Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Vesper.


Vesper is a star system located in the contested space between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant. Vesper II is home to an unaligned Human colony. (STO mission: "Vesper System Patrol")


The Vesper system was located in the Mempa sector of the Pi Canis sector block. Its second planet was colonized by Humans in 2327. By 2409, the planet's population numbered 6.7 million. (STO mission: "Vesper System Patrol")


After the Dominion War, the Vesper government considered applying for Federation membership but put these plans on indefinite hold when the Federation and Klingon Empire went to war.

In 2409, Starfleet sent a ship to check anomalous readings detected on asteroids near Vesper II. The Vulcan Science Academy theorized these readings may infer a new element. The asteroid field served as a well-known base to Nausicaan raiders. Starfleet dispatched the Nausicaan vessels but found no new elements on the asteroids. However, the readings were still of interest to the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. (STO mission: "Vesper System Patrol")




Pi Canis sector block
Hromi Cluster (Gamma Hromi, Gamma Hromi II)
Hromi sector Gateway (Alpha Zeta, UFC 465537) system (Gateway) • JFS47 system • Kalferi system (Kalferi II) • Korvat system (Korvat • Korvat I • Korvat II • Korvat III) • Maiewski system (Maiewski Prime) • Veyga (Eta Veyga) system (Veyga IV)
Mempa sector Beta Thoridor system (Beta Thoridor planet) • Ceron system • Da'Kel system (Da'Kel I • Da'Kel II, Gion • Da'Kel III) • Eriksson system • H'atoria system (H'atoria) • Lilitu system • Mempa system (Mempa II • Mempa IV • Mempa V • Mempa VII • Mempa VIII • Mempa IX) • M'rade system • Vesper system (Vesper II) • Vor system (Vor II)
Xarantine sector Danteri system (Danter) • Honod system • Kern system (Kern III) • Laurentian system • Seedea system • Trimble system (Trimble) • Xarantine system (Xarantine VI)
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (V)
V2292 Ophiuchi • Vab 7791 • Vacca • Vagra • Vaina • Valar Majoris • Valda • Valeo Beta • Valhalla • Val'tek • Valverian • Valvox • Vandalia • Van Daraan • Vandor • Vantar • Van'tek • Varanu • Varda • Varrina • Varkien • Varlos • Varmun • Varrek • Varrina • Varsiuk • Varsiun • Vasapa • Vaskara • Vastak • Vaughn-Creighton • Vayt • Vaytan • Vazadi • Vehla • Vehtora • Veiled Maw • Veisa • Vela • Vela OB2-404 • Velara • Velarrh • Vel Daraan • Veldon • Veletus • Velikan • Velkaid • Vellamo • Vellion • Vellun Gamma • Velra • Vemen • Vemix • Vendrak • Vendus A • Venebis • Veneradt • Veneu • Venexar • Venron • Ven'teth • Verianne • Verinius • Verkas • Verlos • Verma Daraan • Vermiur • Vernen • Verne's Horizon • Vesbian • Vestalian • Vestios • Vesuvi • Vet'tara • Vexudex • Viarak • Victorian • Vi Daraan • Videtti • Vigan Delta • Vigo • Viinra • Villiam • Vilmor • Vil'veth • Vimian • Vinmaier • Vinor • Vintaak • Vira • Viran • Virdok • Virima • Visium • Vissia • Vista Draconis • Vistil • Vistrek • Vitabon • Vitera • Vit'zek • Vlora • Vogum • Vok-Nagral • Vola • Volanus • Volmok • Volo Tor • Volrex • Volta • Voltorona • Vordon • Vorkal • Vormiol • Vornek • Vorner • Vornok • Vorrier • Vorsiuk • Vorzun • Voss • Votannis • Votar • Vozlan • Vregon • Vukier • Vuliun • Vulpecula 12 • Vuniex • Vunora • Vuriex • Vurox • VX-266 Singularity Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (V) V2500 Ophiuchi • Valeria • Valo • Van Maanen's Star • Vanden • Varian • Vega • Velos • Venator • Venette • Ventani • Ventarus Idrilon • Verdanis • Vico • Vlugta • Volchok • Volnar Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (V) Vela 3AG • Vela Pulsar • Vendor • Ventax • Veridian • Vertilia • Vesper • Vindemiatrix • Vor • Vor'cha • Vorkado • Vorn • Vorna • Vor'nak • Vulcanis (Vulcanis A • Vulcanis B • Vulcanis C) • V'varia Beta Quadrant icon image.

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