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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Lucas.

The USS Lucas was a Federation starship, a Constitution II-class (Enterprise-subclass refit Constitution-class heavy cruiser) in Starfleet service in the mid-to-late 23rd century.

Service history and disposition[]

This ship was known to the Klingon Empire in the 2280s decade, and the name and likeness of this vessel were used in the Klingon Imperial Fleet Elite Command Academy bridge crew training simulations for the class of the year 2290. As such, she was encountered by Klingon cadets in the Abel star system in a simulated mission, in company with the USS Hakiki.

In this simulated mission, the Lucas was an older style starship which had been brought out of mothballs to be refit to modern specifications, in order to replace "losses" suffered against the Klingons. (ST video game: Klingon Academy)



Enterprise-subclass (Constitution-class class XI/class XII cruiser/heavy cruiser starships)
Federation, Starfleet Ships of various specifications NCC-1335 • Achilles • Apollo • Boone • Christopher Pike • Explorer • Furious • Huntington • Icarus • Independence • Jefferson • Kelleghan • Lucas • Musashi • Rauer • Salazar • Somers • Tigress • Vengeance • heavy cruiser (CA): Constellation II • Goeben • Eximer • Oriskany • Republic • Reshadije • Ramilles • Constitution • Enterprise • Farragut II • rear-fire heavy cruiser (CAR): Yorktown • Exeter • Intrepid II • Valiant II • Potemkin • Monitor • Hornet • Merimac • Endeavour • Defiance • advanced heavy cruiser (CA+): Excelsior • Hood • Wasp • El Dorado • Ari • Saratoga • Tori • Krieger • Port Moresby • Pharsallus • Hastings • Arbela • heavy drone cruiser (CAD): Agincourt • Ballista • Barr • Reprisal • Vulture • command cruiser (CC): Essex • Excalibur II • Kongo • Lafayette • Lexington • heavy command cruiser (CB): Alesia • Alfeld • Austerlitz • Basra • Cannae • Coral Sea • Gaugamela • Gettysburg • Golan • Gravelotte • Inchon • Isandhlwana • Kadesh • Khe Son • Kursk • Panjsher • Rocroi • Rossbach • Suomussalmi • Tannenberg • Thermopolae • Poltava • Vincennes • fire support cruiser (CFS): Highwayman • Knight Errant • Paladin • Ranger • advanced fire support cruiser (CFS+): Berserker • Cavalier • Fencer • Samurai • tactical command cruiser (TCC): Enterprise-A • galactic survey cruiser: Achernar UFP emblem. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Refit to mk I specification Enterprise • Bismark • Excalibur II • Yamato • Challenger • Valiant II • Essex • Bonhomme Richard • Potemkin • Constellation II • Intrepid • Centurion (fm. Farragut II) • Lexington • Yorktown • Wasp • Forrestal • Republic • Akagi • Rivoli Built to mk I specification Exeter • Defiant • Hood • Valley Forge • Oriskany • Republic • Hancock • Minsk • Yorktown
Refit to mk II specification Eagle • Santissima Trinidad • Marseille • Radetsky Built to mk II specification Zuiho • Graf Zeppelin • Soryu • Hiryu • King George V • Prince of Wales • Franklin • Victory II • Scharnhorst • Gneisenau • Kaga II •Kirishima • Freidland • Konigsberg • Clemenceau
Refit to mk III specification Kongo • Saratoga • El Dorado • Ticonderoga • Kitty Hawk Built to mk III specification Kearsarge • Bunker Hill • Chikuma • Emperador • Ukrania • Marcello • Fontana • Java
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Constellation • Contemptible • Deceiver • Enterprise (refit) • Enterprise-A • Farragut • Intrepid • Nixon • Relentless Seal of the Terran Empire.

Appearances and references[]
