Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Oo-mox is the act of rubbing or massaging a Ferengi's ears. (TNG episode: "Ménage à Troi", DS9 episode: "Q-Less")

Such is the importance of oo-mox to Ferengi males, the two-hundred and twenty-third Rule of Acquistion states "Beware the man who doesn't take time for oo-mox". (DS9 reference: The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, DS9 short story: "... Loved I Not Honor More")

A number of books have been written on the subject, including The Ferengi Guide to Sexual Fulfillment: The Joys of Oo-moxing , and Oo-mox for Fun and Profit. (DS9 reference: The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, DS9 episode: "Profit and Lace")

One of the chapters of Doctor Posck's guide Guarding Your Investment, Keeping Your Children Profitable dealt with excessive compulsive oo-moxing in Ferengi males aged one to eighteen. When Ishka learned her young son Quark was oo-moxing, she put numbing ointment on his ears. (DS9 novel: Legends of the Ferengi)

Rom would often oo-mox his own ears into his adult years. (DS9 episode: "Bar Association")

Quark's cousin Gaila performs Oo-mox on himself while touching Dax and makes mention of her being a clothed female (taboo in Ferengi culture). (DS9 episode: "Business as Usual"

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