2023 Straight Scoop

New Terminal at STS 1 President’s Message 1 Editor’s Note 1 Member Meetings Board Member Election 2 2023 PCAM Board Positions 2 Volunteer Awards 3 Display Acquisition and Preservation LTV A7 Corsair II 5 Flight Wing T-28 6 Education and Youth News 8 Veterans and Oral History CJ Stephens 8 James Comstock 9 Tom Berto, […]

October – December 2022 Straight Scoop

In This Issue President’s Message 1, PCAM History: Glasair I RG N149LF 1, Member Meetings, CAT Officer 3,USAF, Radar “Constellation” 4,Amazon Smiles 8,Display Preservation/Acquisition, T-38 9,Jet Engine Display 9, Aircraft Signs 11, Flight Wing 12, Local EAA Chapter 124 15, Narrative of Airplane Experiences 15, Member Stories, WAAAM Museum 17, Mattison Memoir 21, Flown West, […]

July -September 2022 Straight Scoop

In This Issue: President’s Message 1 Flight Wing Message 1 PCAM History Lodestar 2 Display Preservation F/A-18A Hornet 3 Education Events 5 Recent Events Top Gun Weekend 6 Upcoming Events Recognition of Vietnam Era Veterans 7 Upcoming Airshows 7 Recognition Academy Students Volunteer at PCAM 8 First Open House 9 Veterans History Project Ted Moneymaker’s […]

April – June 2022 Straight Scoop

In This Issue: President’s Message Editor’s Note 1 PCAM History 1 Recent Events Homerun Pizza Fundraiser 2 Display Preservation A-26 Invader 3 Recognition Volunteer Hours 5 Museum Swap 5 Veterans History Project 6 Adventure in the Sky 7 Platinum Sponsors 8 General Information 9 Museum Contacts 10 Dates to Remember 11

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