Baryshnya i Khuligan (1918)

vt The Lady and the Hooligan
Russia / 43 minutes / bw silent / Neptun
Dir: Yevgeni Slavinsky, Vladimir Mayakovsky
Scr: Vladimir Mayakovsky
Story: La Maestrina degli Operai (1895; vt The Workers’ Young Schoolmistress) by Edmondo De Amicis
Cine: Yevgeni Slavinsky
Cast: Vladimir Mayakovsky, Aleksandra Rebikova, Fyodor Dunayev, Yan Nevinsky.

Baryshnya i Khuligan - 3 The teacher tries to keep control

Aleksandra Rebikova as the schoolteacher.

A timid young schoolmarm (Rebikova) comes to a remote small town to teach a class of students ranging from children to oldsters, all male and all pretty rowdy. While walking in the woods she catches the eye of the town hooligan (Mayakovsky), who follows her home and is sufficiently taken by her that Continue reading