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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Shadows Have Offended is a TNG novel, written by Cassandra Rose Clarke, published 13 July 2021.



Romulan bird-of-prey in orbit.

The USS Enterprise has been granted the simple but unavoidable honor of ferrying key guests to Betazed for a cultural ceremony. En route, sudden tragedy strikes a Federation science station on the isolated planet Kota, and Captain Jean-Luc Picard has no qualms sending William Riker, Data, and Chief Medical Officer Beverly Crusher to investigate. But what begins as routine assignments for the two parties soon descends into chaos: Picard, Worf, and Deanna Troi must grapple with a dangerous diplomatic crisis as historic artifacts are stolen in the middle of a high-profile ceremony… while nothing is as it seems on Kota. A mounting medical emergency coupled with the science station's failing technology—and no hope of rescue—has Doctor Crusher racing against time to solve a disturbing mystery threatening the lives of all her colleagues….


The Enterprise is transporting guests to Betazed for a ceremony to commemorate the bringing together of the treasures of Xiomara, a great Betazoid hero, for the first time in hundreds of years following schisms among the houses. En route, they receive a message from a Federation team who have been assessing the planet Kota prior to colonization by refugees. Their commander has been killed in an accident so Captain Jean-Luc Picard assigns an away team including William Riker, Data and Beverly Crusher to assist them.

During the ceremony, the three treasures are stolen. With Picard ordered to stay on Betazed to assist with diplomatic efforts, Worf is placed in command of the Enterprise as it searches for the thieves. Worf and Deanna Troi discover that Aviana Virox, one of the house leaders and a former Betazoid intelligence agent, was abducted and impersonated by an old Romulan rival, Thuvetha, who stole the treasures and is planning to sell them.

The team on Kota are plagued by mishaps. First, several members of the team are rendered unconscious without explanation during an investigation of the beach. Then, an infection spreads to the team's technology, including Data, eventually causing their base to dissolve. Crusher eventually concludes there is a lifeform on the planet, existing as a hive mind within the sand, who has been attempting to communicate with them. She manages a rudimentary conversation within a dreamscape as a prelude to further contact.

Worf, Troi and Aviana trace Thuvetha's employers, a Ferengi consortium led by the reclusive Bryt the Baron. Troi uncovers the reason for Bryt's seclusion: Bryt is a Ferengi woman who leads a network of other Ferengi females secretly doing business. Troi convinces her to release the treasures rather than risk official Starfleet investigation.





Asah • Besta • Bombardo • Bryt • Challinor • Beverly Crusher • Data • Derak • Divan • Eliana • Fortnoy • Hakruth • Homn • Kociemba • Geordi La Forge • Lara (Ensign) • Amanda Malisson • Mosweu • Amir Muñoz • Naysmith • Onora Opeila • Oreste • Jean-Luc Picard • William T. Riker • Josefina Rikkilä • Rivera (USS Enterprise-D) • Rusina • Andra Sai • Sasek • Jarkko Sentis • Sh'yan • Cecil Solanko • Sral • Sulel • Sildar Syn • Szczepinski • Junipero Talma • Thuvetha • Adora Trigg • Deanna Troi • Lwaxana Troi • Tirra zh'Undissa • Aviana Virox • Loriana Virox • Worf
Referenced only
Rohana Ahmo • Amalia (Betazoid) • Casimir • E'kan Closa • Enni • Narendra (character) • Aarno Roque • Sbrana • Seabert • Tangela Vallejo • Brice Virox • Xiomara

Starships and vehicles[]


Romulan bird-of-prey.

USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class explorer) • T'varo-class Romulan bird-of-prey (bird-of-prey)
Referenced only
USS Stargazer




Andor • Betazed • Federation science station • Isszon Temple • Kaelon system • Kota • Uesta
Referenced only
Aratril • Cuziti • Ferenginar • Nilko system • Uskati system

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • android • Arcadian • Betazoid • Bolian • Ferengi • Hekaran • Human • Klingon • Orion • Romulan • Vulcan
Referenced only
Aurelian • Bajoran • Daor • Gartian • Gorn • Hallian • Taschan

States and organizations[]

Betazed Security • Fa'ud gang • Ferengi Alliance • Romulan Star Empire • Starfleet • Tal Shiar • United Federation of Planets

Science and classification[]

Celsius • combadge • database • keypad • lifeform • machine • positronic brain • scanner • sensor • technology • telepathy • thermometer • time • transporter • tricorder

Occupations and titles[]

ambassador • captain • chief medical officer • commander • counselor • dignitary • doctor • ensign • lieutenant • officer • physician • security officer

Other references[]

artifact • Before the Mirage • Betazed flower stew • ceremony • diplomacy • dress uniform • emotion • Enshrined Disk • Essar ruins • Five High Arts • geochronology • glass • government • Hallowed Urn • headdress • The Hidden Bones • Holy Rings of Betazed • hoop skirt • laboratory • Lakryn era • medicine • mek'leth • Sacred Chalice of Rixx • Sacred Silver • science • Tanzian flu • uniform • xenobotany • zutanian crystal


24th century


Related media[]

Star Trek: The Next Generation




published order
Previous novel:
Collateral Damage
TNG novels Next novel:
Pliable Truths
Previous story:
first by the author
Stories by:
Cassandra Rose Clarke
Next story:
A Dangerous Trade
Publication history[]
German language: Im Bann der Schatten, translated by Bernd Perplies. (Cross Cult)

External link[]
