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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Shaxs Drazon[1] was a 24th century Bajoran man, an officer of Starfleet in the 2370s and 2380s decade. (LD episode: "Second Contact")


Shaxs 2378

Lieutenant junior grade Shaxs in 2378.

Early life[]

In the 24th century, Shaxs was a member of the Bajoran Resistance and fought the Cardassians during the Occupation of Bajor. He and Kira Nerys saved each other's lives on several occasions. (LD episode: "Hear All, Trust Nothing")

The Theseus[]

In 2378, Shaxs held the rank of lieutenant junior grade and served as a security officer aboard the USS Cerritos. During that time, he was appointed as Starfleet's special investigator to locate all of the Orbs, his report on which was heavily redacted by Starfleet Command. In that year, he transferred to the USS Theseus to replace Ambassador Worf as Benjamin Sisko's tactical officer. (ST - The Red Path comic: "Part 1") Following the defeat of Kahless, Shaxs transferred back to the Cerritos. (ST - A Savage World of Glass and Bone comic: "Part 1")

The Cerritos[]

By 2380, Shaxs had been promoted to lieutenant and as security chief of the Cerritos under Captain Carol Freeman.


Shaxs aboard the USS Cerritos in 2380.

During a viral outbreak stardate 57436.2, Lieutenant Shaxs, and Ensigns Barnes and Sam Rutherford assisted the rest of the senior staff in retaking the ship.

Shaxs's uniform shirt was torn during the incident. He carried Ensign Brad Boimler, covered in Galardonian spider slime, to sick bay. Doctor T'Ana derived the cure for the Galadonian rage virus from Boimler's slime.

After the situation aboard had returned to normal, Shaxs joined Captain Freeman and Commander Jack Ransom for a drink in the mess hall. (LD episode: "Second Contact")

In the year 2381, Shaxs was among the Cerritos crew who got trapped by the malevolent artificial intelligence Badgey on the holodeck. During the lower deckers' effort to earn enough merit points for Badgey to release them, Shaxs oversaw a Borg cube scenario alongside Ensign Barnes. (LD video game: The Badgey Directive)

Alternate timelines[]

In an alternate timeline, Shaxs from 2380 was pulled into the temporal anomaly crisis. Shaxs was skilled in the fields of command, diplomacy, and security, as well as zero gravity training. Among the equipment he brought to bear in away team missions were whisky, a submicron scanner, phasers, and a combadge. A variation of him that enjoyed roleplaying as a bank robber in the holodeck was also drawn into the anomaly. That version wielded poker cards, a Tommy gun, field rations, and a fedora. (ST video game: Timelines)

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USS Cerritos personnel
Federation icon image. Amadou • Anya • Arjun • Asif • Barnes • Baumer • Billups • Bingston • Boimler • Casey • Castro • Cody • Dahae • Durga • Ellis • Escher • Fletcher • Freeman • Honus • Karavitus • Kayshon • Kimolu • Kowalski • Kula • Lemonts • Levy • Logan • Lundy • Manhaver • Mariner • Matt • Merp • Migleemo • O'Connor • Palmera • Hamper • P'jok • Darra • Merp • Prachett • Ramsey • Ransom • Rose • Ross • Rutherford • Sanderson • Shaxs • Sh'reyan • Stevens • T'Ana • Tendi • Tennyson • Ter Haar • Ter' Esi • Teshime • T'Lyn • Vaarza • Vendome • Volis • Warren • Westlake • unnamed Starfleet icon image.
see also: Personnel roster
USS Theseus personnel
Federation icon image. Crusher • Data • Descheeni • Koraxi • Olanolan • Paris • Sato • Scott • Shaxs • Sisko • T'Lir • unnamed Starfleet icon image.
see also: Personnel roster


Shaxs drink

Commander Shaxs with a drink.

Appearances and references[]




  1. ↑ ST comic: "Day of Blood".

External link[]
